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Funky Monkey

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Posts posted by Funky Monkey

  1. I totally agree with Sockmonkey. Tweek has every right to her opinion. We have a similar issue at DH's job. They insist we give to the United Way - but I would rather pluck out my own eyes first. (ANY non-profit company that pays their chairperson a million a year obviously doesn't need my money.) It really does seem that people jumped on the slam Tweek bus. One comment in particular - "nice knowing you Tweek" .. do people normally dump people who are considered friends or at least aquaintenances just because you don't agree with them? Not all my friends do what I want them to, or agree with me, but they are still my friends and I wouldn't just write them off. Regardless of wether I agree with you or not Tweek, I respect your opinion and your right to post it.

    Just my 2 cents.

    (PS - I already have ONE person constantly on my arse.. lets not make it more.)

    Edited to say - I didn't notice this was posted a few weeks ago. Sheesh - it's not possible to go through EVERY post. There are bound to be repeats.

  2. I also want to thank Ginger publicly for doing the beautiful navigation bar on my site. Thanks girl, it is greatly appreciated!

    :cool2: You're making me blush!! And you are very welcome! Any time you need me, just hollar!

    It's ok that we disagree, but I still maintain my point. If a customer calls and asks you for your web address, how much of a PITA it would be to have them go through such a long name (ie: www.freewebs.com/companyname/ ) It just doesn't look as professional as a direct domain name. The "free" websites give the impression of a very small small company. :smiley2:

  3. Well, we plan on doing craft fairs and maybe get some in the small shops in our town (very small town.) Of course the internet would be an avenue, but I don't expect much out of that, it would be more of an informational thing. Yes, she could join me here to do stuff, and I will talk to her about exactly what she wants to do to contribute. I hear the warnings about being friends in business, and will consider that as well. You guys have given me much to think about. THanks for the advice. I'll update ya when I get my thoughts straight.

  4. Personally I don't think free webs are woth it. They give the impression to the customer that the business isn't interested in a serious presence on the web.

    It is also an image thing... think of this.

    owning my own domain my web address would be :

    www.funkymonkeybodyproducts.com as opposed to:


    Of course that is my opinion. :grin2:

    Edited cause I didn't wake up with the spelling gene today.

  5. I agree that it can be rough on a friendship. No argument there!

    Yes, I will be making most of the product. She is coming up with the label designs and packaging. What I'm trying to figure out is what else is there for her to do? Advertising, packaging, design. We will be signing a partnership agreement and want to have responsibilities layed out so we know who is doing what. I could very well do it all on my own (already have one successful company) but she really wants to be a part of it and I could certainly use the financial help as well. There are two products that she CAN do at her home.

    So I guess what I'm asking is.. what else do you guys have to do besides what has already been mentioned? task wise? (advertising, packaging, design) I know it's not exactly clear what I'm asking, I'm sorry, I'm trying to phrase it the best way I know how. Thanks again.

  6. Hi all. Friend of mine and I are considering (down the road) turning our hobby into a business. Yesterday when we spoke, she asked me to come up with what I thought would be 50/50. We would make (possible list as it is down the road a bit) bath salts, lotions, bath gels, room mist, carpet fresh, lip balm, salt & sugar scrubs, bath bombs and bar soap. At least these are on my "fun to do" list. :D I know from the get-go that she will not be able to make the soap at her house, nor the lotions or gels. My question is this, if I do a majority of the product stuff myself, what is left for her to do? I know she can do the packaging, advertising and possibly even the accounting. We will both be caring for the website (her husband and I are both professional web designers.) I know I am missing a HUGE part of a B&B business. Any suggestions on some other major parts that she could do? I certainly appreciate the input.


  7. The watermarking I do is a light gray of my logo used in the center of the photo. It doesn't really dimish the quality, thankfully. I'm glad you are considering options. The photos are so nice that it would be a shame to look up another site and see your hard work staring you in the face.

  8. Ah.. so that's the reason :D ... regardless, glad to have you here on this forum as well as the dish. I'm sure you are a wealth of information that a newbie like me can learn from. And I promise to read ALL your posts in full. Wouldn't want to make another newbie mistake. :confused:

  9. A bunch of companies have templates thats you can use, more of a DIY service. I use 1&1 for a few of my clients and I know they have a template maker (although it is very limited) and I know that GoDaddy has one as well. Your best bet is going to be contacting some of the major companies and seeing what they have to say. Each company charges a different amount, depending on what you are looking for. Also, my best advice for help with designing (if you dont' want to just hire a designer) is to check the local schools for some high schoolers that are talented. They usually work MUCH MUCH cheaper than a full-fledged designer.

    Oh.. to register a domain name - anywhere from $2.99 - 10.00 (depending on the company you go through) and annual fees to keep it up range big time, but my expeience is between $25 - 150 (depending on the company.)

    Hope this helps! :)


    Funky Monkey

    Edited cause I'm hukd aun foniks

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