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Posts posted by funkymonkey66

  1. All very good points. I agree one short generic follow up email is enough for an extra touch and I am sure that is appreciated.

    Based on what these people were talking about their customers literally expected daily email updates. I just felt bad for the vendors, if they had to email every single customer multiple times when did they get the time to pour the orders? I guess you have to feel out the customer and tweak the communication on an individual basis. And you're right there is just those kinda people out there that crave more attention and want to eat up your time. It's even worse when they are high maintenance and cheap.:laugh2:

  2. Are you talking about custom made orders? Do you make all your products to order?

    For my website I have candles and soap already made and ready so I can fill orders the same day. Never had a complaint yet. My website sends an auto email to the customer when they complete their order. Then I send them another email when the order is shipped along with tracking info. Thats just standard practice.

    Actually I can understand that you would get customers contacting you a lot more than usual if you are custom making products to order. That takes time and can delay shipping. Even if it says on your site that custom orders may take x amount of time to fill it may still annoy and make some customers anxious as they never know for sure exactly when it will be ready or shipped.

    Personally I wouldn't blame them. Thats why on my website I only list ready made products. If they want a custom order they have to call me or email me. That way I can discuss the process and let them decide.

    For me personally I do not get complaints of that nature. I was speaking as a general statement based off of recent statements by other vendor’s customers.

    As far of my business, everything I make is made to order. That’s my niche; I’m kind of like Burger King just not nearly as fast. LOL. Realistically it’s the only way I could carry so many scents. I have very few readymade products and turnaround time is what it is and my customers wait patiently, well at least most of them, I have a few that want it yesterday. I let them know up front that it’s 7-10 business days and either they except my terms or they don’t. There are a million other places to buy candles and I am not the type to over backwards to make a sale yet surprisingly enough I do very well. I don’t overkill on communication, if I had a store front and got to know people face to face sure, I would chit chat with then but as far as the internet side of the business, I don’t care to make my customers my friends.

    Every time I place an order with Natures garden I never expect Cathy to shoot me an email every step of the packaging process. It’s an online order, and it gets here when it gets here. I would only expect to get contacted for and out of stock or something like that. I just can’t figure out what people want.

  3. So I have been hearing from a few vendors that customers are complaining about lack of communication and it’s becoming a major pet peeve, but I would like to know exactly how one defines communication in the first place.

    Do these customers expect to get a thousand emails throughout the order process“Hey Ms.so and so I printed out your invoice… now I’m pouring your candles” next day… “I am putting the labels on them… bubble wrapping them, here come the peanuts… reloading the tape gun we’re almost there… Printing the shipping label.. Post lady is walking up the drive way. And package looks to be on the truck now …. Down the street it goes?

    I don’t know about the rest ,but some of these people are either out of their minds, don’t know what the definition of communication is or just looking to make a cyber BFF. I do not have time to email every customer every day . I get the order -they get an emailed receipt, the only other thing they hear from me is an automatic shipping notice with a tracking number when the order is done. Exactly what the hell are we supposed to communicate? My understanding was if there are issues, damages to the package or if the customer had a question on a scent or product the shop vendor addresses the matter via communication and providing that service would intern be good customer service. Other than that, what exactly more are we supposed to do?

    Yeah I’m being sarcastic in the second paragraph but seriously am I missing something here?

  4. I was expecting and really hoping to be slow this Jan. like last year but it hasn't let up yet. I am just sick of pouring. My nose feels like I am very aware of my nostrils, like I feel the air travel all the way through when you're oblivious to it most of the time, you just breathe. Nevermind, I should sucked it up and worn a mask LOL.

  5. I think you have to send out friend requests or post your site and ask people to like the page.

    I wonder how much business is gained from it. Has anyone noticed increased sales directly from FB or is it more of a hassle to have to write something everyday?

    I haven't tweeted since Thanksgiving. LOL

  6. Its true Raven that he did apologize but then after he apologized he turned around and was rude again. Its like he asked for our help/information then turns around and tells us that the information we offered wasn't relavent! And I don't care if he makes his product better or not, at least have some respect for the people you are asking information/help from.

