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Posts posted by Casey

  1. I have put mine in my oven to cool before. Worked good as I have a vent that blows right onto kitchen counter. I have also used boxes to cover them up. Really helps on small candles.

    I wouldn't recommed that, unless you are sure put them on something that can hold all the wax if the molds should come unsealed and you have a spill. That happened to me. Got all over the inside of my gas oven, I had to take the whole thing apart, attempt to clean off all the parrafin and re-assemble it. Miracle it still works, but it hasn't been the same since, LOL.

    I would pour really hot, then cover the tops w/ tin foil, it slowed the cooling enough to give a nice mottle.

  2. Sharp! How do you print your labels...they look very well done

    I use planet label glossy full sheets and cut them for the tins. Kindof a PITA when you're on a time crunch, but getting 'em professionally printed doesn't make sense right now, if a FO fails, I'll be stuck w/ a bunch I can't use. This way I can print exactly what I need.

  3. Casey, Very nice. Can I ask a question? Why do you have the wicks diagonal? Does it make them burn better? Never done it like that. Curious to know the difference



    Didn't occur to me to do it straight across, I guess. I'll just call it a design decision (ahem) LOL. Oh yeah, what Beth said, cover the distance. I like to start testing with small wicks, to try and minimize the heating up of the outside of the tin. So there's usually hang up for a bit but it catches up.

  4. WOW Casey, those turned out awesome...where'd ya get thsose awesome tins (LMAO!) :yay: :yay:

    Christina, I'm sure Casey will respond too, but yes, they do burn better IMO. I wick my Craker Jars that way (they are square). Your intent is to reach the widest part of your jar, and this allows you to reach those corners easier w/o having to use a honkin' wick.

    LOL, Umm, this awesome chick from Vermont, actually:highfive: She even had my back when I ran out and needed some more!

  5. Yes. I asked to speak to the owner and they said that he is not going to speak to me. So I dont even know if he knows about this situatoion. She is now trying to back paddle and see what she can do to amke me happy. I asked to speak to the owner and she told me no. The company is BCN

    OMG! I sooooo knew it! They can be so awful. They don't give a crap about good service. I'm always looking for alternate sources for the stuff I unfortunatly need to get from them. Almost there, and then they're dead to me. LOL.

  6. Wow, they really told you to never order from them again? That's deep. You musta really hit a nerve. Dish the details! Out them!

    Unless you happen to be the type of person that really enjoys prolonging confrontations and stickin' it back to 'em just for the sake of it, I wouldn't bother with small claims. It's inconvienient, time consuming, and stessfull. I know it's the principle at this point, but still not worth the time to prep a case and appear in court. Every minute more that you spend on this is costing you, if not $, then emotional energy. I'd let it go, and find a different supplier!

    Good luck, and sorry this happened to ya!

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