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Posts posted by Kaybee23

  1. Do NOT put the CF yellow jugs in the microwave.. 3 weeks ago I caught my microwave on fire with one of those. I didn't open the door, as I knew the oxygen would feed the fire.. But ya'll would have laughed like crazy at me yelling at the kids to get out of the house and me taking my stance with the fire extinguisher. I was a mad woman! Thank goodness it went out quickly, but it could have been waaaay bad.

    Not you Bunny, you wouldn't do anything like that! But I can just picture you standing there with the fire extinguisher, LMAO! Glad you got everything under control before you caught the house on fire. :D

  2. I know that this has kinda been a topic of conversation in the candle section before, but I have noticed this as well with the soaps that I have sold. I really have noticed that it is not so much the color that sells my soap, as does the scent. Because I label and band my bars, a lot of times customer doesn't even see the sometimes beautiful swirls. But they are constantly picking them up and sniffing them all, then sniffing them again.

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