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Posts posted by Casey

  1. Ditto that. Once you do a few, you'll end up networking and making contacts at the shows. I found one in there that I did last month. It didn't go as well as I hoped, but I had gotten an invite to another that I kicked ass at. And another invitation from that one. Also, you can go to a few in your area w/out participating to see if you want to apply for the next, if your stuff fits. :grin2:

  2. Okay, So I applied to a farmers market craft fair, they wanted to know the source of and if the soy is certified organic, and were possibly gonna reject my app based on that contingency. I was a bit taken aback, I really hadn't considered that aspect, more focusing on candle performance rather than crop sources. Plus having to give up my source just like that felt a little weird. I did it, cuz I want in, so I printed and faxed some of the literature directly from the NGI site, says no genetically modified materials, but nothing about being certified organic. So they called NGI 3x and got no response. Anyone know? Have any comments? Say for instance that the crops ARE organic, can the altered product of the final wax then be certified as well, or is that not really even possible? Found out today they're accepting me anyway, but I'm a little concerned about what to say to the intensly savy crowd I expect to be selling to. Ruminate with me...

  3. Very nice display, great looking products, and I'm so happy that sales were good for you! :)

    I "see" you in there as well (I'm assuming that's you right? ;) so glad to put a face with the name. :D

    I want those shelves, especially if I can get them at Walmart (I've never even been to an Ikea, don't think we have one anywhere near here??). What section are they in?

    That would be sooo much better than waiting for hubby to get around to making me some. :rolleyes: LOL

    Yep, that's me. If you'd ever been inside an IKEA, you'd know what a funny question that is. The place is set up like a giant maze, designed to confuse you and make you lose time, with no clocks or windows, like casinos in Vegas. I hate going there, you have to do the whole thing to get out, and all the small items are last, or interspersed randomly throughout the maze. But then sometimes you find that 1 perfect item, so I can't be too down on it.

    One thing I've noticed so far is that ppl don't buy too much from the bottom shelf, unless I say something like, hey, check out the fragrances on the bottom shelf too. I am thinking of raising the tables higher, maybe that will help.

  4. In my experience, wick size totally depends on the FO and how it performs with my soy. The very same container can use different types and sizes for different FO's. I use CD, HTP, Eco and Paper cored. You'll have to test. HTP73 or CD8 is a good starting point for a 4oz, and a HTP104 or CD12 for the 8 oz. Unless you happen to know that your FO is particularly dense, then might need a hotter burning wick, start with an ECO of comparable size.

  5. I have 32. This does not include samples, just 8oz+ bottles of things I use and top contenders for more testing. I won't count the samples, the thought of all that testing is emotionally too much for me right now, I'd rather not know. And I'm probably just about to buy more :tongue2: . Oh, and I got some peaks co-op fo's on the way, so make that 35! I thought I was bad, ya'll make me look like the queen of self control :laugh2:

  6. Is it like written in Stone that the consumers buy Christmas scents more than the other scents during the holiday season? I know it is not about what I like, and is what the customer likes but I just can't find any Christmas FOs I like. You would think if they were buying candles for gifts, that any scent would be fine. If they are buying them to decorate their homes during the season, I understand them wanting the yuk-o Christmas scents.

    I mean who wants a candle for a gift that smells like a cheap Pine Tree in a Texico Bathroom after December is over with?

    Oh I know...I am WAY off base on this one:rolleyes2

    Gosh, I thought I was alone on this one. I've been lookin for some x-mas fo's and they all seem the same and they all seem to suck. I held off on buying more pink sugar, lilac and lavender, now I feel like that mighta been a mistake, dammit. :mad: But on the bright side, I feel better about not having more holiday scents:smiley2:

  7. that so many hate votives is really surprising me! I think having small/lower priced items can make a sale, where there might have been no sale. They're pretty easy to make, and cuz there's no container, cost is low so long as you keep the pkging simple. They're handy to have around. You can offer them as freebies for incentive, like spend $15, pick a free votive. Cheap samples for boutique buyers and such. They make a lot more sense to me than tarts. I hate tarts.

  8. My SO is supportive, but he does have some comments and questions...

    Kitchen, what's a kitchen?

    Why can't you carry your own cases of wax? Do I look like a pack mule to you?

    Do you really think a woodworker and a candlemaker should live together? I think it's called a tinderbox.

    Fragrance oil does not taste like it smells.

    I can't smell anything anymore, so don't ask! :rolleyes2

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