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Posts posted by chiptooth

  1. Wax Type: bluegrass candle supply w/o cottonseed

    Additives: none

    Dyes: color chips from Peaks or Candle Cocoon

    WicK: HTP

    Pouring Temp: less than 100, when wax is very slushy almost cottage cheese like and it sort of "glops" out of pour pot.

    Prevent Frosting: pour when wax is very slushy, glopping out of pour pot

    Rough tops: generally not a problem but have heat gun handy

    Wet Spots: generally not a problem but I don't worry about them

  2. Thanks for the info, but I don't remember them being micas. I'm remembering that they were actually dye chips for soaps and they were sort of like glistening. I am desperate to find these. My daughter and I bought flexible ice cube trays at Target that look like gemstones...so we made m&P soap in them and now she wants to embed plastic "gemstone" rings in them and from there we are doing a whole "princess" type line of soap/bath type stuff. I guess if I can't figure out where I saw these colors, I'll have to go with the micas or add glitter. I should've bookmarked it but I did jot the site down on a little scratch notebook here on the desk, but it's disappeared! Oh well!

  3. I've posted a couple of times before trying to find an answer but I guess nobody knows it, so I'm asking again incase someone finds my question again. I linked to a website from a topic here (somewhere) and it was for a website that the person sold toys like the rubber ducks to embed in soaps and a bunch of different soap molds but there were also colors that were sort of crystal like.... or sort of glittery without adding glitter. If anyone can help me or point me in a direction that may have something similar I would be VERY grateful....thank you , thank you.

  4. Good Luck. I hope you do well. Sometimes those little markets are the best. I did a 2 day fall festival type thing last year first weekend of Oct. just on a whim and ended up selling out of almost everything. I was scrambling Sat. night to find tart warmers and such just to put out on my table. I paid $50.00 for the 10x10 space for 2 days. I hope to do better this year as I will be more prepared but it is a Heritage Days festival celebrating the town and primitive/country type things go over well. I'd love to know more about the sheep cakes.

  5. Anybody???? Can someone tell me anyplace that carries any coloring for m&p that is off the beaten path of just the red , blue, yellow? I'm racking my brains over and over again to find the one place I should've bookmarked. She also had toys for embedding into soaps...not that this bit of info is of great value. Please....anybody????

  6. I saw somewhere on a website that I think I linked from a topic on CT and that sold a lot of melt and pour soap molds, toys for embedding and colors that were crystal like. I can't for the life of me remember which site it is and I lost the piece of paper I wrote it down on. I know this is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but if anyone can point me in the right direction to some coloring that is sort of crystally like I'd really appreciate it.

  7. A week or so ago I was browsing through all the CT topics and ran across something that linked to a website that had soap colors that were sort of like glittery and for the life of me I can't remember what the original topic was that lead me to there and I can't find the piece of paper that I wrote the website down on. My daughter is making M&P soap in gem shaped ice cube trays we found at target and wants to embed plastic "gem stone" rings in them and when I saw those colors..I thought would be perfect for her project. TIA for any help.

  8. Christmas....I'm trying to get ready for Halloween! LOL..I will definately be making a lot of gifts this year. My husbands sister and I decided last year that we would quit buying for each other and just buy for the kids. My sister and I exchange but she doesn't have any kids and she is always helping me out with my 3 as is her husband, so I don't spend much she usually gets some kind of ornament and my brother in law gets a huge bag of pistachios...although last year as a joke he got a pair of pink footed pajamas (adult size). He and my dad kept teasing my 11 yr. old son about Ralphie's bunny pajamas from the Christmas Story and were saying how funny would it be if he got a pair...so thanks to Ebay...I found a pair. It will backfire on me though 'cause sister and brother in law actually took them home with them, i was kind of hoping they'd give them right back so I could actually wear them (our house isn't insulated much and sometimes our bedroom gets really cold)

