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beau's mama

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Posts posted by beau's mama

  1. At the risk of sounding stupid, where do you get a sugar scrub base from :confused: I didn't know there was such a thing...what's in it other than sugar, oil & (perhaps) a preservative? I only use sugar, oil & sometimes jojoba beads b/c I only make it as we need it.

    As far as what's best, I guess that would depend on what you need & want from it. I make it for DH using Avocado & Rice Bran Oils. I have my own little stash of mixed oils that include mainly Emu & Meadowfoam Seed Oils along w/ a few others & that works fine for me, but too oily for DH.

    Have fun experimenting!

  2. I don't have an exact recipe, but I use either Apricot seed meal or Apricot Shell Powder. You can start w/ 1 tsp pp of base & work your way up from there. A little of this stuff goes a long way! The seed meal is gentle & the shell powder gives a little more scrubby action.

    I make these for the guys at my husband's garage & for the techs where I work & most tend to lean toward the shell powder.



  3. Welcome to the wonderful world of M&P. Another addict in the making :yay:

    I've used all the SFIC bases in the last year, but have now settled on the Low Sweat White only so I can add all my goodies myself!

    The shea is pretty moisturizing on it's own...but I've found that the gm base mixed w/ almost anything...ESPECIALLY mango base/mango butter or Emu oil...makes a really really creamy lathering & moisturizing bar of soap. Unscented, they are gentle enough for facial use or for those w/ skin issues.

    Maybe you could order the shea & maybe one or 2 others to compare :undecided

    Either way, have a blast...it's so much fun!

  4. Hmm...I'm no expert, but I would think twice before even considering spending that kind of money on a plastic mold (well, it looks like plastic). But, they state "flex" mold...is that as in flexible like silicone molds?

    I don't know what kind of soap you're planning to make (CP/HP/MP) but I do M&P and I've learned that in the last year I've wasted a lot of money on molds thinking that I "needed" them when I really didn't. My kitchen & Dollar Tree showed me that they have all I need...for a buck or less!

    I think you can even do CP in a lined ordinary box (CPer's, spank me if I'm wrong!)

  5. I have OCD's...naked soap makes me nervous.:o The thought of a gazillion hands possibly touching it before I use it bothers me LOL

    I sometimes let my M&P sit out for a few days...in it's own little area where no one can touch it LOL. Then it gets wrapped (with gloved hands!)...whether it's staying or going!

    I guess it's just a matter of preference

  6. ...For my first newbie question...what exactly is stearic acid used for in M&P? Happy soaping...CeCe

    Hi CeCe & welcome to the board!

    I've just begun to use (experiment with) stearic in my M&P soap. It's supposed to make the bar harder. I have noticed a difference in the bars, but I'm not done with experimenting yet.

    The best helpful hint I can give you is: keep the credit card in your purse & step away from the supplier web sites!:laugh2:

  7. I usually get them from specialtybottle.com...their prices are ok I guess & the shipping seems fair enough. I was just wondering if any of you have an even better place (cost less) that you would rec.

    I bought FO's during TSW's mega sale...just didn't realize they use plastic. It just...well...kinda pissed me off dammit :mad: b/c now I need glass bottles...just defeats getting the fo's at such a good price



  8. I would think it would depend on what's in the soap. Simple M&P w/ color & scent would be far less than...say...soap w/ Emu & GM, or an all butter M&P soap w/ Meadowfoam Seed Oil.

    All of your additives & packaging should be factored into the cost per bar...not to mention many other things.

    It's a tedious task, but necessary so you don't short-change yourself.

  9. MochaMama

    Heather's (the Gourmet Rose) bases are SFIC bases. Some of her bases are also from Wisteria Lane (same natural ingredients as SFIC, probably made by them). I've always purchased my bases from her b/c she is really an awesomely helpful supplier.


  10. Interesting thread.

    My 2 pennies...

    Anything you sell to ANYONE (incl fam & friends) should be of the best quality you can achieve. I think this is double for handcrafters of anything...we have to work harder...people are always more critical of anything not made in a big factory. Sadly, they don't realize that (most) handcrafters generally take way more time & care w/ making products & it's truly about the art of the craft (as opposed to making money) & the desire to share our talent & knowledge w/ the world...even if our world only goes as far as our community or our workplaces.

    Selling involves way more than just making a (hopefully good) product. It involves INSURANCE, testing, knowing your ingredients & how they react in your product, knowing (deciding on) your target market, marketing the product, being basically in the red for 3-5 years, balancing the books, & a gazillion other things. I'll type it again...SELLING IS NOT JUST ABOUT MAKING A GOOD PRODUCT!

    I can truly understand & respect the care & concern when Chandlers appear to "pounce" on newbies who want to rush out & sell their "perfect" candles. If I were knowledgeable in candle-making I'd be right there w/ them! Candles can be dangerous simply b/c of the flame...a poorly made candle is even more dangerous! So Chandlers, please keep expressing your care, concern & knowledge...you might make someone think twice...and save a life.

