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Lightning Bug

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Everything posted by Lightning Bug

  1. Hi. I just wondered if those that use these oils in soy cut back to the recommended 1/2 to 3/4 oz. per pound. I like many of her oils, but am reluctant to try at that lower percent. What have been your results in say 415 or C3? TIA. Beth
  2. A long time ago I had a sample of this from Just by Nature and I think I really liked it. Does anyone use this or is any other FO very similar from a different supplier? Hate to order one bitty sample. Want to make sure I like it. Also, haven't noticed many people mentioning them for supplies and wondered why. Seems their products are good? TIA. Beth
  3. What exactually does the wick do? All right, I know it burns. Obviously one type of wick will work better in some waxes than others. Is the wick to just heat the melt pool and burn the wax or how else does this effect throw? For instance, I have an 8 oz. wide mouth canning jar candle. I get a perfect meltpool and no soot or mushrooms with two Eco 6s. It can burn 6 hours plus and stay about the same as far as depth of melt pool. But no throw. This is with a combination of 415 and CB30 so it is about 65% soy. Using Tahitian (sp?) vanilla from FOH at 7+ %. Do you think it is just that this FO won't throw in this combo or? I am not convinced that the CB30 throws so great, but with that much 415, I thought it would do better. Kind of disappointing...perfect burn, no throw. Ideas? Beth
  4. Hi Maggie. Is the CBL129 all paraffin? Just wondered why you quit using it. I see a CBL125 and the CBL 130. Candlewic told me the 130 is about 50/50. Not sure about the others. I wondered about their soy waxes, also. Not to much info on the site. I thought 4-5% FO load for the Soy 125 seemed a bit low. Does anyone know the difference between the Soy 125 and Soy 120? Apparently they are not C3. I have a basement full of wax (mostly 100% soy)and none that I can truly say I love despite testing and playing with them for 3 years. Ordering a 10-11 lb amount costs in shipping usually at least the cost of the wax. So I am reluctant to order more unless it sounds extremely promising. The C3 I just tried, had the black sooty goop in the wax even though not over wicked so am leery of more of it...can't find the post about that and how to cure it if included. Wanted to stay with soy, but think now the 50/50 may be the way to go. Any info on these Candlewic waxes would be appreciated. Thanks. Beth
  5. Hi. Was in a fabric store yesterday and found a great piece of fleece on sale. I need a baby gift in march, so decided to use this for a blanket. Somewhere I read that two layers tied together (way I did older grandkids) would be to heavy...so any unique ideas on how to finish the edges on a single layer? TIA. Beth
  6. Still none out west. But, just wondering on the Ky, is that the perfect blend or the improved perfect blend or something else? I can't find anything to give ratios, so not sure. I have used a few things from KY and do like them. Still, I'm afreaid shipping is going to become an even bigger problem as fuel cost continue to rise. Beth
  7. Hi. For those that use the 50 soy/50 para blend, have you tried waxes from different companies and were they comparable? I would like to try Farmhouse, but they are a long way off from Idaho and shipping is a killer. Just wondering about blends from more westerly companies. TIA. Beth
  8. Hi. I've mixed these two waxes if, as most say the ezsoy is 415. My soy was really hard to burn and so I used this paraffin. I tried 50/50 and 60/50 (soy/para) and had pretty good results. I did get some wet spots, but they colored well and smelled good. I would think you could do 70/30 (soy/para) and get nice results if your soy is normal. Mixing the two made me think of going to a pre blended wax after I use up the soy I have as it elmiminated the frosting and bad tops the pure soy offers. As some say, the best of both worlds. hth. Beth
  9. Thank you Arlene. I guess I thought the variable temp was part of the burner. But now I see...only a little slow. Good idea...think I'll check it out after Christmas. And bthouse, thanks for that info. on the Levine. That's what I wanted to know. Beth
  10. Hi. I bought a few of the Obi warmers on one of the co ops. I have since done a search here and agree that the Obi 24 watt gets to warm...about 180-190 degrees. It was mentioned that someone had a two temp one or a variable temp one...something like that...so you can melt faster and then keep warm at a lower temperature. So I wondered where these could be purchased. Looked at Levines and theirs are 20 watt but didn't see any two temp ones. So if that isn't possible, do Levine's 20 watt ones keep the wax cooler? Every gift store around here has different brands, but I sure didn't find much by googleing (word?) I really would like some safe ones. TIA. Beth
  11. Well, I just got done wrapping all 7 granddaughter's gifts...Whew. I think I should start now and make next year a homemade Christmas. Anyhow Texas, I am not much of a knitter, and I made some good socks...wouldn't win a blue ribbon, but the husband likes how they fit and feel. Used four needles and the "Learn How Book" from Coats & Clark...cost all of $0.35 years back. I got my toe to cuff pattern from here: "You're Putting Me On Socks" http://www.knittingpatterncentral.com/directory/socks.php And boy is there a bunch of sock patterns to look at! The easy to follow pictures on the toe stitch are at this site: http://www.spellingtuesday.com/kitchener.html Have to say I find the computer helpful. So, Texas, check out these sites and grab those needles. You might be the first to finish! Beth
  12. Hi Lori. No, I haven't started these yet. But I hadn't thought about the trying on as you go as a plus. On my first pair I followed some Internet directions for knitting the kitchner stitch for the toe (when I got to it) as I couldn't understand my Mom's (there were pictures!). Using them, it was easy for me to follow. I do like that way as there is no seam. I will probably try and finish this second pair that I started and then try the other way. I downloaded it from the Internet also. My problem is I am not an acomplished knitter and just reading the directions didn't make a picture in my head...especially the heel. But line by line might work for me. And, I get to projects very slowly. I'm hoping to knit more this winter as it gets dark so early and TV is so uninteresting. You probably will try first...so then you can let me know...otherwise, I will keep your name on file and let you know how it worked for me. I'm so glad you answered as I almost decided to not even try toe to cuff way if no one uses it ever. Now I will keep it in mind. Thanks. Beth
