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julie c

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Posts posted by julie c

  1. I would like to try C&S Fo, and wondered if anyone has tried any and love them. I'm looking for some Christmas scents and a few bakery ones. I use JS 50/50 and 4794. Thanks! I get into routine and keep ordering from the same suppliers. I guess I'm afraid of making a mistake! UGH!

  2. In response to chris, what supplier do you like to use. I feel I get great smelling candles with js, ics, and ng, but would like to see what else is out there, and take the plunge on some higher price FO. Maybe this is the knock your sock s off hot throw I'm looking for in my darn tarts!!!

  3. I have been wondering why some suppliers oil's are so darn high. 16oz bottle for $20-22, 8oz for $ 15-16. I can buy from other places for $13 - 15 for 16oz and the FO are superb, like JS, Ind.Candle, Ng. Are they extra awesome, worth the money? I've thought of trying some, but afraid they aren't any better. Any thoughts on this?

  4. You know I had to look at my warmer, it has a tiny little bulb, never seen one so small, I guess when that burns out, that burner is done!! lol I'm not sure what the melt point is on 4794, mixing some 50/50 might just bring the melt pool down and help with the hot throw.

    So many thing to consider in candle making, who knew when we all ventured in this hobbie!!

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