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beau's mama

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Posts posted by beau's mama

  1. I'm obsessed with lotion & body spray right now :D so last night I was "wish shopping" for supplies & came across an EO/FO modifier at WSP & the Chemistry Store. CS doesn't list ingredients & WSP just says it's a "proprietary emulsifying agent". If the ingredients are proprietary, how the hell are you supposed to label correctly :confused: Or do you buy the stuff & call the supplier for ingredients, kinda like "buy it & we'll tell ya what's in it"?

  2. :yay: :yay: :yay:oh my that looks sooooo creamy and I want to slather it everywhere! I bet you were beyond tickled when you realized just how easy it was.:highfive: :D

    Girl, tickled is not even close! I went from :confused: to :undecided to :shocked2: to *faint* to :yay: in 10 seconds. I'm still trippin' whenever I use it.

    Ahh, life's little B&B pleasures!

  3. I've read a few posts about the fusion magic breaking down and thinning out. Have you noticed any difference in the lotion yet?

    Hey Carrie

    I havent noticed anything different yet, but it's only been 2 days. I'm keeping watch on my little throw around bottle.

    Thank you all for the FB. I appreciate it!

    I still can't believe that I made lotion:shocked2:

  4. Looks super. How did you like working with the FM? Easy, huh?

    Yeah, it was easy. Being a virgin I didn't really know what to expect, & it started to thicken in a matter of seconds :shocked2: I don't know if that's what happens making lotion the regular way, but I'll find out soon.

    Coco, be careful. You know how this B&B stuff is...ADDICTIVE!

  5. I have had fun playing around with FM. I still heat and hold for 20 minutes and then make sure water and oils/butter are below 100 before mixing. I like the thicker creams/body butters better than the lotion consistency. I know some people have found that after a period of time, the lotion/creams pill. I have not had this problem yet. I made a body butter back in April and found it the other day. It is still very nice with no pilling.

    It is definitely fun to play with and so easy to use. Ann M

    Ann, what's "pilling"? The only pilling I know about is what happens to sweaters :) Don't tell me that lotion can start to look like that :shocked2:

  6. Ooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I've been eyeing this at KB and OT. That looks purely decadent! If it's that easy, I may have to get some soon. (Cuz, like, I need another addiction! :laugh2: )Good job! How's it feel??? Donna

    It feels great so far. I managed to get it in a bottle. We used it last night & I'm still nice & smooth this morning. There was a slight tacky feeling on my hands for about a minute, but not on my body:confused: then it went away. I have to figure out what that is. DH needs heavier oils (castor, avocado etc) 'cause his skin's so thick.

    I never realized how inexpensive making lotion could be. It takes very little ingredients to crank out a #.

    Go ahead & get some...feed that addiction girl!:D

  7. I purchased this a couple of months ago from KB, but was too nervous about making lotion to use it. I pulled it out today & WOWZA! For a virgin lotion-maker, this was too easy! So easy that I got nervous again :smiley2:

    OT sells it as fantasy creme maker, but neither of their instructions say anything about heating & holding the water (yep I've read a gazillion lotion-making posts!) I called KB & asked about that & was told (by the gentleman w/ that sexy accent:drool: ) that FM is a cold emulsifier :confused:

    Anyway, I heated the water to 170 & held it for 20 mins, let it cool to room temp,and got to hustling!

    Here's what it looked like in a matter of 10 seconds


  8. :yay: :yay:

    I've been toying w/ the idea of making lotion for a whole year, the whole sterile environment/preservative thing just made me nervous. Even came up w/ a recipe that I knew would be great for me, but still didn't do it. Well, I got a hair up my butt today & went for it.

    I used Fusion Magic / Fantasy Creme Maker along w/ my recipe. It's just a tad thicker than I wanted my lotion to be but I think I'm going to enjoy playing w/ the recipe. I'll play around with lotion-making w/ regular e-wax next week to see which one I like better.

    Thanks for looking!

    Daaaayum! I made lotion ya'll!

    ETA: I told a CT'er that I had been thinking of making lotion for a whole year & she replied:

    "But have you been trying to make lotion for a year? it's kinda sad if you have and still no lotion...lol but somehow I don't think you've really been focusing on it or you would be turning out expert gallons:D "

    She was right, so THANK YOU for calling me on it! You & that hair up my butt made me crank it out!



  9. Thank you so much, I'll try not to be a nuisance, but, I'm so excited and am dying to try something.

    Since I really don't know enough about most of the ingredients that go into soaping and the major b&b products, I figure it'll be a long time before I try some of that stuff. I'll simply go mad if I have to wait that long to make anything.LOL

    Well, I'm off to check out millersoaps now.


    HAH! That's what you think :laugh2: Something this addictive should be illegal!

    I started w/ M&P, got the body butter bug, and all hell broke lose after that!

  10. Please forgive my ignorance, but the only thing I have ever used these two items for is cooking.

    I am wanting to venture into the wonderful world of b&b. Me and my bank account have all of you talented folks that have posted the beautiful pics in the gallery to thank for that.

