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Posts posted by funkymonkey66

  1. Thanks candlemama I appreciate that, It's not commendable, but thank you for saying so, I just view it as being responsible.

    No one ever said life was going to be fair or easy. You have to play the cards that you were dealt and go on with your life.

    I have to say I was embarrassed to post my business. It is my personal business and I think things like that should stay that way. If someone wants to vent to friends, therapist or family then fine, it is good to have a release. But don't pull the sympathy card when you welch on a debt or obligation!

    No one cares if or why I can't fulfill my obligations or pour candles or pay my bills. No one cares if or when my kids are sick or that I haven't slept in days because I have to take care of what I need to take care of around the house. No one helps me do what I have to and I do not expect them to. I despise when people use crap like this as an excuse for sympathy which is offensive to the rest of us that suck it up and are responsible.

    My husband put it best when he said, "Come to me and show me a paystub from Mc Donald's because you are doing EVERYTHING you can to pay your bills. In your free time you took a second job to make ends meet. Don't come to me whining for a hand out or a break. If you have the time to complain then you have the time to do something about it and complaining will not fix your situation."

    I am sorry if any of what I said sounds harsh or offensive. I just see this type of thing so much and it makes me sick to my stomach.

  2. I feel your pain and understand that times are tough and people have their own issues but what the heck does that have to do with a debt you owe?

    If you did not have the money then you should not have ordered or accepted the merchandise if you were going through financial issues period.

    Again, I am sorry for what ever personal issues you are dealing with and I hope they get better soon.

    Just so you know where I am coming from, I am not just being rotten. I will give you a short run down of what I have been through the past year.

    Last January I was diagnosed with a weird type of Mono that will never complete go away it's almost like Lupus, then during a routine check up they found pre cancerous cells that WILL turn into cervical cancer, it's just a matter of when. Now they found questionable lumps in my breast.

    A few months later my husband had a stroke... then days after that my kitchen flooded in the middle of the night which then flooded the into the basement that held ALL of my candle overstock that I just bought for the busy season. When Serve pro tore out the water damage they found black mold! 10 thousand dollar clean up job not covered by insurance!

    This past October I was diagnosed with 2 spots skin cancer on my back, I just had my 3rd surgery and my next apt is Wednesday for the 4th. The went deep and I am in allot of pain. I am supposed to take it easy and not work, but I am a mom, wife and business owner. I can't take a break I have obligations!

    Seriously what could go wrong went wrong and that is just the tip of the crap I have been through, I didn't even get to the virus my kids brought home a few weeks ago and the explosive diarrhea and projectile vomiting that went with it. I am not trying to be funny either. This is all true!

    But despite all the horrible horrible things that were happening in my personal life, I paid my bills on time, filled the orders and took care of my family. And NEVER told ANYONE except for close friends and my immediate family. I never used ANY of this personal stuff of reasons why I can't pay my bills or fulfill obligations to my customers or anyone else.

    It's pride.

  3. I love double wicks but I will not double wick a tin. A while back I read reports of people claiming they caught on fire.

    CS has or had a double wicking tool that will show you how exactly they should be placed depending on the dia. of the jar. People seem to like it, I never tried it though.

  4. See what I am talking about, just too much hassle right? Do you feel like they think you're liar now? Like you should not have even brought it to their attention and you wasted their time? When you got off the phone did you just want to bang your head and say what just happend there and why in the world did I just give them more money? That whipped cream better be the best darn whipped cream ever!

    I never ordered again after my experience.

    In the words of my dearest friend CDGM "That just chaps my a$$!"

    At least you had a postive experience with TCMS.I like them:D

  5. Ok. I was going to say, maybe I need new glasses.:D

    I would not worry about what she is saying. She wants to take the heat off herself and make you look bad in hopes that people will forget that SHE screwed you. But I agree with the post a few up, I would post her name so that everyone could be warned.

    Everyone knows deadbeats have a million excuses why they can't pay. As a matter of fact that is the only thing they can provide.... excuses.

    Ignore anything she says to you because it's just a distraction from her wrongdoing.

