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Posts posted by jennifer

  1. My problem isn't that i know I need to collect taxes its that I need to collect taxes at different rates all over my state.

    IE where I live it's 8.75%, in another its 9%, another is 8.35%, and so on

    that's what I need help with if anyone knows how. Oklahoma does not allow us to charge a "flat" rate for the entire state, we must also collect the individual city and county rates


  2. okay this is for those of you in states like oklahoma, texas, and california where you are supposed to collect taxes online for everyone in your home state based on their tax rate. how do you guys/gals get that accomplished? I'm attempting to get zen cart setup but i'm just not sure what all i need to do to fix my tax dilema. any help is appreciated.

    oh and i did try to use their forum, but I don't think anyone who looks at their forum really knows any more than I do :wink2:

  3. I'm playing around with zen-cart and customizing it. I'm interested in what some other people have managed to do with their own zen-carts, so I'd greatly appreciate it if you would post your links to your own sites or other sites you know of that use zen cart.

    I have no intention of copying anything. I just want to see what it is capable of as I learn to use more features.

  4. You need the following permissions on your MySQL user: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, ALTER, INDEX, DROP. On an hSphere host, this would be "dba" access, or at least read/write.

    Does anyone know how to get these permissions with godaddy.com? I am totally confused about this part of zen-cart. Also if anyone knows of a place that gives simpler instructions it was be greatly appreciated. I can follow the ones on the site, but it's taking a while in some areas :embarasse like this one.


  5. I don't use an 8 oz jelly jar, but i do use a 8z mason jar with a GB 415 & IGI comfort blends mixture and usually average 50 hours per candle.

    although i don't have many scents to base that on--I make the scents that I feel comfortable with available to customers as I feel okay with each one--I only have 2 scents for wicked candles right now. I also sell air fresheners and wickless candles though I only have 4 scents in the wickless & lots in the air fresheners.

  6. I did a show too and it was awful. It seemed like everyone there was just there to socialize with each other. i had thought last weekend's show was bad, but this one really took that prize. I too am considering lowering my price for my air fresheners but not my candles because i really don't have enough of those made to be lowering the price. Oh and snow really didn't help here--we had around 6" (a lot for here) on thursday.

  7. please don't use poison if you can avoid it. whether you have cats yourself or not, a neighbor might & their cat could get ahold of the mouse before it dies. I once had a get that happened to, the poor thing she was just looking for a snack and wound up poisoned herself.

    if poison is unavoidable that's understandable but try traps first--even live catching traps if you don't like the other ones. Also there are plastic kill traps that make it easier for those with a weak stomach to empty you can get them at walmart.

  8. Thanks! you are all very helpful as always. any time I show them to potential customers I tell them I use tin because it can't break, etc... and that yes, it does get hotter, but they shouldn't be touching it any way.

  9. I've begun to make wickless candles in 6 ounce tins. My hand from Houston purchased a candle warmer at wal-mart while she was up here and she claims that it has a warning saying not to use with metal! I'm not close to a wal-mart to check it myself and also the county I'm in here in oklahoma is under a blizzard warning. we're expecting 8-12 inches of snow! if anyone has one of these packages please post the warning for me. I know that in the past a question has came up regarding vegetable waxes, but I've not heard the metal thing before.


    you guys are lifesavers

  10. My older half sister has been driving me insane recently wanting me to find out how to make these votive candle holders that she has seen before. unfortunately I don't have a picture of the finished product because I can't figure out what to search under-I've tried everything I can think of and so has she.

    I saw them at a show again yesterday there were two versions. One appeared to be tissue paper (all the glasses were solid covered with a white background and bottom) They had designs like coco-cola, OU, OSU, etc. and there was glitter just around the top edge of the glass. Inside this glass was place a votive holder and of course then a candle. The other version had small pictures inside the glass and glitter as a background. Like they had use a glitter adhesive and either sprayed or brushed it on. The votive holder was inside again with a candle. Now the full background ones sold for $15 and the glitter ones sold for $12.50. The thing that my sister is most interested in is this--she swears that you can give them a picture (of your kids or whatever) and they can put it inside the glass. Anyway if anyone can lead me as to where to look I'll gladly do some more research I just can't seem to figure out the right words to look for.

