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Posts posted by chiptooth

  1. I think I've seen patterns in either Simplicity or McCalls for furniture. I know I"ve bought them before when they've had the pattern sales...just because they were cheap and I have all kind of time to sew/make everything I bought a pattern for (including the 8 that I bought Sat. night since they were only 99cents)

  2. Thanks. I think Candles and Supplies is about the same distance just East of me instead of West..I order from both places and shipping is comparable. I'm trying to avoid all the cutting as time is what I don't have. I was hoping someone could tell me if the base from Candles and Supplies will be comparible to the WSP. With working 4 days a week and basketball practice starting next week for both kids (different practice times) and Halloween and getting costumes done...UGH! I love the flip flop molds but we're making a rectangle bar with a small toy embed....daughter's request. We're also making bath poufs with tulle and maybe some fizzies. We're making a punch using blue raspberry cream soda and vanilla icecream and I'm going to buy princess rubber ducks to float on top of the punch. I can't wait. It will be a lot of fun.

  3. I finally used up my huge block of clear m&p soap that I bought a few years ago from where I don't even remember. I'm letting my daughter do a melt and pour birthday party and I need to order some more. I was going to go with the extra clear from WSP and order the 1 case to make it cheaper, but I hate having to cut apart that big block and weigh over and over again. I could go with the 2lb. tray which would be easier but does anyone know if the clear m&p from candlesandsupplies is any good. I love how they have the 1 oz. blocks individually scored. I think I used their bases many years ago but can't remember how they were and I'm sure they've probably changed by now. Any quick response would be greatly appreciated as I need to get this ordered and delivered in time for the party on Nov. 4th


  4. I ran into Target yesterday to buy a few things on sale and of course was drawn to the red clearance tags over in the "party" section. I got colorful paper bags, purse shaped gift boxes, wedding favor boxes, etc. for less than half price. They also had organza bags on clearance and 300 yrd. spools of curly ribbon etc. I had to hold myself back and only get what I needed.Might have to go back after I get paid next week and see if the prices dropped any.

  5. I applaud the enthusiasm of this 16 yr. old, but he needs to take in the reigns a bit and slow down and stick to one thing that is perfected and then move on to the next. Too many irons in the fire. From my experience in the soap isle...there is a WIDE variety of fragranced laundry detergents to choose from, why anyone would buy from a kid messing in the kitchen...remains to be seen 'cause it looks like he's not gonna take no/not possible for an answer. Oh well, gives everyone a little chuckle.

  6. I already carry pumpkin fudge from keystone candle supply and it is my number one can't keep in stock fragrance but I've had requests for just a pumpkin spice kind of like ynke and I am placing an order for the pumpkin fudge from keystone and thought about getting the pumpkin pie spice but I also thought about getting pumpkin crunch cake from NG and doing a gift basket with a recipe card and the non-perishible ingredients. I am so used to the pumpkin fudge, I'm not sure if the other 2 are similar or if it would be better to just stick to one or the other. I know the pf has a distinct fragrance and I think it is different enough from the the other 2 but not sure.

  7. UGH...this is the website I posted about in the soap section that I was looking for sparkley soap colors..after searching for a week or so I found her website again and after reading reviews on here about the slow shipping, I ordered anyway because her website said turn around time is 1-3 days because she has added help and the fastest best way to get a response is via email. I ordered on the 15th which I guess it has only been 6 days but my ordered has not been shipped yet and after 3 emails now, I still haven't gotten word from her as to when my order to be shipped. I would call but I have a 2 yr. old here and as soon as I get on the phone that's the cue to act up. I love some of the things she has available and would love to place future orders and don't mind waiting for a shipment if I know it is going to take xx amount of days I can plan ahead but to not even get a response from a business is kind of irritating. Anyway, just wondered if anyone has placed an order recently and how long it took to get to you.

  8. Not trying to add feul to the fire but my polish grandparents used to have a many fruit trees and bushes, plum, cherry, gooseberry, strawberry, apple, grape and I can't remember the rest but they made jelly/jam out of everything they got their hands on from the trees, bushes and out of the garden...tomatoe jelly (yuck) they also made brandy from all of these as well. I guess if there's a will there's a way! I'm sure my kids would love banana jam.

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