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Posts posted by Rob

  1. I am changing over to the paypal cart.. as it seems it is sort of dummy proof and I'm having some major issues with carts lately it seems..lol:laugh2: Anywho, when I went to their shipping cost options, it gave you a choice, for a flat rate, based on the cost of an item (0.00 - 9.99) (10.00-15.00) etc. You would then plug in how much it would cost to ship for each set of amounts. Does anyone use this method of shipping cost calc? If so, can you drop me a PM I have a question you might be able to help with. :cheesy2:

    Thanks in advance!


  2. :P

    Hey folks.. was wondering, how many of the soap petals do you put in 1 bag and how much do you charge for them? I'm sitting here with close to 100 of the suckers and was just wondering.... ;)

    thanks! :yay:

  3. Shaving Cream

    1/2 cup grated hard white soap (castile is best)

    2/3 cup boiling water

    2 tb melted coconut oil

    3 tb almond oil

    1 tb borax

    Approx 20 drops scent

    Dissolve soap in water, pour into blender (or use stick blender). Add remaining ingredients and whip until fluffy. Pour into shaving mug or coffee mug and let harden. If using home made soap, increase the soap amount by 1/4 to 3/4 cups.

  4. Didn't Rob have a pic in the old gallery of an adult theme candle ? made from a shampoo bottle? Be glad to save my shampoo bottles for you. LOL And are you going to post pics in the gallery of your creations? Been kind of bored lately. That would sure liven things up.

    Lol! Lord do you ladies forget anything? roflmao.... :D btw, that burned quite nicely.

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