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Posts posted by funkymonkey66

  1. Yes, I understand that costs will go up. But where do you draw the line? I am not saying DS only by any means. Just suppliers in general. Personally I think that it all rolls down hill so if they get charged a little and so on and so on.

    But if this continues to happen NO ONE will buy the products from the middle man anymore. A little greed from the top of they pyramid hurts everyone and will unfortunately put some out of business all the way around!

    I don't know about you but I am sick of hearing about all the terrible things that happened as an excuse for price increases. I don't see a notation from Uline or companies of that nature saying they have to raise the price of there boxes because of Hurricanes and fuel surcharges. Just a thought, but when they run low on trees I guess I will get a memo stating as much.

  2. Well I have to say that I have several fragrance oils that I purchase 35lb + direct from the same places that the suppliers buy from and I have yet to see an increase per pound or get a memo.

    Shipping is shipping and it is part of business. Suppliers get there stuff by the pallet and freighted which is WAY LESS then single boxes so if anything the shipping is not as bad as you would think.

    Maybe you guys should think about doing a co op and buying direct. I will tell you some fragrances I was paying $17.95 a lb for only cost me $5-6 a lb direct. It is well worth it if you are doing the volume. Just about any manufacture can dupe an oil that you send them. :wink2: So it is something to think about if stuff just becomes too outrageous.

  3. I picked up a few of there samples 2 weeks ago and I was not overly thrilled with any of them except the Black current nectarine, that one was very good. I thought the cinnamon bun smelled like NG cinnamon donuts and the Hansel and Grettles house smelled like nothing at all. The lime cooler was identical to ICS tequila lime and the Lemon chiffon was NG 7 up pound cake. The BNB is the same one snowtop carries just a little less expensive @ candlescience. I would have to test it in my soy but oob and in a tart it is exact. All in all I like the compared fragrances they were just too similar to what I already had.

  4. My domain name is included with my monthly web hosting fee. I use angelfire and pay $8.95 a month. I bought 10 additional domain names and have them redirected to my main site for $4.00 each from securepaynet.net.

    I will say that although the domain name is included with my monthy web fee, I still got a few letters telling me to pay $35.00 or I would lose my domain. I contacted angelfire back when they took customer service calls and they told the letters were not from them and not to send the company a check.

    I have had them for years and I would never switch, as long as you pay your hosting fees your name is secure.

  5. Does anyone have a product that can help and or fix severly cracked and chapped hands? I don't want to know how to make it, I want to buy it from you. Bakery scents only please, flowers make me gag.

    I have tried EVERYTHING from Bath and Body Works and I own just about every product that says it "heals dry skin" from the drug store.

    If I make a fist my knuckles crack and bleed:o Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks, Funky

  6. Now that is strange, it seems that one of the boards reopened to the public again. Except the moderator cleaned it up, changed the rules, will not allow new members and kicked off candle makers. As a matter of fact all those viscous posts about candle companies were removed as well.:lipsrseal

    I guess the SWC mod thought if she did a little house cleaning and made it public the whacko club would appear to be an innocent friendly place. Not fooling anyone but good try anyway:laugh2: .

  7. I know people that had dealings with a few members of this elite band of high and mighty whack jobs. The mods over there are just as bad. The members think that they make or break a business. However, some that dealt with them were nice enough to clue me in on there practices so when they order I refund there money and refuse to sell to them. The way I look at it if you spend $20.00 and I end up shelling out $60.00 to make you leave me alone it is just not worth it.

    Here’s just one example of the customer service complaint that takes it to the extreme. I know of 3 people that this crazy lady ordered a bunch of stuff from, waited until it shipped and claimed that it was not shipped with in the time specified on the web site.(Which was not true anyway but so what.) So she emailed them and said the only way the business could “redeem” themselves was to allow her to keep the entire order and have ALL of her money refunded or she was going to let everyone know of the horrible customer service she received.

    From what I have heard these “ladies” also claim stuff is broken or damaged and refuse to send it back or even have the shipping company pick it up, demand you “make it right to there satisfaction”. Meaning send more stuff for free. If you do it, they get on the board and tell everyone about it, so now they all buy a few things from you and pull the same scam.

