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Posts posted by Trae

  1. For the beer color, I use ivory liquid dye and just a touch of red. By a touch I mean a smidge on a toothpick and swish it around in the gel. For ice cubes, I cut the gel into cubes with scissors and hit whatever is sticking out of the "cola" with a heat gun so it looks somewhat melted. HTH some.

  2. It takes a lot of work and practice to get the decal paper to work. I always print out an extra in case I mess up. What I usually do is dip the decal in the water for only a few seconds (about 5-8) just long enough to get it to peel off the paper. After I place the decal on the candle, I use a soft towel (dish towels work) to dab it dry, then I put the towel over my index finger and smooth out any wrinkles or bubbles. I spray them with clear acrylic after they dry. So far so good with this technique. I noticed the white paper is a little easier to smooth out than the clear. HTH some.

  3. That's why I use the eraser end of a pencil to push down the embeds...so they don't break. I pour in the gel and kinda push the apple slice down into the gel from the end that will be showing thru the glass...the side where the peel would be. Then I use the pencil to push the slice to the bottom. takes practice but it becomes second nature after bit. HTH.

  4. Depends on the size of the group. For large groups I separate them by scent and let the coordinator sort them by participant. If the group is small, I will bag and label them by participant. I just finished up one that was a group of 15 kids and some scents only had an order of one or two so it was easier to bag them individually.

  5. I embed mine a little differently from everyone else. I pour my gel when it gets to the consistency of thick syrup. When the gel is cool enough that I can put my finger in without burning myself, that's the point I put in the embeds. I use the eraser end of a pencil to push them toward the outside of the glass. Been doing it this way for 6 years! :)

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