    As far as selling B&B products, I think the same testing & precautionary steps should be taken regardless of whether you make HP/CP/M&P soap, use pre-made bases or make things from scratch. Just b/c you know how to melt, stir, boil water, whip, color & scent or b/c a manufacturer says "all you gotta do is scent this & pour it in a bottle" DOES NOT MEAN THAT PRODUCT IS READY (safe) FOR SALE! I think even M&P soap should be thoroughly tested...first on you...over & over again... before you even give it away. Even soap can cause problems for some people. And nobody, no matter how talented, gets anything done perfectly the 1st few times. Knowledge, practice (testing) & skill is what turns out a good (safe) product. And nobody gets any of that in a few freaking weeks! Hell, some of us don't get that in a few freaking years!

    I've been handcrafting soap for almost 1 yr & other B&B products for almost the same amount of time. I have one kick-ass soap recipe that's finally perfect that I know will be a killer one day...but it's still being tested on what may (will) become my target market. Am I anxious to sell it outside my immediate world? HELL YEAH! Will I sell it right now just b/c it's perfect? HELL NO!!!!!!!!! It's still being tested...& there's insurance...and there's biz start-up issues...and there's.... SWIM? If I ever post that I'm ready to sell all the things I make just b/c I make 1 killer soap, I hope all the knowledgeable people on this board will pull my coat-tail (step in my ass) & say "wait...how'd the testing go? Is your ins in place? " etc, etc

    I said all that to say that what sweetie pie sees as a double-standard (and I agree) should be examined. The same seemingly "pouncing" posts regarding candles should be applied to B&B products...all of it can be dangerous due to lack of knowledge & if not made safely & correctly. I don't want anyone to get the impression that a pre-made base or M&P is "ok & safe" to sell the day after he/she learned how to melt or pour! We crafters really are excited & proud about our products...but we all need our peers to step up & help us make sure our ducks are in a row. None of us know (or remember) everything.

    And for those of you who don't think you can trust your fam/friends to be honest about your products, please PM me for my addy so you can send your stuff to for mine to try. My fam & friends are BRUTALLY honest! If I were a punk or thin-skinned, I would have stopped soaping 6 months into it! Boy, they hurt my feelings about my products...but it just made me determined to get it right!

  11. Hope I'm posting in the right spot :grin2:

    I have a cordless Wilton cookie press...don't know why I have it :confused: cause I generaly make drop cookies.

    What B&B stuff can I make w/ it? Bath bombs? Anything?

    I'm usually good at using items for multiple things, but I'm blank right now...getting ready for a 10-home garage sale...my brain is fried!

    I hate to sell it if I can use it to make something other than cookies!


  12. Hmm, I don't know. Maybe the coldness could be weighing them down :undecided

    Take a few out of the fridge, let them get room temp & then see if they float.

    I keep these things all over the place just to see what happens in different temps. I have some in the basement (coolest place in the house), in my bathroom (no window & it gets steamy in there!), outside in the screened-in porch, in closets...pretty much everywhere LOL. So far, they are all holding up pretty darn well. That Cocoa Butter is a tough little baby.

  13. I made these! Love em.

    Here's a question...

    do you think anything could make them float? Maybe using some naturasorb?

    anyone try this?


    I made these about a month or so ago and...well...mine float :confused: I just assumed this is what it was supposed to do LOL. I drop it in the tub once it's full & it sinks to the bottom for a few seconds, then pops back up, starts fizzing (a bit) and releases the cocoa butter & scent.

    So...um...should they not float?

  14. While cleaning my storage room, I came across some soap I used to use in-between using handmade cp soap. These ended up at Big Lots almost 2 years ago b/c the company changed packaging & started triple milling. I bought a case of 36 (I think) mixed bars for $18

    The soap is "One with Nature" & is the only commercially made cp soap (I think) that I have ever seen. The ingredients include salt & citric acid. Do any of you use these in your cp soap? How do/would you add it to the recipe?

    This soap is a huge 7 ozs, SUPER ROCK HARD, & if I remember correctly, it lasted about 2-3 months with just me using it. I used it last night & this morning & the lather/bubbles are still beyond wonderful, & it's not drying to the skin, just like I remembered.

    Just wondering b/c I do plan to venture into cp...one day


  15. Well, that's what I do.

    I have 1oz bottles, so I just pick an oil & fo, drop a few drops of T-50 in the mix & it's on! I get bored easily, so this works for me. I get to have what I want w/o making a big batch commitment.

    I keep them in the fridge or at the very least, store them in the cool basement. I'm anal like that :P


  16. It is a really great feeling when someone likes your stuff!

    Be careful, though, it's a vicious cycle. All that +FB will just inspire you to create more stuff, which leads to more supplies which leads to lean pockets, which leads to frowning DH's...which leads you back to the kitchen to create more wonderful stuff :laugh2:

    Oops, sorry...that's my life!

    Now that I think of it, -FB does the same thing. :grin2:


  17. I was making soap the other day & accidently added an ounce of FO pp of base instead of my usual 1/2 oz (1 TBS). The thing is, DH loved it! He said the scent stuck to his skin much better.

    I always though too much FO could be irritating, but since soap is a wash-off product...:undecided

    Any of you use more than an oz in 1# of M&P? Did it make your soap too soft? Did it irritate anyone that you know of?



  18. I was just wondering what size samples of body oil & bath salts you give out.

    I'm trying to keep hobby costs down, so DH suggested that I get 1/2 oz bottles for both. I thought 1/2 oz would be good for the body oil, but it just doesn't seem like a good enough size for bath salts.

    I also saw bottles that hold about 2 TBS (30 ml) :undecided

    What do you think?



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