    If you refuse and stick to your policies, the members or member will not only blast you on there board but travel to additional candle lover chat boards and trash your business. And I am talking trash it to the point it will come up in search engines! Unfortunately every message board has the “we are not responsible for what people post” policy and posters can say whatever they want on their board, right? Freedom of speech and liable is tossed around and the battle is over. But still the damage is done.

    So what do you do then? Sue? And if so who? I personally rather avoid people like that all together, but how do you know unless someone warns you or gives you the heads up? It still amazes me that people think that once they buy something they own you and can say or do anything to you and your business because “The customer is always right”.

  8. How many get threats from a particular group of women of “Do this or give me this or I will post blah blah on this message board, Crazy demands or just out right BS because the customer did not get their way and then the group collaborates and trashes your name on the net.

    I could go on and on with examples but for those that make candles and have or have yet to be tortured by these women, I have a question. Do you think it would be helpful to have something like merchant911 for candle makers? An email sent to those that want to be made aware of questionable and unethical people (providing you include legitimate proof and email corresponds to prove your case, without the financial info etc.passed to others)

  9. ....."but a judicious application of "the customer is always right" is appropriate."


    Walking so far away from this one. Or maybe not.

    If all people were honest and there was a Walgreen’s on every corner that had everything you needed when you needed it.

    In a perfect world "the customer is always right" would be a very true statement. However some "customers" fail to take responsibility for there wrong doing and will sooner tell you something broke in the mail to see if they can get a freebie.

    For the most part people are honest but... You can not run a profitable business on replacing stuff you don't have back in your possession and playing ship and sniff and exchange.

    I can’t remember the last time I called walmart and said “Hey this set of dishes is shattered” and they just said “We will credit your card right away, no need to bring it back, just throw it out.” Or for that matter going to return anything and the sales girl reimbursing my mileage and gas for my trip.

    You just handle your CS issues according to what they are and who they are coming from.

  10. For the love of Christ..... Can't we get over it already? You can't stop people from spouting off at the mouth that soy is better and "healthy" blah blah; it’s not going to happen. Propaganda! Now the new “healthy” thing is palm.

    However I would like to see some hard evidence that soy is in fact better for you. Ps that is not affiliated with a soy candle company or linked to soy product selling site. Not going to happen in my life time.

    Who cares, make your candles, sell them and be done with it. :D

    Some of us will always remain more honest and educated than others.

    No offence to anyone here.

  11. Wow it is very nice to see that no one is attacking Doneen for posting on this board in response to a complaint. When I first read this thread after she posted,I thought it was an accident waiting to happen. Especially when the any "company in question" responds to anything said on this board it turns into a smack down.

    It so nice to hear the other side with out all the drama:highfive:

  12. I just bought a pallet of it.... so if you need some, I can spare some cases of it.

    Edited to say: Forgive me, my order guy had called it Astor V but it actually is IGI 4794, guess we changed. I think maybe I should investigate my own business closer! lol

    Anyway if you would like to try the 4794 I have it. Sorry again

    Astor V is a one pour votive wax and 4794 is a votive/pillar wax. Neither would be suitable for containers. However both of those waxes mixed 50/50 with the J50 is wonderful for tarts and clamshells.

    Depending on where you are located I would start there for suppliers. Makescents has great prices, so does candlescience. But if you are on the west coast then you would not be saving anything when you factor in shipping.HTH

    Whoops didn't read IL. Yes those two suppliers I mentioned would be fine then to have wax shipped to you. Candlescience has great shipping rates. They don't pad the cost either.

  13. I hope that you can get your money back. I really don't think they will return it though. If it was not burned and they could resell it then yes, but if the manufacture is not even going to offer you the consumer a coupon then I would not hold my breath on cracker barral getting reimburst from V C for the defective candle. That is the excuse they will most likely give you. :(

  14. I swear, I just never know what to think anymore. I am continually amazed at the unmitigated gall of people... a LOT of people.

    Sometimes I think I am just not "crafty" enough to be on this planet anymore.:rolleyes2

    If I ever get to the point where I need to lie, misrepresent, manipulate, alter the truth, twist the facts, connive, OR reach a point where I have no humility, I hope that someone just shoots me.

    In my ripe old age, I have learned this:

    "Never explain ANYTHING. Your friends don't need it and your enemies won't believe it."

    Carry on

    You said it right:highfive:

  15. Well an email was sent to this woman stating forward me your radio station info so she could verify that she was legit .....


    Total scam!!

    Can I legally post her name on this site?

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