    Oh and here is a link of a similar glass that was used, but the glasses they used had a flatter bottom inside the glass and had fluted type edges not straight.


  11. Thanks everyone, apparently the invoice part wasn't working because my account isn't completely set up for business yet...the darn 4 digit number from verifying the credit card. Anyway, I'm not at a point that I would be doing any custom orders so for now that isn't a problem. Hopefully by the time it is a problem I'll have enough cash flow that I can pay for some kind of weight linked shipping calculator.

  12. In order to hopefully defeat the shipping/handling issue, I would like to do something similar to BCN...customer places the order, I pack it and then send out an invoice via paypal, customer pays and then I print shipping and send out package. Anyone have any ideas on how to do this?? I'm going to be using mals shopping cart. Thanks for your help!!

    Okay, here's what i've come up with but please give me your advice still!!

    I went into mals and basically chose no payment methods. The customer & I both get invoices. From that invoice I could then pack/weigh the purchase and then send out the invoice to them. I will of course need to include a message stating that their package will NOT be shipped until payment is received.

  13. Okay, I am now using mal's for my shopping cart and after using this site for reference, I'm doing pretty good with it. But I have a few questions still. maybe one of you can help.

    I have the price set using Frontpage for my products for purchasing just one. But I normally give a 'discount' of buy 3 for $10.00 how can I incorporate this into the shopping cart?

    I don't think that i can use the discounts feature because I will have a total of three item types when the web site is completely up and going.

    Thanks for your help!!

  14. This may be a stupid question, but do I need to purchase a SSL certificate from godaddy.com if I'm using:

    godaddy.com for hosting

    mal's for shopping cart

    paypal standard website payments for payments

    Sorry so many questions I just want to be very certain that I have everything covered.


  15. Okay. So I've been looking into godaddy some more :D and I have more questions concerning the shopping carts. One do I have to have one if I use paypal to accept credit cards and of course paypal accounts. And two, how exactly are "products" defined for shopping cart purposes?

    Economy Edition:

    • 20-Product Catalog • 50 MB Disk Space

    Deluxe Edition:

    • 100-Product Catalog • 1 GB Disk Space

    Premium Edition:

    • Unlimited-Product Catalog • 2 GB Disk Space

    For instance I have what I would consider three products (aroma bead air fresheners, soy blend candles, wickless candles) but would each different scent/shape be considered a product? or simply a product option? or something else entirely?

  16. Okay, I am really in need of getting a website set up quickly. I already have frontpage and have messed around with layouts etc. for my website.

    I have looked into various companies offering web hosting including www.samsbiz.com www.diyestores.com www.godaddy.com

    I think that godaddy.com is the only one that states that frontpage is supported. Do any of you know about the other two? Based on price, etc. I am leaning towards one of the other two but was unable to get diyestores to answer my e-mail concerning this very subject.

    Also if you don't know about the frontpage thing, can you tell me if these companies offer some sort of diy design program?

    Thank you so much!!


  17. ;) For gas, I use milage and "pay" myself $.23/mile so that way I get my oil changes and stuff in there too as some of my shows are 700+ round trip.


    You may want to up that mileage that you pay yourself...2005's rate for tax purposes was 40.5 cents and if I remember right from my tax course this semester, it will be 44.5 cents for 2006 returns plus you can add any parking fees and tolls. But maybe you are expensing that extra as a "unreimbursed business expense".

    Just a thought,


  18. At the first show I did, I didn't have my tax ID yet so I was required to pay at the end of the show. The people putting on the show supposedly mailed it into the tax commission. I say supposedly cause my check has not gone through the bank yet--almost a month later. But since I have my ID now--tax offices slow--I will just add my show taxes in with my retail taxes.

    Oh and I'm in Oklahoma and I add tax into my price at shows but not in retail.

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