    I am wanting to start with a couple of simple items that don't require water, so I don't thave to worry so much about preservatives until I completely understand them. So I thought I might try bunny's bath melts and maybe some bath bombs, I am going to use family and close friends for Guinea Pigs:naughty:

    But I was wondering if the cornstarch and baking soda is food grade or if there is a special cosmetic grade that I should be using or if it even matters. I have done a search and couldn't find anything that addressed that specific question. I also have a few books, but couldn't find anything in there either. Thanks so much. Jennifer

    Not sure if it even matters but I use the food grade stuff. It's cheaper for me to get it from a restaurant supplier than buying from the store or online.

    You're gonna love Bunny's melts! Soooo easy to make. The original recipe makes a HUGE batch. I still have some left from a batch I made months ago! Someone just posted a scaled down version so you may want to look at that.

    HTH & have fun!

  11. They are a solid sugar or salt scrub you use in the shower. They look like a bar of soap but have no soap in them. I think they would be great as you do not have to worry about a mess like you get from the jar scrubs and still be able to use your favorite soap. I would love to know more about them. I have also searched and found little about formulating them and recipes. Hopefully someone will pop in and know where to look for the info.

    Thanks for clearing that up for me. I've never heard of or even used one before, but it does sound interesting. Now I gotta go hunt down a scrub bar to see if it's something I like :D

  12. I would really like to make a scrub bar. (not soap with scrubbies in it, but more like a lotion bar with scrubbies in it) Anyone have tips? Recipes? I've tried one formulation but it was just too hard! TIA,


    Forgive me, I'm running off 2 hours sleep in the last 24 hrs so I may just be confused, but do you mean an actual lotion bar that that you rub on after bathing that has scrubbies in it? If that's what you mean, I'm thinking "ouch!" :D

  13. I just use Borax (the 20 mule type) & BS. Add FO til I'm happy & mix. Once it's completely dry, I pop it in the blender to break up any lumps. Then into my home-made shakers (PB jars w/ holes drilled in the top:D ). Super easy & the scent lasts a nice while.

  14. I just came back from Deals. My first time going there. It's the same as Dollar Tree, they have the same items, owned by the same people, but this branch sells name brand food, even frozen food...and this store is HUGE! I happened to notice that the frozen food that wasn't name brand had "Made in the USA" on it. Weird...name brand stuff mainly made in China or somewhere else, non-name brand stuff made here :confused: OK, I'm getting off the subject LOL

    Anyway, I was getting first aid stuff when low & behold, I look up & see 2 shelves full of DeLon (the body butter people) Skin Toner :shocked2: . I grab a bottle & open it to sniff...virtually NO SMELL :yay: Definitely no where near the smell of the Dickenson's WH I have :tongue2:. The ingredients are De-I water, SD Alcohol, & WH Extract. $1 for 16oz. I picked up one to play with. I'll post what happens. If it doesn't work for my body, at least I can use it for the house, linens & car.

  15. Are you noiticing it in the bottle or after it is sprayed.

    I made my neices a body/room spray last Christmas using WH, Distilled water, and Black Rasp Vanilla FO.

    If you sniffed the bottle of it, it was noticeable, but once sprayed the WH will usually evaporate off and the scent shouldn't linger. Just like when using to make Bath bombs you don't end up with the WH smell because it's an alcohol that has since, usually lol, evaporated. What ratios are you using? Maybe it's too much WH. :confused: p.s. the WH i used was in a bigger bottle from WallyWorld. TN Dickensen's All Natural 14% alcohol.

    In the bottle...after it's sprayed...on ME! I just smell the freakin' WH everywhere! I even used a few of the strongest FO's I have, but even they didn't work...dammit! :mad:

    I was using 75% distilled water, 25% WH & fo to my liking. I keep lowering the WH & upping the FO but it's just not working for me.

    I guess I'll just play around w/ water, fo, & oil, shake til my arm falls off,& see what I come up with LOL

    I was trying to do something w/ ingredients that I could get locally. I love the cyclo/fco sprays but DH's wallet doesn't always care what I love :laugh2: Or maybe I can do some math b/c I think it may be more cost effective to get CME from Lotioncrafters. I used that when I first started, but then I discovered cyclo & lost my mind b/c it's just too easy to work with.

    What the hell is WallyWorld? Walmart in the country?

  16. Thanks E & MJ! I figured I added too much liquid. I'll let them sit longer.

    why did you add more oil? excess water (milk) can evaporate out - but excess oil ain't goin' no where...

    Ummm, well, the soap was a little old & I woke up one morning w/ this feeling that if I didn't try rebatching very soon, I'd die :D You know how those obsessive ideas take over your life. So, I decided to add more oil b/c I like less lather...figured the milk & extra oil would give me what I wanted. DH used a bar last night...said it didn't lather very much, BUT he didn't need oil afterwards...maybe I did get what I wanted!

    Yea, I know I have some ways to go working w/ CP, but it's going to be fun!

  17. I rebatched some CP soap almost 2 weeks ago & it's still rather soft. Not squishy soft, but firmly soft, if that makes sense. Is that normal? Maybe I added too much milk/oil :confused:

    Also, is there a particular type of lye to buy for CP soap? Or is it enough that it simply says sodium hydroxide on the label and nothing else?



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