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Posts posted by Terrie

  1. and this may not be popular :rolleyes: , blends aren't soy candles, they're parrafin candles that have some soy, regardless of percentage. Maybe a blend is easier to work with, but more expensive and why spend the $ and time on the soy at all if you're just gonna contaminate it? I don't have anything against parrafin, and of course the fragrances and dyes I use are not natural, but the wax is, and I'm very upfront about that. I just would not be comfortable marketing a blend as a vegetable wax candle. It would feel like lying at worst, misleading at best.

    Not everyone uses soy because of the "naturalness." ;) I use a blend because I get the best of both worlds. My wax is 98% soy, but I don't market it as "natural" or "healthier" than this candle or that candle. I use it because I get better throw than with 100% soy, but a cleaner burn than with a paraffin wax. The whole "natural" thing with soy has never been what has interested me in it. I just like the fact that I don't get black soot and black smoke.

    Also, my wax is no more expensive then, say, J-223. And I don't market my candles as "soy". Just a special blend. :)

    So, it's not accurate to make the assumption that everyone who uses soy or a soy/par blend is out to market their candles as cleaner, healthier, or all natural. And they certainly aren't using "contaminated" wax because they choose to use a blend.

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