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Posts posted by Terrie

  1. Renaming was the first thing that came to my mind too. Personally, I won't even bother to sniff anything that sounds "earthy" or "herbal". I think people are set in their ways as to what kind of fragrances they like and don't like. But, change the name, and it gets rid of that "weird" stigma that some people may associate with certain scents. JMO:)

  2. But I am really going to push to have finished product this fall.

    I dont' mean this to sound rude, but don't get your hopes up for a finished product by fall. If you haven't even found your wax yet, you have a LONG, LONG way to go! LOL! I have been making candles for well over a year, and I'm still testing different things and trying new waxes. It is a never ending cycle. There is so much testing involved in candlemaking, that it is nearly impossible to have a finished product, safely ready for selling in only a couple of months. Every single variable must be tested and tested again. Every jar, every different FO, every wick, must be tested. Just because a 51z burns great in an 8oz jelly jar with Banana Nut Bread, doesn't mean that a 51z will work in an 8oz jelly jar with Lovespell. Irritating and frustrating, I know, but that is the bottom line. It takes most people months if not upwards of a year to finally get a product that is safe, burns well, and that they are confident enough to put into the hands of the general public. And don't forget the issue of liability insurance before you sell. It sometimes takes awhile to find an agent who will insure you.

    I don't mean to discourage you, but candlemaking is not easy, and certainly isn't a quick buck. (I'm not implying you're after a quick buck, just making a point).

    My best advice to you is to order slabs of wax to test until you find "THE ONE". LOL I think I tested every wax known to man before I found mine. And I am getting ready to test two others, just because. LOL

    Have fun, and don't get discouraged. You'll find what works for you.:)

  3. Wow, Jim, it sounds like you have done all of your homework. You already know the importance of testing and changing variables.

    The only advice I can give you is to make sure you are using quality FO's, and to keep ordering and testing slabs of wax until you find the one that works for you. I know how frustrating it is, cause I couldn't tell you how many waxes I went through before I found the one I use now.

    Not all FO's are created equal, either. You gotta pick through those suppliers to find the ones that have quality products. There are only about 3 MAYBE 4 suppliers I will order FO's from. I've learned my lesson the hard way.:rolleyes:

    Good luck, and don't give up. It will be well worth it when you find what you are looking for.:)

  4. I am testing a new container that I just LOVE, but the flame dances like there is no tomorrow! I have two sizes, one that I single wick and one that I DW, and the SW and DW both do this. The flames dance and dance and dance and it drives me nuts. :eek: I've tried zincs, RRD, Paper, Cotton, LX, CD, HTP, they all dance around.:rolleyes: No soot or smoking, but it still bugs me. The jar has no curves, either. Straight up and down.

    I thought I remembered a post awhile back by someone mentioning that they had one container where their flames did this, but they just let it be. Anyway, just wondering if anyone else has a jar that does this.

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