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Posts posted by funkymonkey66

  1. Konica Minolta is the best one I have used yet and you can get the toner really cheap online. I had lexmark and it was almost cheaper to just buy the printer over again then to replace the toner. It seemed every other week something weird happend with the software too, somedays the computer would print giberish then the next not at all. I had to constantly uninstall and reinstall the software so in the trash it went.

    I bought the page pro 1350w at office max for $180.00. I just bought monotone this time around because I only need it for office use.

    mystical angel made a good point, some of the printers come with the toner 25% full so expect to drop another $600.00 in toner for 4 colors.

  2. You don't have to re-do your candle and it has nothing to do with using a vanilla FO. Poking relief holes does help, but if you end up with a sink hole, just open up the hole a little larger and then go over the top of the candle in a sweeping motion with your heat gun until the melted wax fills in the hole. The top should come out nice and smooth and you'd never know you ever had a sink hole to begin with.

    ;) Yep, what she said.

  3. I heated above 200 and the crackling never stops and you can't see any water in it. Usually when there is water you can see it at the bottom of the pot when melted or even sometimes when you break the wax. But this is completely dry- no condensation, the slabs are not cold, nor was it stored anywhere cold. I bought more from different supplier and it is not crackling so that would rule out the temp. It is just this batch. I have dealt with water in wax before and know what to do but regardless of just the crackling the performance issues have me puzzled.:undecided Any thoughts?

  4. J223 users, is anyone else getting crackling but no visible water when heating the wax, lack of scent throw and depending on what wick you usually use- large mushrooms and excessive sooting that you usually do not have?

    I have been using this wax for years and have dealt with the variances that can be expected but this is odd.

    I have tried everything. Wicked down, changed the scent, reduced the FO load, tried one with no scent or color just to see if it was indeed the wax and it is. I am guessing I got a bad batch but I called the place I purchased the wax from regarding this issue and to no surprise I was told I was the only one to complain.It would be interesting to see if anyone else is having a problem. Thanks :D

  5. Just scents spiced muffins is similar and there was something from natures garden that was really close. It had nothing to do with a muffin or morning but I know it smelled like Yankee's Good morning. Now I am going to drive myself crazy looking for the bottle.:undecided I will get back to you on it when I find it.

  6. I bought a font for the look I wanted. I forwarded this to her, explaining that I had bought it because I wished for a look that nobody else had. I forwarded it to her in good faith.

    No I see your point entirely. She should have respected that you wanted to be original and not used it for other clients.

  7. I had air pockets here and there always in the winter time. I just used a knitting needle and poked the candles around the wicks and the center until I found the pockets, opended them up once I found them and did a repour. Keep in mind I was planning to do a repour anyway because I was pouring larger apothecary jars. All in all I think it is a great wax but the soot on the last 3-4 burns drives me insane! I have tested every wick known to man and no matter what I get soot. Anyone else have this issue?

  8. Thank you guys for your responses. I will look into the photoshop software, how do you overlay a transparent picture? Is that done with the photoshop or is that something different?

    Also, I never thought about buyers going by the pictures instead of the user names. That is a good point. I have no idea if her melts are any good or not and who knows how many she sold using my image. I made the mistake of contacting the theif directly before I went to ebay and she took the pictures down before ebay had a chance to see them. They gave me links for copyright disputes etc, but they said since the seller removed them there was nothing more they could do. Next time I will do the violation first so they get suspended ;)

  9. Within less than 2 months I have come across 2 different businesses that stole pictures of my candles and melts off my website. One of them didn't even try to alter or crop the image to even pass it as being different. Then come to find out that the other one had my melts on all of her eBay listings, like 100 of my image in a row. I completely freaked out and called as well as sent less than friendly emails demanding they take my pictures down.

    WHY don't people just buy stock images like the rest of us for the pictures they are not capable of taking themselves? We are talking pennies each here for stock images but still people would rather steal! I worked so hard taking those pictures and spent hours editing them just to have some jerk make money off it.

    Now I have to waste a day going back to ALL of my images and write my Logo on them one by one. I probably should have done in the first place but I hate the way it looks. I can only do this with my photo editing software that I have that can just write a name over the images. I would like a true watermark thought the image without making it look like I scribbled over it. Does anyone have any recommendations for easy to use software to do this?

  10. Thanks Stella. I already advertise alot of the ways you mentioned. I was just looking for more online venues. Thanks.

    The only thing I do not agree with is the flyer under the windsheid wiper thing. I hate when people touch my car and usually end up calling the # on the flyer and reeming the business out for it. Just a pet peeve I guess.

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