  13. Hi. Not to put Peak's cotton wicks down as I found they don't seem to mushroom as much, but eons (seems) ago, I tried them i containers and it seemed they didn't burn quite as hot as the regular 60 and 62 cottons. Trying different wicks produces different results. Maybe run a quick search on your wax and see what others using the Advanced use. As far as FOs, some do and some don't seem to work in soy. Sticky at the top helps and the classifieds are a good way to pick up FO samples and sometimes wicks from various companies. Three years and I'm still working at it, so don't give up yet. hth. Beth
  14. Hi. I saw a pretty cane at a gift shop the other day. It was light pink in color and had like rose potpourri added. Some floated to the top, but some did stay in the rest and it was quite attractive. I plan on trying to make one after Christmas. I just don't think you could use fresh flowers and the one I made with the silk bled dye a bit and I didn't like how it came out. hth. Beth
  15. Hi. My mom's health has declined and my hubby's sock are getting more worn so I have inherited this task. I did make one pair trying to follow mom's old directions...the only problem is, in places she wrote, "Ask me to show you." And, she can't any longer. They turned out pretty good and I am on my second pair. What I wondered is if anyone has tried the socks that you start at the toes and knit up to the cuff? I found a pattern on line, but not sure how it would work and so thought to ask here. It probably takes the same number of stitches, but wondered if there was any advantage? Thanks. Beth
  16. If you live where it is cold, the Fo can crystalize and look cloudy. Try putting the bottle in warm water for several hours and see it that helps. I just got some from Peaks that was actually solid on the top and after a few soaking periods, it is just fine. This may not be the problem, but it is a possibility and a quick fix. hth. Beth
  17. Hi. Just poured my first C3 (no additives) after reading many back posts concerning soot in wax, cracks, etc. I think the wax is rated for 6% FO and have been told that added USA will let you increase this if needed. It sounds like many get pretty good throws at the 6% but wax wondering if any used the USA to increase load and also if you use the USA, does it make your wickinig sizes go up? If only used for appearance (mine seems to look good, but poured without a wick), do you add the total amount recommended by the USA seller? Any info would be appreciated. TIA. Beth
  18. Well, it is morning and the candle tunneled some and then the flame started flicking all over. I cut the sides off and again a steady burn. I figure it is just like in a container creating it's own air pattern...Now, the flame remains taller and burning brightly. So, would a bigger wick have a bigger flame? My 27 ply should be here soon and I will try it. Oh MYo, I am never offended with suggestions especially ones that have answers as well. Not sure how to get the flame smaller without loosing any meltpool. A different type of wick? And, I have never heard of candle followers. Does the melt always go inside the candle and not down the outside? Are they metal and where do you purchase such a thing? They sound and look really great. I thank you both for the info. I Feel like it is going to be a great day. Hope everyone is having one! Beth
  19. Thanks, Pam. I like making them too. I'm just starting and not to sure on the wicking. I am going to try the 27 ply thanks to CareBear. Do you put your wick a bit off center or twist or ? to get a centered burn? I did let it burn for another 2 hours and still no mushroom, but about a 3/8" wick and the edges thinned down fairly good, but especially on one side. The flame stayed a bit larger than I thought it should be, but not sure. Would like to get it down enough to give a few to family this Christmas. Will light tomorrow again. Beth
  20. Made this the other day and used a 24 flat ply in 140 melt wax with 3 Tbsp stearic, 1/2 tsp uv, 1/2 tsp vybar, and 4.8% Vanilla Bean Noel. The pics are of the first burn after 4 hours. No mushroom, straight flame, but it seems sort of tall to me. But it still has some area to the edge so thought I'd get some opinions. Just wondering about the flame height. Thanks. Beth [ATTACH][ATTACH]13920 [/ATTACH][/ATTACH]
  21. Thanks. I guess I just wondered if the square would be a bit hotter than the flat. Lx haven't been my choice in containers, but maybe should try them in these. I was really tired last night and didn't take all the time to do the search. Sometimes it would be neat to have a chart with all the types of wicks put in order of hottness (word?) with each other. I tried making one by the charts for each, but it sure isn't perfect yet and is more for just containers. I have been seeing some great looking candles in shops lately, but want the great look and also that perfect burn in my candles. Thanks again. Beth
  22. In my 3" rustic pillar, I used a 24 flat braid in 140 paraffin with added stearin, about a tsp. of vybar and 5-6% FO. They look great, smell great, but they are a bit under wicked from what I can see...tunneling with 1/2" wax left around. But also, a bit of soot. Maybe to much FO? So, I don't have a 27 flat, but do have a 30 but thought that might be to big due to the bit of soot. I also have #1/0 square braid. How would that fit in with the flat? I tried jerking the wick but decided I will have to remelt to try again. So thought I'd ask before redoing. TIA. Beth
  23. Hi. Just wondering. Is Swans the only supplier of a coconut wax? I haven't seen it anywhere else that I can remember and a google search didn't get me any. Just wondering how it looks, smells and wicks. Have you burned any yet Sparkette? Beth
  24. All of a sudden I moved numbers around and the KBs went down. Still not sure what I did. But here are the two pics after about 3-4 hours. [ATTACH]13621[/ATTACH] It looks like soot in the picture, but none on kleenex. I think it is picking up something in the house as a reflection. See the big mushroom after 12 hours! Now to see if these really are showing. Beth
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