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Funky Monkey

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Posts posted by Funky Monkey

  1. I can change the code to move the pic up to the top. But then it changes the pic size and I would rather have the larger size. Again, its a store design thing. You have a certain amount of choices in loading pics and text, etc.

    Candybee, it can be changed. I can give ya a hand with it if you want. Send me a pm if interested. :D

  2. I'm working on a website too, and using their (1&1) templates and I HATE IT! Sounds like I need to look into Dreamweaver.

    I have quite a few of my client sites through 1&1. (I hate their accounting department.. gonna have to call them again tomorrow <sigh>) And yes, their templates are very limiting. I never did have much luck with them. Dreamweaver is awesome. I'm sure you'll enjoy it so much more.

  3. Dreamweaver is awesome. I use it daily in my web design business. It's very user friendly. You don't have to know a bunch of code, it is also a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get.)

    Oh man.. sounds like an infomerical.

    Seriously, it's a great program. I'm willing to help you out if you need it. (Free of course)


  4. Hi guys. I have a question. I've done search after seach and think i'm more confused now then I was before.

    I am making a salt scrub. I'm happy with the recipe. Since water will be introduced, I know I need a preservative. My question is (I'm gonna feel stupid if I am totally off base - and I think I very well may be) I'm wondering if Vitamin E would be considered a preservative? I cannot remember what the heck Vit E adds to the mix.

    Thanks again for the help. I know it's a newbie question... but then again, I'm a newbie. Just trying to learn.

  5. My mom has a computerized embroidery sewing machine, that's why I said I'd have her do my next one! I dont know how much of a pain it is to digitize my logo though...

    Hey Lindsay, my mom has an embroidery machine too. I just checked out your logo and it wouldn't be to hard to digitize at all! Mom does it all the time. I think your logo would look awesome in thread!

  6. Hi there.

    First off, it's a nice site. I like the colors and the navigation.

    The only suggestion I have is on the front page. I would move the picture from the bottom of the page to the top. It would up the "wow" factor. I really think you did a good job! It's very nice, clean and professional looking.

  7. If you dont mind my asking, did your DH make yours a solid box or are the sides hinged? I want to make one and want to do it as simply as possible(for my first one). Just curious if the soap will come out if the sides don't open.

    Mine is a solid box. I use freezer paper in it, then lift the soap by the paper to get it out of the box. I didn't want to fool with loose hinges, etc. Espically with my first mold. :D If ya want, I can post a picture of it. It's pretty simple, but works just fine.

  8. Hi all. Thought I'd post a couple pics.. The first one was tinted with M&P color - an entire bottle of blue - which turned pink, then settled on a lovley shade of lavender.


    This one is my first attempt at swirling. Both soaps are unscented (as I don't have any scents yet, but still having fun!)


  9. Hehe.. you're right Funky Monkey.. this will actually be her label. The empty space on it will be used to add her product info! :)

    That be the case, I think it's great. I didn't realize there was missing information. Filled with product info, I think it would work great! Good job! *getdown*

  10. Ok... Going to start a second series.. topics include:

    1) How to navigate around boxes of FO's, EO's, etc

    2) How to actually leave your soaps for 4 weeks to cure (Not that I've done this yet)

    3) How to make your soaps change color many many times in the mold (my personal secret!! ;)

    4) How to justify 6 showers a day

    That's it for the second series... depending on enrollment,, we may make a third :) We'll need Guest Speakers for that one.

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