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Posts posted by Kaybee23

  1. I use the KY Puresoy and have used it for about a year. It has an excellent cold and hot throw and for the most part I am very satisfied with this wax. If you add a smidge of beeswax to it, it makes beautiful looking candles. About the "ugly" look, most pure soy waxes are not wonderful looking on their own. Sometimes they need a little help. It also depends on the diameter and the depth of your container as to how it sets up as well. There is a lot of things to look at with a wax besides it's outward appearance.

    Would also like to add that I have ordered a bag of the new Ecosoya CB and am anxious to try it. You never know when something better may come along.

  2. Henry

    I am finding that the wider and deeper the jar/container, the more likely I am to get sinking. My smaller jars that I only fill 1/2 to 3/4 of the way up for testing, do not sink. If I fill them all the way up, some of them do a bit. Probably accounts for me not having too much trouble with votives. Just a thought, sorry to butt in on the thread. :)

  3. http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=806&highlight=flicker

    About the capper, I have found in my experience that when I have tested them, they only really served one purpose for me. That was to contain the heat in the jar. Which would cause the candle to get a FMP quicker and sometimes overheat the jar. IMO I think the candle should be able to get a FMP on it's own without the capper. That is my own personal experience though and I am sure that there are some people that use them and are quite happy with them.

  4. LB

    I have been testing mine by double wicking with the C50 and C55, but have come across one of my FO's that it is still too hot for (Apple Cinnamon). I also tried and the largest one, I think it's a C80 is not hot enough by itself, so I am stuck right now on that one. I still need to do more testing. If it is just one or two FO's that won't work with them, I may just find a diff. wick for those. But in my vanilla and coffee, they burned perfectly. So I think I am going to go ahead and order some of them to do further testing with some of my other FO's. I'll just add them to my collection I have already, LOL! I am also testing in the 3" sq. 8 oz. masons. I have been through the gammet of HTP wicks as well. Even tried double HTP41 in the Apple Cinnamon and was still too hot, and the HTP1212 was not hot enough. Don't know why this jar is so weird to wick. But I am going to figure it out.

  5. Brooke

    I agree with Holly on the point that some scents are just lighter scents and not really made to knock your socks off. They are subtle and made for smaller areas. I don't sell any like that myself. I am one of those people that if it doesn't throw well, I don't carry it. If you are going to order the Perfect Blend, I would also try a sample of their straight soy. I use the straight soy with a little beeswax and get great candles with great throw.

    IMO if you are just starting out, I wouldn't plan on selling them in the fall. Testing and testing well takes several months. You will want to make sure that you test everything, wicks, fragrances, waxes, and to do it right takes time . Once you settle on a wax and what type of wick you want to use, you will need to test everything in every container that you are going to use.

  6. I am sure that many are going to give you their own experiences. This is mine, for what it is worth. The soy that I use throws well with nearly everything I have tried in it. The only ones I can't seem to get to throw are "water type", like Rain or Ocean, very light scents. I have tested a soy blend (KY Perfect Blend) with a couple of different FO's and my experience is that they didn't throw as well in this soy blend w/paraffin as they did with my regular soy wax. I only tried about 3 or 4 FO's, so I can't say as a fact that it doesn't throw as well as my regular soy, but in my opinion, it doesn't throw as well. Could have just been the FO's I was testing. Best thing to do is order a sample slab and try it out. Besides the KY Perfect Blend, several people on here use Joy Wax, which is similar. Hopefully some others will jump in here and share their experiences.

  7. marilyn

    I am finding also, that if wicked correctly, the Peak cotton wicks don't mushroom. And the other thing I noticed is that I hardly even have to trim them, also in the ones that are wicked properly. I am really liking these wicks for my 3" sq mason, more than any other wick so far.

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