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Posts posted by funkymonkey66

  1. I'm going against the grain, but I haven't yet found a JS FO that knocks me over.

    I like Southern Vanilla from KY, Extreme Vanilla from MC and Vanilla Delicious from DS.

    I second that about JS. I think Extreme Vanilla is the strongest of the 3 quoted above.

  2. I tried the 464 when it first came out and loved the first half of the candle. The second half had no scent what so ever so I tossed it. I know others were having the same issues too.

    Did they fix this yet, because I am thinking of giving it another go if they did. I found a supplier that carries it and I will save lots of $$ in shipping if I switch.

  3. This may be taking it too far but I wanted to mention another trick I caught on to a few months ago.

    FedEx/Ups bills you monthly, carriers will check the weight of the packages at some point during transit and will charge the shipper accordingly. So it works both ways. If the weight on the label is over then your shipper account will get credited... if it is under the shipper will be charged the difference.

    I checked the weight of one of my packages just because the weight seemed off to me and low and behold I was overcharged shipping for FULL 2 pounds. I was beside myself! Everything was in the box and it was not tampered with so it didn’t lose weight on the journey.

    Just another sneaky trick that suppliers can pad there cost and you can't argue it because it is on the label!

  4. The majority of suppliers do tack on to shipping costs, its free money for them. Also ANY handling charge is BS! You guys really don't know how much some of these people are ripping you off. Anyone that has a UPS or FedEx account can tell you that if you ship enough you get a discount on top of published rate!

    It makes me furious when I see what some of these suppliers are getting away with. The only thing you can do is call them on it. Let them know that they overcharged and you want it credited back.

    There still are some honest ones out there, no matter what they say there packaging cost SHOULD be figured in the cost of there product. It is the obnoxious ones that try to profit on shopping cart shipping rates that piss me off.


  5. I pulled this from the thread mentioned above and could not have said it better.

    "I have noticed it as well on many websites. My understanding of this, and I could be wrong, was this. Many years ago the industry standard was about 3-4% load, so when people discovered that it held more or the manufacturers made it to where it could hold more, like 9%, people started calling them triple scented. It is just a marketing gimmick, as is the gimmick that paraffin candles are harmful to you, in order to push your soy candles."

  6. Ask for proof it was in fact shipped. Ask for the delivery conformation and or tracking number! If he can't prove he shipped it then you will win with paypal and ebay then get your money back. If he did ship it and it was clearly stated in the ad that you are responsible to insure your package as an option then you are screwed. Sorry :cry2:

  7. I know it makes you mad and yes they are at fault... BUT... you know this business will tell you that it is not their fault that you didn't have a higher balance in your checking account. I would be very surprised if they wrote letters to the people you bounced checks to.

    If I were you I would talk to your bank manager because I am sure they will take care of the NSF fees. As far as the business that charged you twice, what can you do? They fixed the mistake just don't stress yourself out about it anymore. If you can just don't buy anything from them again and if you need them use a credit card rather then checking.

    I am sorry this happend to you. I bounced 13 checks in one month once because I made a double mortgage payment by mistake. I got the dates confused and I forgot that set up automated payments and the bank was going to start drawing the money automatically from a seperate account. I had the money to cover everything, just in the wrong checking account! The bank covered everything and I didn't have to pay a dime in fees.;)

  8. "I got an e-mail from a lady who claims she owns a "specialty retail shop" in Arkansas. She says she's looking for "something new to add to her current stock". She says she's interested in my candles and she wants to see a sample so she can see how well they "burn and smell". She says she's very picky about what she puts in her shop."

    NO FREE SAMPLES! NO NO NO NO! Anyone can email someone with something like this.

    If she is interested in "BUYING" anything from you she would have ordered through your website already.

  9. Okay, you want creamy looking votives? Well 4794 is not going to do that with out some additives. If you didn’t already buy the wax check out KYcandlesupply and pick up her 50/50 votive tart blend. Use a 44/24/18 z or c for a standard size votive. They also pop right our and are very creamy.

    You could also go with Candle science and grab their one pour votive wax. They have a wick guide on there as well.


  10. I guess if pictures come up in google images when you run a search people feel they are fair game if it does not say copyrighted material.

    I guess it is just a matter what the pictures are. I am glad you worked it out, I would have been raging mad for sure.

    Speaking of taboo pictures, did anyone see the pic of Sarah Jessica Parker on the JS website? "Uptown girl" You can't tell me that was off some purchased image software. But who cares, Sarah will never see it right.

  11. Sorry this happened to you! I am surprised that DIY does not have an EIN. How do they do their business taxes with out one? I guess the rules are different in every state.

    It is my understanding many people here use them, but IMO the fees are too outrageous, however I hear they are a little more user friendly if you are doing it yourself hence the name"DIY".

    Am I reading correctly that a government agency for start up business gave DIY a check anyway? Is this a business loan or grant money you are speaking about or you just of sent her a bank check drawn from your personal business account?


    Did you ever think maybe they just want to stay under the radar from the IRS and they are just blowing you off?

    However you slice it if what you say is true then regardless of their reasons they are dead wrong and owe you an apology and a refund ASAP.

  12. I think I missed exactly what part of Philly this in in but you should check Bensalem Pa hotels. If you join the rewards program they have for holiday inn, sleep inn or quality inn, They are all the same and the program is free by the way it's just a 2 second form to fill out then It is only like $75.00 a night verses 114.00 a night. Plus there are tons of places to eat near by and your car will be safe in that area overnight. Oh and the rooms are super clean.

    I stay up there because the closer you are to center city the more $$ it is and the dirtyer the rooms are. I don't care who parks your car it still sits in an unattended lot and the hotel is not responsible for loss or damage.Just something to think about.

    Bensalem is 20 mins. from center city tops. Easy access, no toll just straight down I 95.

  13. Listen, I am not disputing that DS has a great oil selection. Her stuff is exceptional and worth the current price, every penny I may add. I do find with most oils I have tried from her that you need less to accomplish the desired results and the woman has great taste in the scents she selects to add to her line.

    I respect her as a business woman. One thing about her that I respect most of all and I am sure you can ALL relate is that her sister candle co. web site stays competitive with ours. She is not selling her oils at top notch prices and then selling her candles cheaper than us @ almost wholesale prices to the general public like some and then have the 2 sites linked to one another???

    I am simply stating that undoubted you will lose some business if the prices across the board go up that much or more. I think you may just want to look into other manufactures to see if maybe they can give you a better price without sacrificing the quality to keep your the customers that can only afford to purchase smaller amounts.

    What if you offered big quantities at a larger discount? Like 15 lbs for a little over your cost? No smaller bottles just put your label over the can and send it out. Let the candle maker use there own bottles and spend the time pouring. Then you could buy even more and get a better price, save all the way around. I am sure that candle makers that live relatively close in the same areas that would be more than willing to split up the cost on a deal like that.

    Do not take my words as a personal attack, I am just adding my 2 cents in general to all suppliers not just DS.

  14. Jordan, I am pretty sure we have different reps for IFT but the only thing that was said to me was about the citrus crops period and it is said every single year time and time again because of the if they get frost = less citrus, no crazy weather = no price increase.

    However this increase will only affect you if you are using a scent with a citrus EO in it .Not 10% price hike across the board for every single scent... Nope sorry, no one said anything to me and just placed an order with my IFT rep Thursday, I know her well enough of years of doing business that she would fill me in, especially since she sent me new oils to approve, she would have told me to get an order together before the price increase.

    When did you get this memo?

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