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Everything posted by thecandlespastore

  1. I just spent a wonderful evening with my two little kids and I really miss having that fun time with them with all the dramas of life. The internet does give you an advantage over real life, you can brush things off your shoulders very easily and ignore the meaningless aspects of it. I definitely do not want the company bombarded with emails or rioted, lol, nor did I ever suggest it, as Callaway mentioned above. But thanks for the suggestion, and thank you to all who shared similar experiences with resolutions as well. I think that one experience shared can help thousands, and I just wanted to share mine. I definitely did not want everyone to agree with me or take my side, I wanted help with my dilemma and to vent out my pain, my agony at not having my Amazing Grace and other items to sniff and soap this weekend. Hopefully the company did realize my frustration in the matter and this kind of thing can be avoided in the future, not only for me, but for any and all. I'll let you know how the reshipping process goes:D Edited because I can't seem to type right tonight...
  2. Girl, you better get a machete:laugh2: J/K. I saw one of those really long blades somewhere...they had an 18" and a 22". I will have to check my favorites..
  3. Same here! I made 7 three pound log molds from $12 of wood of Home Depot. Carol, its not that hard really. Find a mold online that has the dimensions that you are looking for, then get some wood in those measurements. You will need a base piece and 4 side pieces, and 12 nails. Voila, you very own mold!
  4. I know, that would be gross:p but it looks like it would have your hair looking great in no time!
  5. You can scan the picture into your computer, get a free download of photoshop and erase that part out of the label with the eraser or with white "paint". I think you might be able to do it in Paint to that is usually found in most PCs. If you are having problems, let me know, I can do it for you on my PC and send it to you.
  6. I used to use soft oils with my whipped butters but now I no longer do so. My butters consists of unrefined West African Shea, unrefined East African Nilotica Shea, unrefined Cocoa Butter and refined Mango Butter, and a touch of Vit E. I melt them all together (except Vit E that is added at the end of it all) until they are just soft enough to mix together. Meanwhile I have a butterknife chilling in the freezer getting nice and cold. Once my butters start to harden back up, I pop them under the mixer, let it rip for about 4 minutes. Then I take my chilled butterknife and hold it along the inside of the mixing bowl so that the butters can run along it. This chilled knife not only gets my butters hard again fast so that I dont have to keep popping into the fridge/freezer and back, it seems to make the volume double much faster and better. My butter is ready in less than 30 minutes and soaks right into the skin. Wanted to add that when I used to add soft oils my whipped butters always melted en route to my clients. Now with no soft oils added I can ship in the summer and they get there in the same form that they left in. Here is a pic of it, I need bigger round labels but these are doing the trick for now.
  7. This is a definite candidate for a rebatch or cube soap. Those draw lines from the botanicals are bothering me.
  8. She has a sale every minute, just when you think you can't get enough! She does ya in:) Gotta go make my list...
  9. Do they both smell like Gingerbread? If so, which one do you like better?
  10. Looks like mayo and eggs. Good job! Can't wait to hear the results.
  11. Especially when expensive oils are used.
  12. Actually, I ordered twice, 4 days apart, never expected them to combine my orders or anything. I have never asked that of any company. Paid 2 seperate shipping charges, no problem with that. What I asked them was if they could box up both of my boxes that are being returned to them that I have already paid over $20 to have shipped into one box since I have to print and mail them a label so they can ship USPS, and the items weigh less than 2.5 pounds total. UPS should be refunding them for the labels IMO since they never did the right thing with changing the address error.
  13. I will definitely try those companies for those scents. Thanks for the suggestions! Backto watching Bubble Boy, this movie is hilarious.
