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Funky Monkey

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Posts posted by Funky Monkey

  1. First off - batteries are dead so no pic - sorry.

    Ok.. made a batch of olive,lard, safflower and coconut last night. Beautiful batch with goat milk. Whirled up some oatmeal and put that in. It started to seize but I beat the crap out of it with my sb. I put it in the mold and let it sit. I will admit that I took it out of the mold (it had formed really well) and let it sit wrapped up on my kitchen table. (I then made a different type of soap and let it stay in the mold.) The goat/oatmeal soap has a hole just under the top - apparently all the way through the soap. I cut the end off this morning and it started oozing. (The second loaf I cut is great.) It is sitting on my table in it's freezer paper with ooze all around it. What in the world happened? I usually do pull them from the mold early. My house is really cold (we like it that way) and have NEVER had a problem with it before?? More importantly, what do I do with it now? Thanks for the advice all.

  2. Funky, are you alergic to Cucumber Melon cause I wouldn't think ther would be any in a FO. Or does CM stand for something else.

    I read the post when it first came out and never thought it was funny. But then I never "get" things. Just call me a dead ass.....

    Hey Sharon. I'm not exactly sure what it is I'm allergic to. The allergist tells me "everything - except cats." The whole Cucumber melon (yes CM) was a bit of advice they gave me. They (the allergist) told me to stay away from cm since it could easily set off allergies. It was my own fault thinking I knew better than the the allergist!! It was also my own fault for copying this "recipe" and putting it in a file, then going back later and checking it out. O'well, newbie mistake I guess.

  3. No one here was born with wicks in one hand, a kitchenaid in the other.

    Well... actually I WAS born with a wick in one hand and kitchenaid in the other. It was terribly cramped in there, good thing I was a small baby! Mom wanted me to be born with a sewing machine, but settled on buying me one for my 4th birthday. Dad wanted me to come out toting a skill-saw. It was much to heavy. It's a good thing I can wield them all today!

    Ok.. not the wick, I must admit I fabricated that one. I have NEVER made a candle in my life. I just loved the quote so much I just had to go with it. :D

  4. Looks to me like you have a good list going there. Many different types of things to keep people interested.

    AND - don't let the "have you tested" police get to you. It looks to me like you have spent a deal deal of time (judging from your comment of talking directly to the manufactures) to create your line. And btw, talking DIRECTLY to the manufactures is EXACTLY what you should do. You made a good call with that one. :)

    I'd love to see a photo of your products when you get them ready to go.


  5. I'm a member with our local Chamber of Commerce (with my web design company) and have met some great people that I normally wouldn't of had contact with. Those people have in turn invited me to other events (Kiwanas for example) where I met more people that I've never met in our one-horse town in the past 7 years of living here. I would recommend going that route. It's a great way to network.

  6. Honestly, sounds like a waste of money to me. You can get the same result in different ways (without a monthly fee.) I'm not sure if you designed your site yourself or if you had it done. Either way, it's really easy. Meta tags should be the first to be updated, then make sure you are listed with search engines (most are free and don't require you paying them.)



  7. Hey all. Sorry for the delay, signed some new clients and have been building their sites (yeah me!)

    Well.. I got an email yesterday. She has decided that she will not be able to give the amount of time needed to do this correctly so it's all mine. I'm thinking that might be the best thing to do. I've decided to slow everything down and do a much more thorough (<- is that spelled right??) job. They were going to take care of the lables and site, but seeing as that is what I do for a living, I guess I can take that on too. I currently own my own web design company, so I have the tools and desire to do things myself. Perhaps it is for the best.

    Thanks to everyone for your advice. I appreciate you caring enough to tell me like it is. Keep a lookout for FBMP, this minor setback will make for a much stronger company in the long run.

  8. I used a little sliver tonight in the shower. Evidently I put to much cinnamon in it because the color came off a bit (might just be that it needs to cure, I'm really not sure - if you know, tell me!) but it was like rubbing an oatmeal cookie all over my body!! It's a shame I couldn't eat one! My cats are even hanging around me now that I'm out of the tub!

    I'm hoping the cure will allow the color to become "one" with the soap.

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