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Posts posted by Kaybee23

  1. Since my order was lost to a computer glitch, and I never received a copy of my order, I am having to re-createit. I am also considering a couple of additional ones. These are the ones I am thinking about ordering.

    Cherry Garcia

    Creamy Coconut

    Lemon A Peel

    Lime Sugar

    Peach Mango

    Peppermint Ice



    If anyone has any imput on these, I would appreciate it before I order tomm. night. :D

    Well, what did you order??

  2. Well I just got a new shipment from them today (11, yep count 'em 11 new ones) with my free shea butter. Lots of good possibilities in what I got. One thing I have to say though, the Belgian Chocolate ROCKS OOB, it has been requested that I get it into soap asap to see how it does. :D

    What does well in soap:

    Lemon Verbena

    Sweet Violet and Sassafras (very nice in CP)

    Mayan Gold

    Black Orchid and White Lily

    Coconut Lime Verbena

    Vaniglia del Madagascar (nice soft vanilla scent, even though it turns dark brown)

  3. Has anyone ordered from them lately? They seem to be taking an extremely long time getting my order out and have not been responding the e-mails the last few days. I have not ever waited this long for an order from them. Just wondered if anyone else was waiting on stuff too and heard anything.

  4. I had that happen with some dixie cups, now I use some stainless steel cups I got from the restaurant supply for measuring FO and other small ingredients for my soap. Linens and Things also sells a nice small set of stainless steel cups as well that I think hold about 2-3 ozs. Also, florals tend to accelerate quicker, so I soap them cool with a very small water discount. I usually pre-measure all of my ingredients such as my cream, colors, FO's and such while my oils are melting or cooling, saves me time when it comes to putting the batch together. I have had days like that, chin up, it will get better. :grin2:

  5. Some of them it looks like ash, but a couple of them it look like mold to me (not saying it is, it is hard to tell from the pic). Not good business in my book, to sell product and hide the uglies, and not label the soap with a name and ingredients. :undecided

  6. I think they all look great. I am anxious to try the Egyptian Spice in the swap, and I think it looks just fine. Curious to know how well the Yuzu did in the soap, I have debated on that one for a while. The round soaps look great, and bet they smell wonderful. You labels are beautiful on your push up tubes on your lotion and lip balms. Phew, you have been busy! Great job. :grin2:

  7. If you have rice bran you could sub it for the olive. I use olive oil in my recipe and have never gotten a color I wasn't expecting from my select shades. The Mardi Gras that I posted a while back (see link below), I used select shades, and mixed a nice green and purple in it and it turned out wonderful. I do find that they take a bit of getting used to, with the measuring.


    I have been having good luck with the colors I have gotten from The Sage, in my soap. The blue I got from them is supposed to stay blue, but I haven't tried it out yet. The purples I got from them, the Grape does supurb in soap, with just a small amount. I had great luck with the green and the red brick oxides from Starrville. I am really starting to like the powders and clays in my soaps, verses the select shades. I know how disappointing it is to expect one color, and get another. Just keep testing. :D

  8. I agree with Meredith, I could never get the Ecosoya to throw for me, and did not have a lot of luck with the 444 and 464. Could be different with you though, I think many have gotten them to work for them. I use the 415 and add beeswax to it and it throws like crazy. It is fun to venture into something new, hope ya find one that works for ya, they are out there. :D

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