  14. Save On Scents has reasonable shipping charges and I believe they ship internationally.
  15. My daughter is sitting next to me, she said "Mommy, Cake!"
  16. I think it looks amazing. It does look like banana bread:)
  17. Wanted to add my tracking numbers so you can see the address messages, since someone seems to think I am making this all up: 1Z9Y68250342945661 (notice that for this one it even says that there was a delivery change request, which was never processed.) 1Z9Y68250340098278 Like I said before, normally I really don't care what goes on in forums, I own a very busy forum and I know about trolls and people who have a lot of time on their hands. Anyway, out of curiousity I clicked on your name Sliver and 95% of all your posts are rude and mean, you just hop into threads just to chew the person out and post rude little comments. You have even went as far as practically calling some people stupid idiots, telling them their websites are crappy, they are false advertising, etc. This is the net, and just because we don't know you personally and will probably never meet you does not mean you have to treat people like crap with your undermining comments. You have a right to share your opinion, but treat people the same way you would like to be treated. We are all here to help each other out, and learn from each other, share ideas and such. Not put people down and verbally attack them.
  18. A snip from the emails I got from SC: Unfortunately, your package left Florida on the 18th -- and I don't think there is anything I will be able to do at this point to get it redirected to you. But I will give them a call. Just so that you're aware, I am sorry to have to tell you that there are fees involved with a redirection of a packatge as well as a reshipping fee ;( Best Regards, Jenni Scott Customer Service Sweet Cakes Soapmaking Supplies 2. "Once the package gets back to us, I can have it reshipped back to you -- but we qwill have to charge you a repackaging fee, and a reshipping fee -- we will not be able to use the box again, UPS will not allow us to ship the package again gratis, so we must pass along the fee to you. Please reply back to this email letting me know you agree to these fees."
  19. I bought the entire Philosophy line from SOS earlier in the year and they said they were trying to perfect them. I hope this dupe you are getting will be wonderful:D I like SOS's items, and their customer service is wonderful.
  20. Hate to call you out and normally I would not even care, but do you work for SC because you seem to be so defensive? And seem to keep taking it personally for some reason. And how do you know people here don't give them business? I would not come in here and share some twisted side of a story. I am a customer who has been done wrong and no better place to voice it than a forum that deals with these kinds of issues each day, with people who make the same kinds of products that I do and feel the stress of not getting your items when promised. People who have customers waiting for items that have had to be refunded because of this ordeal. It does not matter who gets the blame. That is not the issue. What matters is the way it was resolved. Very poorly. The cold hardcore facts remain that I called UPS on several occasions and I was told that my address had been fixed, and it never was. So UPS does get most of the blame for poor customer service and not doing their jobs and telling me that they fixed a problem that was never fixed. I have had items delivered before where if I could not be home to would have them redirect it to wherever I was and they would deliver it to me there. The only company that does not do this is USPS, but Fedex, DHL, UPS all have the ability to redirect a package to any address you tell them. That being said, even if they had only "rescheduled a delivery to a different address" as the supervisor kept telling me they did, I would have still gotten my boxes. But no one did anything, there are no notes saying I fix my address, nothing. So I get the blame for that? Of course not! Who knows what SC was thinking when they shipped, I was not there. But its obvious that someone did not put the correct label on my boxes, so of course I have to hold them accountable for some of this. UPS is not the one who printed the labels. I know is that in my account my address is correct, in my confirmation email my address is correct, and my credit card would have never processed if my address was incorrect, they would have called me to get a correct address so they could run my card. I am not new to ordering online, I know the process. This is the first company and first time this has ever happened to me. A simple apology and good customer service would have been wonderful, I run a business and I know that. Even if something is not my fault, I always apologize and try to fix the problem. No one is perfect, if you make a mistake, big deal. But giving your customers attitude is not the way to go, because it will soon make them not deal with you again. Moral of the story: 1. SC put the wrong address on the boxes, simple mistake of Street instead of Avenue. 2. UPS did not change my address after repeated attempts by yours truly to do so. 3. I am out $20 on shipping, charges that should be refunded to SC by UPS and then to me, plus another $10.39 to print 2 new labels and mail them to SC so they can ship my small items in 2 seperate packages because they can't be bothered to ship all of the items into one box and help me out, or they will charge me to pack them up. All this just equals very POOR customer service from 2 companies that I used to hold very high on my list.
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