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Posts posted by AkainePSP

  1. Today was the last day of school (I'm a teachers aide) and I must have handed out 10 jars of this today. Mostly thank you's for the teachers being so nice to my son and for the retiree's. Well I'm in the middle of a retirement dinner and one of the teachers I gave it to had to call and tell me how much she loved it. :yay: She said it was a bit grainy but she liked it that way so for he r it was perfect. I do think I will use a little less oil next time though. The smell was out of this world and everyone just wanted to eat it. I did have a collegue tell me she wished her coffee tasted as good as this smelled. :drool:

    Thanks so much for posting this recipe!


  2. It's actually a brown honey color. I think the yellow came from the flash.

    Oh dear, I'm sure it smelt heavenly, but it really does look like bird poop :lipsrseal I think it's that yellowish hue that makes it look... odd. Maybe Lurkin can give you confirmation if it's meant to look like that?
  3. My vanilla beans came today so I tried out this recipe. I made one minor change though I added some apricot kernal oil as well. I'm not sure if it turned out or not. I think so but I've never made or even seen a sugar scrub before. Here is a pic, sorta reminds you of bird poop, but honest it smells so much better and the consistancy is not runny at all. Please tell me what you think. I really wasn't sure about the maple syrup fo and didn't have that but had maple brown sugar from flickers and oh my gosh. I really wanted to eat it!


  4. I am definately going to be trying this in the next few days! I just ordered my vanilla beans! Can someone tell me though what the difference is between beans example tahitian vs. madagascar?

    How much scrub does this recipe make?

  5. I have a questions regarding creams lotions and interactions.

    I have currently come up with a lotion that seems to work very well for pain. It has essential oils and st.johns wort oil in it as well. I put a warning to check with a dr. before using anything with these ingredients in anyways but what I want to know is can these ingredients be harmful being used as a cream? Will they be absorbed into the bloodstream.


  6. Well then I definately have not been using enough FO, but noone is complaining. So if I were adding the FCO I would add .5 FO, .5 FCO & 3 oz. Cyclo? I am not good at math infact I absolutely dispise it. Is the FCO like a filler in the recipe or does it have a purpose otherwise? And if I add the FCO can this still be used as a 4 in 1 product? Room, linen, hair & body spray?

    One common way is to round it off to: .50 oz FO and 3.5 oz. Cyclo ( I know: 1/2 an ounce of FO just for one bottle of spray!)

    A more specific way is:

    some people use less or more, but here is the standard recipe:

    1 part fragrance oil to 6 parts cyclomethicone.

    It depends on the size...whatever it is, break it down to 7 parts.

    Example : for a 2 ounce total weight - 2.0 divide by 7 = approx .28 per part.

    so you would use .28 fo and the rest is cyclo.

    2 oz dry oil spray - .28 oz fo

    4 oz dry oil spray - .57 oz fo (and: 3.43 oz Cyclo...........3.43+.57=4.0)

    6 oz dry oil spray- .85 oz fo

    8 oz dry oil spray - 1.14 oz fo

    Hope this helps!!:grin2:

  7. If I wanted to learn how to make candles where would I begin. I've made tarts those are simple. I'd like to learn how to make candles, but I'd really like to learn to make the pillar candles where you put the tealight in the top as the light and the pillar never melts.


  8. Can someone explain to me how ratios work. When you say 1:6. I know that means 6 parts cyclo and 1 part fo, but what is that say for a 4 oz. bottle? Because for some reason I don't thikn I myself am putting enough fo in my cyclo.



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