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Funky Monkey

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Posts posted by Funky Monkey

  1. Thanks for the compliment Late Night. I'm still tweaking a few of them, but I truly am happy that each site is different. The cookie-cutter thing drives me crazy! When a designer does that, it shows me that they are working in their own best interest, not what is best for the client. Each of my sites were designed with input of what my clients wanted - not what *I* wanted for them.

    Anyway... back to the logo thing. I'm going downstairs to rip the dealer name off my van now... brb..

  2. I do offer my clients that allow me to advertise a discount on other items they may need - be it printed materials or a discount on their maintenance. I certainly give the option.

    Most of the bigger companies have IT departments and handle their website internally - which is why there isn't a name on the bottom.

    I figure it is up the person who owns the site. I am a hired contractor - here purely to provide a service. If I am allowed to advertise, great, if not, it's in the code anyway. No harm, no foul - either way.

  3. Thanks for looking out for me guys! People are always sending me links to monkey things which I truly appreciate. Someone sent me that bottle link and I ordered right away, this was a month or so ago, but alas they were out of them then. They should take them off of the site

    We should go in together and buy in bulk :)

  4. Sorry Sock- I didn't make myself clear (my bad)

    I don't force ANYONE to keep my name on their sites. I ask them (with my initial paperwork) to put it on their site - they have to chose not to. I put my name within the code. I have had several clients that just don't care if I put it there or not. I do try to make it really really small so that it doesn't take the focus off their product, etc.

    And yes, I do know what you meah (directed to Sock too! :)) there are some sites that seem pretty much identical. *I* do not do that. I recently quoted a lady for a site. She laughed and told her her friend could do it for a quarter of my quote. I asked for his website to check out his portfolio. Well - yeah, he has TONS of experience. About 400 - I kid you not - clients are listed. but EVERY site is the same with the exception of color. Now that I find sad. There is no "design" in that at all. They are cookie cutters. I don't work that way.

  5. What you are doing by allowing them to advertise their site and services for free on your site is essentially giving an open invitiation to everyone who stops at your website to know the secrets to your business. I wouldn't want people to have a website that looked similar to mine.


    A good designer would NEVER duplicate a site. My sites do not look the same, in fact, ALL of them (oops - minus one that is a template) are all custom. Most design companies require their name at the bottom for credit for their work - contractually. I don't REQUIRE my clients to have it - in fact, it is an option that I request, but not push, as I put my trademark into the code as well.

    I look at it the same way as some would other products. For example - you buy lotion at BBW - do you remove the label when you get home so that others don't get the same lotion? No. That would be silly. A small link at the bottom of a webpage isn't going to kill anyone, and in most cases, it is done tastefully.

    From the designers standpoint - that is my opinion. Sorry Sock - doesn't seem like we're on the same page recently :)

  6. I'm rationalizing the yogurt due to the sugar content in the kool-aid. I'm thinking it would cause "problems." ;)

    I'm also thinking that you might want to try something else to color your salts with. I have used a teny tiny bit of wilton's colorings. I have also used the cheaper colorants from Hobby Lobby. They worked pretty good, although I didn't really get a dark color from them.

    Silly question as it is, I wonder if the sugar free would cause the same ill effects? I'm thinking it's aspertain in those? Hmm.. off to research.

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