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Posts posted by billyne

  1. thank you so much..i agree, that shop online page is chaotic. i was thinking about making buttons (that match my banner) that link to products. and i never thought about that slideshow...duh! of course it should have product pics in it,lol--i'll probably get rid of it all together.

  2. peace ya'll--

    i've been working on my website again and i need your opinions..BUT before you look at it, i am not completely done...just need to know if i am on the right track or not. i need to redo my fragrance descriptions and i still need to take pics of my incense and oils--and i'm still trying to figure out a layout for my "shop online" page. why am i scared to give ya'll the link? :o lol..okay, here it is-- http://www.sweetsmellingstuff.com.

  3. ^

    That's what I had in mind when creating them. But anyone can use them. It's just w/ chemically treated hair some products may appear too greasy. Natural Afro hair soaks up oils and moisture because all of the loops, twists and turns in our hair structure...

    thanks sister..i'll be sure to bookmark your site. ;)

  4. My sticks ALWAYS give off black when you first light them BEFORE you blow them out... then its just white smoke. I tell people to wave them around a little as they are flaming which will help with the black smoke. Its just the oils burning off so the charcoal can start burning.


    ohhhh..that's what it is. i've never used the charcoal sticks before. only the ones made with sawdust.

  5. peace..

    i never heard of that, maybe they are talking about charcoal sticks? ..i just lit one of mine that i made the day before yesterday to see (still fairly wet), and the smoke was white--burns fine to me.but one thing i do know that if you use "uncut" fragrance oil your incense will produce a lot more smoke than when you use the "cut" oil, and the more dpg you use the less scented your sticks will be and they will burn for a shorter amount of time.

    can i get a link to the article?

  6. Oh wow! How do you make incense sticks exactly??


    hey anjie-

    i buy the punk sticks ( already made) ,incense bags, and dpg here..http://www.madinaonline.com/

    they're like $18 for a box of 10,000 they come in bundles of 100 or 500, i get the 500 ( the cheapest i've found so far, but their oils suck!) and then you mix 1 part incence oil ( i use a 16oz bottle) to 2 or 3 parts dpg -this mixture will make about 1500 sticks ( i put 10 sticks in a bag and sell them for a buck) then i pour it over the sticks, make sure they are saturated ( i do this in a big 'ole turkey roaster pan and i cut the red string off the sticks before i put the mixture on--it makes it easier) put them in big coffee tins stick side up to drain a little (long enough for me to sit down to bag them..lol) then put them in bags and label them..i've read on here that people let them dry for 24 hours, but in all the years i've dipped them i've never done that (and never had any complaints either). i always bag them up immediately after dipping. they will burn wet (and they stay that way for only a day anyway) and they seem to stay fresher longer when you bag them right away--if you want to take it a step further, and you don't want them to dry out you can keep them in the freezer or in a cool place. make sure u save any oil/dpg mix that drains off your incense-it can be used again. hth

  7. peace ya'll--

    i'm looking to make a change from 415 and was considering the joywax from nature's garden. i did a search and on some old threads there were some people were complaining that the batches were inconsistant and there was cracking in the wax and other problems. well, has it gotten better for you? does the scent throw better than plain 'ole soy wax? i haven't used anything other than soy and parrifin, and wanted a change. thanks!

  8. peace ya'll-

    i've been searching high and low for these jars today. the lady that i bought this candle from said she got them from wholesalessupplyplus.com but i don't see them on there. she also said they had them on stansville.com, but that isn't a website ( or maybe i can't remember what she said :embarasse ) but anyway, i want to use them to put shea butter in. have you seen these before? it looks bigger than a 10 oz jar, but not sure though.



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