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Posts posted by Trae

  1. I had vinyl lettering done on the back window of my van and it was totally worth the money. A friend did mine so it was only $50 but he said normally it would be $75-100 depending on how much is done. I got my business name, location, web addy and phone #.

  2. Didn't do too bad I think. It was a high school dance team, 20 participants. The leader said some kids were gung ho about it and the others were ho-hum. Sold about $950. Good thing is I had most of the items in stock so I won't have to make all that much! The team is now able to get new uniforms and get a discounted rate on a ticket for a trip they are going on.

  3. I work at a preschool and for Valentine's Day I talked the teacher into making baby food jar candle holders for the moms. The children decoupaged tissue paper on the outside of the jar and I provided chocolate scented tealights that were conveniently packaged with my label. :D The preschool board doesn't let me advertise in the school but my boss is always trying to find subtle ways to get the word out.

  4. I got my business name, phone # and website done in vinyl lettering on the back window of my van last year. I've had several people ask for business cards or just ask what my business is while walking thru parking lots or loading groceries. A lot of people mentioned having seen my van around too so it definitely gets noticed. I figure anytime someone is driving behind me on the road, they see it and there's always a chance they'll visit my site. It only cost me $50.00 because we knew the guy who did the lettering but I think it's worth the one-time charge for advertising for the length of time you own your car. JMO!

  5. Donita is right...the cost of wax is going to go up everywhere eventually. My BIL owns an oil company and he told us there's no end in sight. I'm lucky enough to be able to pick up my wax from C&S and by the time I'd have a case shipped to me, I'd be paying the same price anyway. Once I broke it down it came out to about 2 cents more per oz. Hopefully shipping won't go up too much more for those of you that have to have your supplies shipped to you.

  6. Hey Miz....one of DH's friends is a big time beer drinker and he traded a beer scented gel for a vanilla scented one because the smell made him sick. DD says it smells like a beer burp. LOL!

  7. Every year my son's school does a Yankme fundraiser in the spring. He throws it right in the trash. In front of the teacher too! Are you required to do the fundraiser? Our league sells candy bars...40 in a box, one box for each child registered, and we have the option of selling the candy or paying $25. Maybe you could explain the situation and see if you could sell some of yours instead and give them a portion of the profits? Just a thought.

  8. When my son was in 3rd grade, we made pinecone firestarters for the class to take home. Also, when my daughter was in the same grade, we made tealights as part of a Valentine's Day gift. I had the tealight cups pre-wicked and the kids poured the wax using dixie cups. Hope that gives you some ideas. :)

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