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Posts posted by the_amber_woods

  1. Well I thought I'd add a few that I found online, I've not tested any of these but they all look reasonable.

    Dried Herbal Bath Tea:

    1 cup mint

    1 1/2 cups lavander

    1/4 cup rosemary

    1/4 cup sage

    Herb Tea for Relaxation

    1 cup rosemary

    1 cup lavender

    1 cup rose petals

    1 cup mint

    Troubled Skin Tub Tea

    2 parts rooibos tea

    2 parts oatmeal

    1 part sassafras

    1 part chamomile

    1 part comfrey leaf

    No More Sore Muscles

    2 parts thyme

    2 parts rosemary

    2 parts lavender

    1 part cramp bark

    1 part epsom salt

  2. I've used a recipe similar to this, you must note that not all FO's will combine clear with the water and polysorbate, It's a good idea to test them on fabrics to make sure they won't stain.

    Looks better if you're using a NON clear container to store it in.

  3. I live in clinton, just outside of knoxville about 25 minutes.

    I've bought from Aztec before. Some of their FO's are worth buying, I prefer peaks for quality though.

    They do tend to overcharge on alot of their other items though... so you have to be careful when buying from them.

    Everyone there is very friendly though, except for the lady at the front desk who one day tried to tell me that FO's NEVER go bad... LOL

  4. If you want it to be really fun, you can have your child decide what kind of monsters they think the spray needs to protect against...

    Make sure you let them know that you're really "working" on getting together just the right ingredients...

    Let them pick out a color even :) It can be fun if your child is the right age and of the right mind set...

  5. I remember... I think it was a basic body/linen spray... scented something kids would like

    bubblegum - to get rid of monsters under the bed

    lavander - good for nightmares *helps to sooth children*

    I think most of it was the lables and how the product was presented...

    Large pieces of glitter in the bottom of the bottles would be good, gives kids something to shake up

    A nice saying that you should say as you sake up the bottle :)

    You might even make a small "fake ingredients list" that says silly things like:

    Mom's biggest hug - good for icky green monsters that hide under the bed

    Magic Pickle Juice - good for smelly monsters

    Unicorn toe nails - good for monsters who don't think little boys/girls are real...

    Stuff like that... It's 90% imagination... 10% actuall product.

  6. I've tried out so many wonderful samples of creams and lotions and other products from the members on this board.

    I want to start getting into making creams and lotions...

    Can someone recomend a good tuturial on the basics, why things work the way they work and info on ingredients and formulating your own?

    I have some wonderful ideas on ingredients and such, now I just need to start to learnin' myself good on the how to's and what for's :)

    :yay: :highfive: :yay:

  7. I thought I might also mention.

    What I did to start with is weigh an empty bottle, then fill it up with my lotion or bath gel and get the exact weight that the bottle would hold in product.

    Then as I was scooping it out into into my mini bags to add fragrance, I made sure to add in a few extra grams to account for the fact that not all of the product is going to come out of those darned bags! LOL If you get a gallon jub with a pump, this process is super easy... if not you have to scoop it out and it tends to be messy

    *If you're not warming your base to mix in the Fo, Bath Gels tend to get lots of bubbles as you nead in the FO... It'll look like you measured out to much product into your bag, what you'll need to do is wait untill the bubbles settle then top off the bottle :) *

    Just remember, if you have trouble getting your FO to mix in well, you may need to warm your base up a bit... Check with the manufacture to get temp limits and instructions on heating up your base.

  8. This is what I read and then got verified by the good people here. I get quart size storage or freezer bag and measure out how many ounces I want to test. Then using a pipette I use the following for the ounces of lotion and it has worked out very nice for me.

    40 drops of FO per 8oz

    20 drops of FO per 4oz

    10 drops of FO per 2oz

    When ready to put in bottles I cut a little of one of the corners and squeeze into bottle. HTH

    I use this method also! Works great!

  9. Thanks everyone for their feedback on this company. I participated in her S.O.S. trade. It took her several weeks to let me know she'd looked in my package and given me credit.

    With that credit I ordered some oils that I'm really excited about. I ordered 28 days ago and I can't even get the company to send me an invoice. She was emailing every few days saying she was "working on them" or " mine was right on top"

    Now the company has stopped responding to my emails all together... no response, no invoice... Some of her emails mentioned spam filters... blah blah blah...

    I'm sorry... but NO company should take over a month to even send out an invoice for shipping costs... I don't care how great her oils are... if you treat you customers like they're not important... then they won't com back to you... That's just my opinion though.

    I've emailed her again, hopefully this time she'll respond. I've tried every email listed on her site, tried emailing from different email addresses *just in case mine wasn't working* tried contacting her on ICQ. I guess my next option is certified mail and then on the her local athorities if I can't at least get a response.

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