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Posts posted by Michi

  1. Although I'd love to have a huge rack (for soapin' and otherwise! ;) LOL) I don't have the room for one, so I bought a metal shoe rack, that fits perfectly on top of my supply dresser. It has 4 shelves and I can fit a ton of soap on it. :)

    Never had a problem with scent transfer.

  2. 6% Superfat. Wait for Columbus to get it back in stock. It lasts for a long time and they have the best pricing by far, $17.99 for 7#.


    Yep, I've been waiting and waiting and WAITING, geesh! :waiting:

    I need some other oils as well, but wanted to order everything together, but if they don't get that Babassu in soon, I'm gonna be out of everything, and not be able to scratch my huge soapin' itch I have lately! LOL

  3. Thanks everyone! :)

    I made two more batches over the weekend (will posy pics tomorrow if I can cut them. ??) Two different recipes.

    Now I REALLY need to get on the ball and order some more oils!

    I've got the soap itch really bad and if I run out of oils I'm gonna be extremely mad! Grrrrrr

  4. Lately all my soaps have been "spongey" and a wise soaper told me to try a small water discount. ;)

    They do tend to firm up over time as they cure but makes it really hard to cut them and having no patience I hate waiting to see my soapies. ;)

    I made a batch last night with the advice given me, and tonight when I unmolded, it DOES seem to be a bit harder.

    Did you happen to use TD in this batch?

    It seems that the batches where I use TD are the ones that are softer, not sure if that's the case, but it sure seems to be a pattern.

  5. To the OP:

    Obviously you can tell by the majority of replies, that everyone uses more than one FO supplier and it's next to impossible to pick just ONE favorite!

    Usually what happens is a certain FO won't throw from supplier A, so then you have to try it from supplier B, C and/or D etc.

    Or supplier A doesn't carry certain FO's that you want so you have to go with another supplier.

    That being said, here are my favorites-all equal as far as the FO's I use from them:





  6. Well it's all snuggled in a box with a towel on the inside and wrapped up good on the outside. :)

    I just checked on it (couldn't help taking a peek) and it's still warm, so I rewrapped it and will check on it again this evening.

    The WBM did not accelerate at all, nor did it discolor, and I was kinda scared it would cuz it is a pretty yellow oil.

    The scent DID seem to morph a bit, started smelling like mildew-ewww I hope the scent comes back! UGH

    I did a tiny water discount per E's advice, since all my soaps have been so soft lately-from the default at 38% something to 33%, so not too much. ;)

  7. Well, I'm getting ready to pour this in my oils n butters, so we shall see!

    I hope your memory serves ya right Scented, and that does indeed soap like a dream!

    I have a feeling it may darken a bit, so I'm adding a bit of TD.

    Wish me luck-its a new recipe, new FO, and first time doing a water discount-geesh what was I thinking?! LoL

  8. I don't think you should use candle dyes as they are oil based and usually are a bit thick-have you tested this out?

    I use soap colorants and use as much as needed to achieve the color I want.

    As far as having different colors together in the same fragrance-yep just color and scent them separately then mix the two (or 3 or more) together.

    As far as how much to charge, it depends on YOUR market area.

    I saw some in a shop in San Fran and they wanted $12 a 1/4 lb! EEK!

    I live in a more rural area, so I know I could never get that price for them!

    Maybe figure out your cost and then multiply that by 3 or more and see what ya come up with.

  9. and NO zap today! And it's got awesome lather already! :whoohoo:

    It's still pretty soft (like firm cheesecake) but I was anxious to see it. LOL

    Although it's pretty soft, it's also kinda crumbly, which is weird to me, contradictory really. Oh well.

    I love how the colors turned out, just wish they would have went down in the soap, but my colored portions were just too thick.

    Oh it's Coconut Lime Verbena from Peak, and it doesn't really smell like BBW's but it smells good and it's STRONG, think I'll use less next time.

    Gotta give a shout out to everyone who helped me come up with some recipes using canola oil-this is Meredith's recipe, but I plan on trying the others as well. :D




  10. Awesome.... that is what I was looking for.

    To me a persons opinion, even though all noses are different, means more than a "description".

    the list is forming!!

    That's why as someone else mentioned, you should do a SEARCH for CS FO's, and you'll get more "opinions"!

    I'm sorry, but opinions from complete strangers just doesn't do it for me, I gotta smell them for myself, hence the reason suppliers sell sample sizes.

    Everytime someone asks for opinions on FO's, I remember back when I asked about a certain FO, got lots of praise for it, etc. but when I ordered a sample (thank goodness only 1oz.) it smelled JUST LIKE CAT PEE!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

  11. There is nothing in those ingredients which would be "bad" for soap. ;)

    The only oxide I've used (so far) that morphed on me really bad was the maganese violet (which I see is in the "general" list of ingredients), it turns to a blackish mud color-super fugly.

    Others have stated this as well, so that is one colorant to stay away from. ;)

    All the micas I've used so far, have stayed true in CP.

  12. Michelle,

    On my colored portions if they get too thick I add about 1 tablespoon of distilled water and stir until I get the consisteny I want.


    Good idea, hadn't thought of that. Thanks. :)

    Obviously, it doesn't effect anything right?

    I'm gonna do another batch today, and I'll definitely be trying that, cuz it seems no matter what colorant I use, it always thickens up on me. :undecided

  13. Those are awesome! What do you cut your soaps with? I love it!

    Soapfreak, you can get one of those crinkle cutters at any kitchen shop. ;)

    Wick- you're doing great with the M&P, love the colors you're achieving, and the swirls are awesome! Like someone else mentioned, swirling in M&P is not an easy feat!

    Makes me want to get creative myself-I haven't done any M&P art since before Christmas!

    Keep posting pics, I love to see all the soap porn!

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