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Posts posted by Casey

  1. [quote name=Sco

    And as far as making six figure incomes in 9 months' date=' well, if you're going to believe that, I've got a bridge I'd like to sell you. Any sensible person would take that with a very large grain of salt. Doesn't matter what the company or opportunity is.


    Yes, but the fact that they would make such a claim in the 1st place is indicitive of a general lack of honesty.

    I also saw the price list, and they are overpriced. Finished product pricing based on that cost will be harder to get thus it will be more difficult to make a profit.

    And finally, candles are a possible fire hazard. Encouraging inexperienced candlemakers to sell their newborn, untested products to make money in less than 9 months is irresponsible, to understate.

    I think that once you get going with your candlemaking, if you find that it is really something that you enjoy, and you end up getting serious about it, you'll want to design your own look, identity, and develop your own products, independently. Why do all that grunt work and spend all that creative energy just to put someone else's corporate name on it, especially if you can get better pricing anq quality supplies from other sources?

    Just my 2 cents, no rudeness intended.

  2. Your site looks great! Simple and elegant! Did you make it yourself?

    No, my honey did it all by his lonesome. He's a bit attatched to/proud of the green buttons, so we'll leave them for a while...I just don't have the heart to ask to take them down just yet.:undecided

  3. I've seen your candles before in the gallery, and really liked them then and NOW!! Love the simplicity of the labelling and site and LOVE the name (I'm totally like an 80's girl!! :D ).

    I agree, get rid of those annoying follow buttons, and recheck some of the scents spellings (there are a couple of misspelled), and you should be set!! :)

    Oh, and I don't think your prices are too high at all. ;)

    Oye! Totally missed those spellings, I found the raspberry, but the other one??

  4. I once did a birthday party w/ a bunch of 10 year olds. I took my presto, oodles chunks in rainbow colors & shapes and 4 fragrances for them too choose from. Used 1lb size metal molds in several shapes. I handled the hot wax and FO blending. Demonstrated and checked wicking up and sealing the molds, gave a little guidance about chunk loading. Then I helped each of them do their overpour. It went over big. I am a legend, LOL.

  5. I love tins. I have problems w/ wick stickers not sticking sometimes, and it is very annoying, but no wet spots is nice. Cost is nicer too. They are a more modern look, if ya label 'em right. I do jars also. I was anti jar for the longest, apothecary's read as cheapie drugstore brands to me, and I dislike the country/prim look, wouldn't fly in my area. I went with simple straight sided w/ aluminum lids. They are pretty cool lookin, if I do say so myself, there's pics in the gallery somewhere's.

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