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Posts posted by chiptooth

  1. Thanks for all the advise. I've actually gotten pretty quick at shrink wrapping them with the squares, but just don't like the excess stuck on the sides. When I do a craft show I don't have the room to put individual boxes out or displays for each fragrance and so I want to have them individually wrapped so I can put them in a basket so fragrances don't mix. Where can I find the 4" tubing?

  2. I've been racking my brain and can't think what BS (besides the obvious) stands for. Otherwise, sounds like a recipe I'd like to try. I started out in B&B about 7 yrs. ago and got away from it and used to make them and they were big sellers but don't remember what I made them from and who knows where my notes are.


  3. Okay..I'm cracking up. I remember browsing through one of these B&B posts and reading something about clear aloe vera at Walmart and when I was in there today, I happened to be passing the sun stuff and noticed the clear aloe vera and was going to grab a bottle and for the life of me couldn't remember what it was supposed to be used for or what post I saw it in. I remember someone responding that it was in their stores year round due to the heat. Any ideas anyone?

  4. Okay...I'm ready to try a basic soap recipe and I copied down the info for the 1lb. batch using the following:

    10 oz. olive oil

    4 oz. Coconut oil

    2 oz. cocoa butter

    I ran this through the lye calculator and being the math genius that I am (NOT) am stumped by how much lye I need. It said I should have 4-6 oz. of liquid and for the lye it said .14. Can anyone lead me in the right direction as to how to "weigh" this out or how I go about figuring this out. Also I have vegetable oil (I think it is soy actually) and forgot about buying olive oil when I was in W-mart today, so I will run this through the lye calculator again. Not sure which fragrance I'm going to try. I have some samples from Scents for Soy that smell great.


  5. I've been using a roll of shrink wrap, cutting into squares and wrapping the votives sort of like a present. Everyone has said they look professional but I'm particular and don't like all the excess on the sides and thought I'd be better off using tubing. I saw some at papermart that is 8" wide but you have to buy a roll of 1500 ft. for that size. It would take me forever to use all that for how much it costs. I thought about buying a small heat sealer (like for potatoe chip bags eurosealer) to make my own tubing but didn't know how well these smaller ones worked. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.


  6. I ran across this through a link through something else and was wondering if anyone ever tried to sell anything through there. I once was going to put my things online at cscrafts.com which has an actually "store" in Pittsburgh but their monthly rates are much higher than at craftmall.com. Might be worth a shot for my hurricanes and bears.

  7. I got my wick samples today...I wasn't expecting them yet 'cause I hadn't gotten an email yet. Guess I better get my housework done so I can do some pouring tonight! I didn't count them yet, but there is a lot to try. That's what I call great marketing!

  8. This must be a popular thing lately. I have requests for 2 showers. I bought gold spray paint(96 cents at my Walmart) and am waiting for a sunny day to go outside to spray the lids. Actually, I think I may put the shower info....like thank you for coming to my shower or whatever...print a round sticker to put on the lid so the only thing that would be showing is the outer edge.

  9. I'm getting ready to place my cc scent event order with the co-op and although I've been happy with their regular fragrances (except blackberry bramble) I don't want to buy a pound of something crappy! Does anyone have any experience with these in soy.

    banana nut bread

    fireside (what does this smell like actually)

    holiday hollyberry


    toasted almond crunch

    holiday babyberry


    or are there ones I should definately consider

  10. Where in PA are you? I've been using soy wax from Bluegrass in Kentucky and although its been awhile since I've had to order (50lbs at a time) the shipping didn't seem to be too bad (this isn't EZ soy, but their own creation and I'm satisfied with the results). I use votive/pillar wax from At Wix End in Cincinatti and the shipping is decent. I'm waiting on some of their container wax to arrive so I can tes it to get better shipping. Bluegrass is having a sale right now 50lbs. for $32.00

  11. I've used the all natural soy from Bluegrass with Beeswax added and their soy with cottonseed. These were my beginning waxes and am pleased with the results of both. I now have some soy from Millcreek to pour and test. After browsing the board over and over again and reading the posts from GL and GW....in your opinion, which is overall better... I know get samples and test, test, test...just looking for opinions so I know which one to try first (one with the most wins!)

  12. Is anyone ordering any of these fragrances from Candle Cocoon. There are a few more that I wanted during this last co-op, but was watching my $$. I am not suggesting another co-op, but if someone is ordering and would like to work something out to get the cheaper price and split the shipping or something send me a pm.

  13. I have a couple of requests for baby shower favors in baby food jars. I have plenty of jars and was figuring I'd spray paint the lids with a gloss white. Does anyone else have any lid covering suggestions. I used to cut fabric circles and glue them on when just doing a few, but too time consuming for mass amounts IMO

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