    I would love for you to post her name, and I would like to sit here and watch the fireworks, but that is all that is going to accomplish. Posting her name will not get your money back, it will just be drama.

    But just so you know if you did, she couldn't do anything about it. If she really knew the law she would not have thrown the slander card at you when anyone knows that is nonsense. We all know what slander is and posting your truthful experience is not.

  6. It has happened to me in the past from them. A bottle leaked all over, the wicks were a mess it was a total disaster.

    And it's never happened before by the way....They wanted me to weight the bottles and take pictures, estimate how much I think they owe me and they would apply it to my account or something like that.... all sorts of BS which made me feel as they thought I was lying. It was just too complicated and annoying.

    I should not need to jump through hoops to get something I paid for. Send me another shipment and pick this one up, when you get it back see what you sent me for yourself or let UPS inspect it. If I was a liar then you have my credit card on file.

    They offered me freebies for the trouble and I told them I did not want them. I only wanted what I ordered and for that to be intact when it got here.

    On average their customer service is okay, but I feel they could be a little more professional and customer friendly when it comes to damaged shipments.

    I should add it was handled by email, perhaps I would have had a better experience over the phone.

  7. I should have clarified that of course if there is something wrong or defective then yes, you should take it back and pick up the tab on the entire thing.

    But if it's buyers remorse or she didn't like the scent that is not your issue.

    Just so we are clear on the circumstances, is she wanting to keep the product and get a refund or does she just want to return something and what is her reason?

  8. Is it just me or is this the wave of the future for people to get something for nothing?

    I must get 10 emails a week from random people on you tube and bloggers asking for free stuff in exchange for a review. I send a blanket, "thanks for your interest and no thank you" email back or delete it depending on my mood.

    Is anyone else getting these and how are you handling it?

  9. Being an online business you can't afford to play ship n sniff with people. You are not responsible if a candle scent is not to their liking or what they should have done with their money PERIOD. That is what you make smaller sized candles for, so the investment iis not that great in case they don't like it.

    As far as damages, when shipping glass I always use Fedex or UPS. If something arrives damaged then the "carrier inspector" can come out to inspect the damages if need be and I am removed from the situation. I don't want to waste money getting it back just to see it is shattered. I just resend out the merchandise and I am issued a check for the full amount plus shipping by the carrier. Even then they get exactly what they ordered no subs of size, product or scent.

    Basically all sales are final, I don't make exchanges.

  10. The only reason I shipped was because the product had been paid for and I had dealt with this person before on a few occasions. The money owed was for shipping and customs charges.

    And I'm not sure what you meant by your little anology..I don't owe anyone any money...:confused:

    If you are both in Canada do you have to pay customs charges within the country?

  11. I just got in the one from JS 2 days ago. It smells like candlewic's wildmain blueberry (which IMO is one of the best blueberry scent ever) mixed with NG midnight pomegranate and a hint of raspberry. I'll tweak it alittle, but I like it and it's really strong.

    I wonder what would happen if you mixed this with ky's Zucchini Bread?

  12. Maybe I am missing something. You are going to hire a lawyer in the state this person lives in to file a claim in small claims court for $100 and fees in order to get a judgement. Do you know how much laywers in this country charge to prepare suits and appear in court for you? You can ask for fees and punative damages, but I believe (not a lawyer) a judge or jury only awards those, it's not a given - so you would invest all that time and money for a possible non-collectible $100 judgement? WOW that seems really extreme and beyond worth it even if in principal alone.

    Like I said maybe I am missing something. Sorry you got ripped off.

    Unless this person lives in Canada or is in the US, I think it's more of fear tactic for the "dead beat" to read the threat of suing and being outted here.

    No one from this country is getting extradited so going to court in the first place will be a non issue. If things do work differently up North and what Jen says is true, the woman should pay up or face some time behind Canadian bars LOL.

    Have you though of vigilante justice, heck it's cheaper! I am just kidding.

    I hate when people get ripped off, it leaves a sour pit in my stomach. I am sorry you have to deal with it.

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