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Posts posted by funkymonkey66

  1. Unfortunatly they are everywhere, if you figure out a way to stop people like that please let me know.

    You're damned if you take the high road and you're damned if you stoop to their level. I just ignore it and focus on my own business. People like that behave that way because of jealousy and it's so underhanded.

    If they were bringing in business you are they would not have that kinda time right?

    When I started 11+ years ago I thought of crafters as nice and sweet people because they get to do what they love, but it's the opposite! Most at these shows are so cut throat it's insane, same goes the internet. Not to mention some of these gems at the shows look like they live out of their trucks and have trailer park trash written all over them. I guess they need the cash more than you.

    I stopped doing most shows allthogether because of the quality of people attending. As a matter of fact I went to the Apple Fest this past year and it seemed more like a garage sale then craft fair. So glad I passed on it.

  2. Unless you have a daily pick up @ $9 - 14 a week flat rate based on $ amount you spend, then UPS and Fedex will charge anywhere from $8-10 per box on top of the shipping charge which is nuts. UPS will take any out going box free of the pick up fee if they are already there delivering a package. Fedex will not. If you know your getting a UPS package that day then just trade with the driver.

    And that UPS flat rate box is insured too up to $100.00 right?

  3. I've come up with so many new blends that way just having two candles just mingle in the house. I've also created things that will make you gag. The most recent was Vicks vapor rub 1st floor, Lemon lavendar guest bathroom and Chocolate cream chesse cupcake family room. It was so horrible but it was nice outside that day so I was able to air out the house quickly.

    I bet you the cran marm and mistletoe would be really good.

  4. Ky wax always varies for me, sometimes cloudy when melted, every once in a while I get an intense soy or cocoa butter smell or ripples on top of tarts etc. Scent throw never changes though and that's all I care about because I just make tarts with it. Even when it smelled strange to me once I put the FO in it smell went away. I've been pretty happy with KY and thrilled with their FO's.

  5. It only gets worse fall - Christmas season. No one wants to pay for anything. Just delete it, real business owners don't send emails like that. Ask yourself, would you send something like that to one of your suppliers? Or better yet would you even have the nerve to? I would be too embarrassed.

    The review for free product thing is getting out of hand now too, everyone's a writer or youtuber these days.... free blogs/channels that no one could find or would ever read LOL

  6. This will never happen but... I would love a global candlemakers strike in protest of the wax price gouging! Wax prices never dropped when gas did but they sure go up and up.Still scratching my head on Candles and Supplies jumping the highest when the wax is manufactured a few miles away at IGI. Every candlemaker could hold out on buying ANYTHING until prices come back down to where they should be. A girl can dream but it would never happen.

  7. Sorry I don't agree, I would ignore her, I just think this woman is an idiot. Obviously she knows how to use a tart so what is there to explain? I would not give her a refund or give anything away for free nor make a prissy complainer a tester. Chances are they complain to get a freebie here and there and making them a tester for your products will just encourage them. People like that I just don't want. Call it poor customer service if you will. Wonder if she used a blow tourch to melt the tart for three days straight to make a "hole in the middle". Do you really want your products in her hands is what you should be asking yourself.

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