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Posts posted by ShelleyBean

  1. Hey next time ask them if they have a top secret security clearance and if not, sorry you can't tell them lol

    Thankfully I've not had to deal with this yet. My friends and family who test for me just love my stuff and just buy more and like someone said, glad they dont have to make it. Most of them already know the time and money invested in it and are happy just being able to get it and leave it at that.

  2. Okay since they look real I took a photo in a dish here it is. I am going to play a trick on my Hubby and Son they work in San Fran during the week they will be home tonight LOL I am going to leave these on the coffee table will see if they try to eat them *super banana* LOL

    oooh you're a mean one! lol I love it!

  3. Well, this is sorta on topic but........... what the heck do yall use to punch holes in these things???? LOL I got some ready to go and I've tried a long hole punch and they are too thick to fit in it. I've tried a brand new hole punch and it's not sharp enough. I've tried a drill and it tore it up. HELP!!:o



    The company I got them through has the holes already in them.

    I got them from http://www.bellandcompanytrader.homestead.com/products.html

  4. That is common with a lot of wickless candle sites.

    Now the question is do I think it is a good idea NO your wax only hold so much oil the scent fades the the oil remains behind. Adding more oil just increases the chances of fire.

    Others here will have varying opinions this is just mine.

    I would have to agree with you, if wax can only hold so much, it doesnt seem like a great idea.

  5. I am placing my first order with them, and need to get some of there MUST HAVES :grin2: any advice would be appreciated......oh and Im using 100% soy.


    Butterscotch brownies will make people think you baked all day, sure fooled MY family lol

    Some I have tried in both soy and 4630 and were great for me were

    Amish Harvest

    Strawberry Cheesecake

    Bamboo Lily

    This Old House

  6. Hmmm, I made one of the cardvoard ones for my daughter and she loved it. Said it lasted all summer. Then I repainted it to try to "refresh" it for her and she said the refresh didn't work. Couldn't smell a thing with the refresh, so I thought they were a one time thing.


    I made one for my son for his car, and it hung in there during the hot summer months in Kansas and made with red velvet cake (his favorite) and it stayed for quite a long time. I didn't try and refresh it though since it lasted so long. My (soon to be) daughter in law had one I made with Heavenly type and hers lasted a long time too. When I first made them I used quite a bit so they were super strong at first, and maybe between that and the hot cars that's why they lasted so long.

  7. It might be a good deal if you can it real cheap and be able to pick it up. Boxes are deceiving. It looks like more dried floral arrangements than anything else. Last year I was at a ladies home that was selling her inventory that was in her storage shed and her home and was filled with candle supplies. I bought quite a bit and was able to get a pickup full for less than $100.00 dollars and that included brand new molds, soy and beeswax containers, wicks, and potpourri. I didn't buy any FO's. She was moving across country and didn't want to pay for a moving van. Very good deal for me and another candlemaker that was going through her stuff. What a high that was....

    I noticed on the ebay site about shipping if you are willing to pay it, wowsers was all I could think about shipping cost. She appeared to have several oils and molds, but you are right, there was a lot of floral type stuff or basket filling stuff as well.

  8. OK, I just looked real quick did I miss where it said that the bid is only a down payment or something :o It looked to me like the bid what at $3 something and I didn't see a reserve...maybe I just need more coffee.

    Yesterday it was 99 cents I think, so dont feel bad, I dont get it either and I have had a big cup of coffee lol

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