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Posts posted by Rob

  1. Just curious, I too think these look great! But was wondering, wouldn't it be better to package something that would be in the shower in some kind of plastic? Just wondering as i have these vision of the jar slipping out of someones hand and breaking in the tub. :sad2: lol I know, always looking on the dark side...

  2. We also have a bear season here in Minnesota. My main objection to the way bear is hunted is how they put out bait and get the bears used to coming to a spot a few weeks before the season. To me that's not hunting, but then I don't think sitting in a deer stand right above a deer trail is very sporting either. Now if you can go out into the woods with a bow...

    reminds me of that 'caged' hunting I think its called where animals are kept in pens (Large pens, but still pens) and they are fed in one spot..so all the hunters go there and kill them. Makes me sick. My cousin and I stomp through the woods around here during deer season... ;)

  3. :D I like this one ... not sure if you were asking about the soap paint, but they do sell paint made just for soap. I also believe, but not 100% positive that there is something you can buy to add to acrylic paints so that they will adhere to soap, but I can't remember where I saw that. I'm sure google would be helpful for finding sources. :D :D

    I can't wait to see the finished piece!

  4. hmmm, I thought most species of bears where on the endangered list in the US?

    I think most are, but I remember them opening up the season in Jersey for the black bear because there were so many and they were in everyone's back yard.

    Personally, I never understood the thrill of going out into the woods with a gun and shooting an animal.. :tongue2: okay I'll stop before pissing off the hunters in the group :D

  5. I *love* working with stained glass and mosaic's! Check out ebay, you can get some good deals there if you shop around. Thats where I got my grinder and alot of mosaic tiles and glass.

    Glass can be very expensive :lipsrseal . But check out the stuff from Delphi, that is a great store. :cheesy2:

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