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Rae Ann

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Posts posted by Rae Ann

  1. I believe the general rule of thumb is 1 hour per inch in diameter of the container so for a 3" diameter jar it "should" take about 3 hours. This is only a guideline and I wouldn't drive myself crazy trying to achieve the exact timing. If you are able to get a full melt pool in less time without smoking or soot I'd say you've done a good job. If it takes considerably longer then I'd try a larger wick.

  2. I thought their customer service was great and wish I could say the same for their scents. Some were ok but I thought their Lilac smelled like a port-a-potty :tongue2: It may be worth trying some samples but I wouldn't invest in larger sizes until you test them first. I didn't have much luck with the ones I tried.

  3. Hmmm, any chance you've got some air pockets hidden in there? Are you getting any bubbles coming up while burning? I've had that problem with this wax - tops look perfect then after burning a few minutes, POOF - hits an air pocket and tunnel city. I've found that it is quite easy to single wick the 16 oz. apothecaries with this wax too. I've never liked double wicking, seems like one of the wicks always goes out :tongue2: so I quit trying. Usually takes about 3 hours for me in this jar to get a full melt pool with a 60 paper core. I do get mushrooms but the melt pool is beautiful. Maybe try a single ECO 14 and poke some relief holes to make sure they're aren't any hidden air pockets.

  4. Well, I've never used the ECO wicks but I'll try to help as I have used the Ecosoya Advanced. Is the ECO 14 the largest size in that series and rated for something like a 3-4" container? If so, I'd say it's way too big for that jar. Did it have a huge mushroom after your first burn? The Advanced soy burns MUCH easier than regular soy and easier than some paraffins I've tried. Do you have any other type of wicks? Maybe the ECO's aren't compatible with the Advanced? I have use CD, LX and paper core wicks with this wax and haven't had any problems with drowning - actually I've had the opposite problem - burning too hot! I would try something like a CD 12 or LX 20 or 44 paper if you have any. Henry has done a lot of testing with this wax and LX wicks so maybe he'll see this and be able to offer some advice. Good luck! ;)

  5. One more thing I noticed... after the wax has melted in the pot there are all kinds of little floaty things in it, like little white specs. I even dumped all the excess wax out of my Presto pot wiped it clean and started over and still saw them. Has anyone else seen this? :confused:

  6. I asked them about this too because I had read a few posts about increased frosting and cracking and they also told me that the formula had NOT been changed. Are you still mixing it with another soy or just using it alone? I have been using it alone and have not had any frosting but I have had some circular cracks around the edges of my larger jars. I haven't used Joy for about a year and just got a case a couple weeks ago. The manufacture date is 10-05-05. Maybe you could try using a larger percentage of Joy if you are mixing it with another soy?

  7. I've been using the new Advanced Soy and I really like it. I do mix mine with about 20% plain soy (no cottonseed) and 2% stearic. Most of the scents I've tried have at least a good throw and some are excellent. I don't like the look of plain soy either unless it's uncolored but most of my customers want color. The blend I've been using has very little frost (if any) and they set up so nicely. ;)

  8. Henry, your candles look awesome! Glad the stearic worked for you. I haven't had any air pockets with this wax - just one more reason for me to like it :D . Please let us know how your burns go with the stearic and how the scent throw is with the Bamboo, been wanting to try that scent. I'm betting the 26's will be plenty for that size jar as I can wick a 4" with an LX30 no problem unless it's a super heavy oil. I have found no need to double wick with this wax - it's so cool - I get a beautiful 4" full melt pool that is smooth and level and sets up perfectly every time. Gotta love it!

  9. Very pretty Ellie! I'm not really sure if curing with the cap on or off makes a huge difference, I just do it to keep dust and stuff off the tops. I let them cool overnight and cover them the next day. I would definately try adding your fragrance at a higher temp. I've read many posts about this and how it does help the fo bind with the wax thus increasing scent throw.

    Henry, I still have no frost with the addition of stearic. Someone on another board heard from NGI that you can use 2-4% but at 4% it may increase frosting and may change the wicking. I used just under a tablespoon per pound which I believe is around 2% and it doesn't seem to have changed the wicking at all. No wetspots with the new version and stearic either, (had some with the old version though) they're just beautiful! I am using 4" apothecaries and I do warm them before pouring.

  10. I poured some candles the other day with the stearic using a little less than a tablespoon per pound and they set up beautifully with no seeping as of yet - it was close to 90 here yesterday. I cure my candles with the lids on and have used fo's from various suppliers. Millcreek, KY, Snowtop and The Scented Bean have some wonderful scents that do very well in this wax - I think they do more testing in soy and don't stock oils that don't perform well in it. I've read some posts that say they don't get any throw whatsoever in this wax but that has not been my experience. There have definately been some that threw better than others but I've never had any with no throw at all. Have you had any like this Ellie? I typically use 1-1.2 oz. of scent per pound, add this at about 160 - 170 degrees and pour between 130 and 150. I like wicks that don't curl in this wax like LX or paper core because it has such a low melt point that the CD's and HTP's tip over too much if the melt pool gets over 1/4" or so. They also give a nice even melt pool where as the wicks that curl always give me an off center pool. Not too many of us seem to like this wax but it has so many good qualities that I'm not giving up on it. With a little tweaking, I think it makes terriffic candles!

    PS - try the Scented Beans Cranberry Bliss or Millcreeks Storm Watch if you want to see how well this wax can really put out the scent ;)

  11. I have been using this wax (old and new versions) mixed with 20% EZ soy and it seems that some scents throw great in it and some do not. I've had better luck with floral and fruit scents in this than I have with bakery type scents. Some people, myself included, have had trouble with fo seeping with this wax in warm temperatures. I just read on another board that NGI is recommending adding 2% stearic to help with the seepage so I'm going to give it a try. I wish everything were already in there so I wouldn't have to mess with it.:tongue2: In spite of it's flaws I do like this wax, it makes really nice looking candles that burn cleanly and easily, and some of the scents I've tried in it have been absolutely wonderful.

  12. I haven't had any problems with cracking so far, its been in the 90's here too but I don't have air conditioning :( so that could very well be the problem. I had trouble with my candles cracking around the wick last winter when it was really cold. I was able to minimize the cracks by keeping the top from solidifying, using my heat gun to keep the tops "open" as the rest of the candle cooled. It actually worked pretty good. The only problem I'm having with this wax right now is sweating. As I mentioned, it's been in the 90's and very humid so I'm hoping this goes away when the temp goes down.

    Looking forward to your test pics Henry, and hearing your opinion of this new wax as you burn a few ;)

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