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Posts posted by crazycacti

  1. playing with soap recipes and combining oils

    suggestion regarding this combo:

    Olive 15.4 oz

    Lard 15.4 oz

    Coconut 10 oz

    Castor Oil 2 oz

    Sunflower 3 oz

    Pumpkin Seed Oil 2 oz

    Canola 5 oz

    7.22 lye

    12.91 distilled-discounted for a little pumpkin puree and warm vanilla sugar FO


  2. So I saw a post recently that was relevent -i think-but now cannot find-

    I am thinking I may move up in the world-out of my shoe box and kitty litter pan

    I am interested in purchasing a mold.

    Have been looking at the ones you all have discussed and comparing them. The ??TOG?? ones look interesting. They are made out of wood-and then the pictures shows green. What is this green? Is it something I would take out with the soap and then remove the soap from it? Does it stay in the mold?

    Would I have to line the mold still with vaseline or a plastic bag-i think i have heard mention of!! Is it a plastic or silicone layer??

    Sounds like a lot of you use these!!

    I am concerned about how much work would be in it for me-getting the soap out or what have you. If the green comes out and then can easily be cleaned?

    Also looks like then there is a cutter that fits right in and very neatly slices your bars?

    How exciting!

    Any guidance would help!

    Guess my main thing is-what is the green?


  3. i use oat flour in lieu of real oatmeal-is basically same thing-just already ground! so you have it on hand for all of your cooking-unless you are one of those white flour eaters :)

    and for soap


    eat oat cookies while bathing........................................

  4. i just made an attempt-may do the shake the bottle technique next time

    was to thin i think and did not advance much more-poured and did not really layer-but willhopefully have a nice swirl!

    poured most in a large makeshift mold and some into little silicone molds

    can't wait to check tomorrow!!!!!!!


    thanks for input-may have more questions soon

    thought on oil in window for a few days with herbs is great too!!

  5. Hey there! So have been seeing about flat rate shipping from swap posts and classified sales. I sale some random stuff on ebay and recently had some transactions and almost lost money due to an increase in postage!

    Wondering about flat rate

    is it through USPS??

    Is it same rate to any zipcode?

    I just show up with my stuff and grab one of their boxes? Or can I get a pile ahead of time? Thinking ahead about my soap!!

    Or is it through UPS or Fed Ex???


    Guidance definitely needed!!

  6. So I am a beginner who has made about 5 small batches-all currently in different parts of curing stage-so SUPER new!!

    Was just ooking at everyones pics of there beautiful soaps

    want to swirl

    want to really bad!

    So-can do with even a small batch-set a little aside when it hits trace-dump rest in mold-add food coloring, paprika, cocoa or what have you to other and then pour on top and drag a spoon through?

    quick and easy?

    any last minute facts should know?

    assume have to move really fast!

    what does anyone use for color-that would be in my kitchen?

    have a few "candle" coloring things-but probably not soap material??


  7. I did a very temporary stent with dun and bradstreet about 11 yrs ago-when i was barely 20 and barely making it. They hire people with no skills and not a lot of other options and they give them a call list and they push them to make a sale-people lose jobs if can't get the numbers. They get commission off of selling the products.

    I would definitely try and get on the no call list and not bother with them.

    I left after a short stent with a bad taste in my mouth!!!

  8. Plus they sell their MP bases for more than double what you could get it for somewhere else!

    When i started playing with candles-got wax from them-not worth much!!

    I use their ads for other stuff though-stamps, scrapbooking paper may make cigar rings out of, etc

    there is always something to use it on!!

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