    But whatever, it may just be his personality that is fine, and he doesn't need to be a lurker, all though I agree that he should utilize the search feature!

    Second that.

  7. Thanks SOW for your reply but biting the bullet and finding what works for me doesn't seem to be the most efficient way to become successful in this business.

    Emulating what works for others but doing it better is much more efficient and less costly. It's also a proven business model. Having said that, I understand if those who are successful don't want to share that information although I do believe there's still room in the industry for more competition.

    Maybe call Yankee candle and see if they have any advice for you. Ask for the President or CEO. I am sure he would be willing to hand over their proven business model and maybe even ingredents and formulas. Good luck with your business venture.

  8. Wow sorry to hear that.Speaking of photo stealing, I just bought new a watermarking software program last week and it's great.

    Pretty simple and straightforward. I downloaded it from watermark-software.com and it was $24.90

    You can watermark a bunch at the same time, crop, resize etc. and change formats.

    You only get a license for one computer, but I just put the program on a pen drive and loaded it on all of them.

  9. Something about Suzie's picture of boxes that were supposed to be the 7000 tarts mentioned a page ago, but ended up being a picture stolen from someone's blog.

    So the page has already been replaced.The new page is "What smells so good". Should be interesting.

  10. Go there and pull all of your items during business hours, let all the customers see that you are taking your items. Be polite because you are representing your business, but get your stuff. Let her keep the extra money she took out of the check. I have a feeling you can bicker with her until you're blue in the face and she will continue to bully you regardless if you prove anything to her.

    She knows she wrong so she'll fight you tooth and nail.

    Did she give you a written contract or an emailed contract?

    You are doing her the favor by allowing her to sell your merchandise without major expense of paid inventory. It's a win win for her and you're getting taken advantage of and she is being rude. You have less to lose than she does by ending the business relationship.

    I have been anti consignment since early 2000 for good reason. Some of these people forget who is filling there store and that you didn't get your material to make the candles on consignment. Your money is spent, theirs is not.

    ETA You're paying rent too? OMG

  11. I had a customer place an order July of last year and file a chargeback 5 months later claiming the charge was not authorized. The guy won even though is was shipped confirmed address he provided and someone at the office signed for it.

    Today the same guy placed another order for almost $200.00. I cancelled his order and sent him an email that I refused his business because of the fraudulent chargeback he filed last year.

    I was so angry that this guy would have the nerve to order again I decided to call the business he wanted it shipped to to let them know this person was using their address to obtain merchandise.

    Guess what, turns out it was not a guy that I wanted to ream a new one. It was one of the employee's using the owner of the business's credit card to make purchases. That is why the sale was confirmed. The person used her boss's name and business address but used her business email extension and personal phone number. Thanks to my phone call the owner is happy and has one less dishonest employee. How ballsy do you have to be to pull something like that? Steal from your boss and have it shipped to the same office.

    Had this person never ordered again I would have just let it go, but to try to get me twice? I just wanted to talk to the person to let them know they stole from a human being, not a large company that can just write off stuff like that.

    God only knows what else this employee was buying with his money.

  12. I wonder if you can go to the manager of the craft show and let them know of the behavior that you are dealing with. You paid for your booth so what the heck give it a shot. People like that should be booted out of the show.

    That's another thing about Scentsy.... it's a CRAFT show not a TRADE show. That just annoys me they are even allowed there.

    If the manager doesn't do anything throw a candle at them too. I am so sick of people.

    Speaking of, I agree,I'm also sick of basically grinning and baring it when A___holes play with your business. You do have to be upfront and confront them or it will never stop. You will reach your limit at some point and god help them when you do.

  13. Yeah maybe that is the way. Say something to get under their skin with a big smile on your face. "Hi whatever your name is, I see you're hanging around here because no one is at your booth. I'm so sorry hun, don't worry I'll be sure to direct all of my customers over when they finish up here."

    Or you can ask if she would like to help wrap and bag all the product your moving because she obviously has the time.

    Option three, throw the largest jar candle you have and aim for the head.

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