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Everything posted by Lorrie

  1. My mom and dad took some one to small claims court years ago..They won their case. It was worth it to them.
  2. \No problem. And like I said this can be cheaper for you:) And just ask am I am sure anyone of us would be happy to give you feedback.
  3. Just remember if you get into swaps they can get expensive. Or you could send a bar to a couple of other soap makers and get their opinions of your bars. I have found this to be less expensive and a lot better for me because I can talk to them one on one. But I have two main recipes that I use. One vegan and one that I make with lard. I really like lard in soap but some people are funny about it so I have an alternative for those people.
  4. I hear you on that... **Sigh** I wish that there was about 5 of me. Like I said if anyone from my co-op got fbb that was grainy you need to contact me and let me know how much you got. I am going to call and see if the company will do anything for us. But I have been waiting to call because if they decide to do something it might only be a one time deal and I really don't want anyone upset with me..
  5. I want to make sure that no one else has had a problem with the FBB because I would like to make sure I know how many pounds we got of the grainy FBB.
  6. Yes, please do. Please pm me if it is. I honestly don't get a chance to check all the threads.
  7. Let me know if there is a problem with it. I need to know how much of the butter from the co-op is like this.
  8. Please contact me if it was grainy. I am trying to find out how many have had a problem with it. Lorrie
  9. Sorry I haven't had much time to browse the forum lately. The FBB comes from the same place. Chemistry store supplies NuScents. So even if you were to buy it from the Chemistry store you will be buying the same product. The only difference is the price of shipping from them to me. I have contacted the Chemistry store to see what can be done with this stuff. I have another 20 pounds sitting at my house right now. I will let everyone know what else I find out.
  10. I call and this is what they told me that the grainy things are little crystals that form during the cooling process when making the fbb. They said by warming the butter slightly before whipping it should take care of the grainy texture. The graininess will not affect the texture of salt and sugar scrubs. If this does not solve the problem let me know and I will find out if there is anything I can do.
  11. What are you using to whip it with?
  12. Well, crap! I will call and find out why there is grainy things in your fbb. You bought it from my co-op so let me see if I can get you some answers. Has anyone else experienced this with your fbb let me know.
  13. That is the one Jooniper bought.
  14. I totally agree!! LOL this is what happens when I have to borrow things from my 5 year old. And Jooniper THANK YOU for your order since I just put two and two together!
  15. Scented, I would gladly torture my skin for you. LOL
  16. If anyone needs instructions on how to use this feel free to pm me. I have only used it to make a sugar scrub so if you are looking to make something like that I can help but if you are looking to make something else sorry I can't help too much.
  17. Now, you are roping others into stalking me for a class? Now that terrible. My mom always told me to say no to pier pressure. LOL j/k
  18. I figured that everyone has been making purses so I needed to make something different. I have these up on my artfire store. I hope you like them!
  19. Send me a plane ticket and I can show you all the things that you can make with it:) Scented has been bugging me to teach a class on it. I have been debating if I can, I am not a very good internet teach I do better when showing people. The link above has a ton of wonderful recipes you can try with it.
  20. Thank I will email them and see if I can get it. They don't list it on their site.
  21. How the heck do you list these as an ingredient? Do you just list them as FD & C blue, red, etc? Thanks
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