    Anyway...this year he will still get the pistachios but for my mom and sister I bought pretty floral canvas material off the clearance racks at JoAnn fabrics and I am sewing them garden totes. That's about as far as I got with the "ideas"

  9. I purchased the HP Officejet Pro L7580. I went into to Staples and told the guy exactly what I needed it for and after about 1/2 hr. going over the ones that would do what I wanted this is the one he steared me to. He said HP is kind of getting away from manufacturing laser printers so the L7580 was the next best thing. So far I LOVE it...prints super fast the color quality is fantastic and finally after having 3 other printers...I can actually print labels without having to adjust and adjust and adjust margins and such. I've gotten to the point where I print them with an outline on full sheets of label paper and cut them out.

  10. I bought 2 square flexible molds from the classifieds that were chocolate chips off-hand I think there are 36 cavities or something like that. I'm not sure where the previous owner got them from and cleared my pms. Anyway, I've been diligintly and painstakingly pouring these buggers with leftovers and found out that I have polyprop. zip lock bags that I can fit 10 dozen of these in, thus "scented soy chips" were born. I'd like to make bunches and bunches of these to offer along with the scalloped tarts. When I get some extra mula(yeah right, like its ever extra in this business when there are sooo many fragrances and molds, and etc. available) I want to do a bunch of embeds in themes (snowmen, gingerbreads, etc) according to fragrance etc. and put them in the bags as well. To quit rambling and get to my point. Is there someplace where I can get this mold or one similar with more cavities or I just need to purchase more of what I have. I saw flexible molds has one that is round and holds 30. TIA

  11. I've been pouring candles like crazy getting ready for a fall 2 day festival first weekend in Oct. (sold almost everything last year) and I went into my FO cupboard to see what I wanted to pour next and thought...everything is sooo boring, mostly bakery. Sooooo I ordered from Daystar: Good Looking Cowboy

    Purple Haze, and Stone Washed Cotton.Then from FOH: Phoenix Axe, Bedtiime Bath and Wisteria Blossom and the biggie: NG 1 oz. samples: amaretto,children's room,christmas cabarnet,drakkar,hot buttered rum, misbehavin,passionate kisses, sinus relief, lavender vanilla, white zinfandel, monkey farts, snozzberry, red hat, christmas wassail and friendship tea and 4 oz. of Doodlebug. I use soy from Bluegrass. Am I going to be sorry with any of these (look for them in the classi). I've been reading the reviews on these on the sites for days now!

  12. I started doing M&P years ago and am starting to get back into it but only worked with clear and white. I was browsing through the co-op for the bases and have to order some goats milk for a friend but was wondering about the oatmeal and aloe vera. Do you add anything to these or are they used in with other recipes. I was debating about the honey as well.

  13. I've pondered this myself many times. I bought a wooden rack with some glass jars sort of like the old ones found in the old candy stores with wooden lids. I want to give people choices instead of packaging together. My sister in law used to stack her tarts in the little square plastic baskets from the $ store and let people pick their own and put into a brown lunch bag, which went over really well, but then I was thinking gee, how would you know which scent was which? and it seemed to me the tarts were getting a bit banged up over the 3 day show we did. I bought a large roll of shrink wrap tubing and a battery operated plastic bag sealer (off ebay). I seal one end, put the tart in, seal other end then shrink. I am still planning on putting them in the candy jars but think I will organize them buy types in each jar (bakery, clean, etc.). My big question is whether I want to put a company label on each tart or if I want to just put a fragrance label and put the company label on the outside of the white bag they will use to put their tarts in. Any thoughts?

  14. Now that we're talking printers...mine got jammed and when I tore the paper out, one of the paper loading springs broke UGH! Not good timing when I have tons of labels to do. Anyway, my husband got a large bonus at work and said he'd buy me a new good printer and I'm leaning toward laser but I need one a printer/scanner and one that I can print pictures. Any good ideas for an all in one laser?

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