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Posts posted by ShelleyBean

  1. The paraffin will all burn up. It just wouldn't be good to cook with because of the dye and fragrance.

    I tested one outside and it all burned up. Scared my cats to death!

    All ok I see, so if you use paraffin you should be good. I can understand not using it in a grill or anything where food is. I have all kinds of scraps I may have to try to make a few and see how my testers, aka friends, like them lol Thanks for answering :smiley2:

  2. I have a really silly question, but here goes lol When you use them in your fireplace, does it leave any kind of nasty drippings behind? As you can tell I have no fireplace and most of my friends homes have the gas type, so I am honestly asking as someone who has zero clue about them. I can see it not being an issue for a firepit or campfire, but was wondering about the fireplaces.

  3. I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I've unpacked my candle supplies :tongue2: All boxes emptied and stuff stashed in cupboards and drawers. I must admit it got me wanting to pour.... but i can't until I have my calor gas stove.

    Thanks for the push everyone. I WILL be back :D


    That's awesome!! You are going to turn into a marathon pourer when you get your stove won't you? :D

  4. I sell one blank and a 1/2 oz. bottle of oil (mixed with DPG) with eye dropper for $5.00. People seem to like this idea as they can refresh the blanks however strong they want them!! :cool2:

    That's a good idea, I haven't sold any myself either, but have given a few to people and they lasted a long time. My personal opinion about the cardboard ones not selling well is that they are pretty cheap to buy the standard tree or something else from say walmart. Maybe that's the trick, sell them the blank and let them "make" them themselves and have a way to refresh them instead of having to buy another.

  5. Thanks :)

    I could not do baby jars since I do not have a source for them, but I was thinking that size, something I can get at a craft store. I almost wished I made jar candles so people could just smell from there :)

    You could go with the 1.5 hex jar for sniffing. That's what I do when making jar candles and melts, I pour a little into the hex jar that way they can open and smell. The vials as mentioned would work as well.

  6. In the town I live in they are such a hit there is a whole store dedicated to it. I assumed it was a small strip mall type store, but it's really not. It's a really big store with so many treats it's unreal. Everything from the traditional dog shape to things shaped like donuts, french fries etc. At this place if you bring in your pet, they can get a free treat. Oh, and the place is always busy too, people waiting in line to check out. This was the first store I have seen like it and it was actually really cool. I was used to Petsmart and places like that lol

  7. Thanks, everyone :)

    It's funny, I've been selling my candles for almost 2 years now (wholesale and private label) and in sales for many years but I never got into the craft shows, not really sure why. It was so much work but worth it in the end.

    I know one of you asked about the setup. It's actually hardwood flooring. We had an extra box after having our home done and my husband is very handy with wood. I am so thankful for his help, he has been so supportive through it all.

    That would be me lol and that looks so good, very professional and goes right along with your upscale looking candles. I am hoping by next year I am where I need to be and can do a show or two, or maybe this coming summer even, who knows. All the pics you guys post when you do your set ups give the rest of us ideas on how to set up and it's a huge help.

  8. Most customers have no idea how a candle is suppose to burn, so they dont know its wrong. I used to be one who thought it was normal for a tunnel and didnt know I needed to let it burn for 3 plus hours.

    This was me before a friend of mine started selling Par** Li** (not sure I should mention it hence the * lol) and I went to a few of her home shows as a helper to make her feel more at ease until she got a few shows under her belt. I learned a lot about how to trim (never did that before either, I know bad, because it was on the instructions) and I never knew exactly how long I was supposed to burn a candle. I was a power burner, plain and simple. I'm pretty sure I wasted a lot of candles and it's probably a wonder I never caught anything on fire. :o

  9. I colored my first candle last night and now I have them dreadful white streaks in it :cry2: Did I put the color in it while was too hot or what? (now mind you this was done with some scrap candles that needed to be melted down anyways.. Ididn't want to "waste" my good wax till I get this down right!) so any tips from the expert tipsters out there would be soooo helpful right now... Thank so much!! :D

    I am far from the experts here, and hopefully they will come along soon and help you, but the only thing I can figure out without knowing exactly what kind of wax is maybe it's just that, all the different kinds of waxes. Unless of course the scrap candles were all from the same type of wax. Did you use the color dye chips or liquid? Sometimes too if you didnt stir it well enough that can affect the outcome as well.

  10. Gorgeous! Oh how I love doing the Candy Corn candles in the fall. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it. LOL

    Same here! Fall is my favorite time of year, and candy corn and all the scents of fall are the reason, well weather too of course lol. If that candle ended up at my house somehow I sure wouldnt hate it :D

  11. Thanks Everyone!! Really appreciate all the great input.:D

    Someday when I get really smart...I can give advice as well:tiptoe:

    LOL I lurked for a long time before posting, then jumped in. I felt useless because I had no advice but slowly but surely I got to where I could give advice on things. You might be surprised at the advice you can give already :smiley2:

  12. I don't make these, but I have bought them from a seller that's always at the Craftsmen's shows in Myrtle Beach. The ones I've gotten are the same size you're talking about and packaged on a fluted rusty tin plate. The loaf and plate was wrapped in cello and had a thin strip of homespun tied around it. The presentation was adorable, and I bought several to give as gifts.

    That sounds really cute, thank you for the input. :smiley2:

  13. I hope this is in the right place.

    I'm finally about to break out the grubby loaf mold I have had for a year (I know I know, bad Shelley) and start playing with it. It's a single silicone mold. My question, once I get the wicking down and testing of course, how do you guys that make these package them? I know I could wrap some nice saran type wrap around them, make them look real, but where or how do the customers burn them exactly? I have been looking for maybe some disposable mini loaf pans, but the only ones I can find by searching were all still way too big for such a small loaf. My mold makes a 3.5" x 2", 4 oz candle. Any ideas?

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