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bella soy

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Posts posted by bella soy

  1. Hey guys I This is for all you folks that use soy and soy blend wax. I would like to get everyones opinion on what Fo they have used that thows the best in this wax and where they got it from. Im trying to test different Fo's but I dont want to spen a grand in the process.

  2. That is the only issue that I have thus far. I have not tried to remelt any yet. I dont think that its worth it. I have shown my candles to lots of people and not one person has mentioned them or asked what those spots were. I think that us Chandlers are way too picky about our candles we want perfection but to the normal consumer they dont even notice. They are mroe worried about the color and the scent.

  3. I am having the same issue. I just poured my 50th candle today and I have yet to figure out how to get the air out. I posted questions before about this and my conclusion is there is no way to get a perfect looking soy candle. I have tried two different waxes EZ soy and 70/30 blend from Green Leaf. I have wrapped them in towels and even put them in a styrafoam box. Nothing works. I have come to the conclusion that this will happen and Im not beating my head about it anymore. Im moving on to more important things like wicking right and getting a great scent throw. I have wasted too much time and money to worry about wet spots anymore.

    As far as you technique the temps sound good.

  4. I have thought about doing that as well. My best friend just had a baby!

    I was going to go to walmart and or AC Moore and get one of those kits that makes things rust. Its like a two step paint system . I dont know just a thought. I was worried about it being sealed up well enough so if the lids get wet it wont reveal our "secret" container ;)

  5. gas prices have gone up but when It comes to doing something you like such as going to craft shows knowone is going to say no because the gas prices are up. These people that travel to crafts shows, thats all they do they look forward to it they get excited. Now they may not have the same buget or spending money as they had a few years ago. I know I dont :cry2:

  6. Horahh I tested my first candle today! Lemongrass FO. 70/30 GL , 8oz square mason jar, ECO 8 wic used

    here are my results/questions for you guys.

    The candle acheived a full melt pool in 3 hours. Is this good or bad?

    The wick tunneled over after I lite it. I think that I trimmed it too short.

    The scent throw was light but I had it in a large room (kitchen/dining room)

    jar didnt get too hot

    flame was normal size not too big not too small. HOWEVER, after about 3 1/2 hours the wick was being consumed by the wax and the flame go really small and the wax started to dry. What causes this?

    No hang ups :cheesy2: !!

    No soot :cheesy2: !!

    The color of the wax was the same after it dryed




    I dont know If you can tell what the size of my melt pool is in pic # 2 but I thought it was alittle too big. Its hard to tell in these square jars.

    The third pic shows the candle after I let the flame out because the flame was so small for some reason the wax was starting to hang up on the sides.

    what do you all think ?

  7. hi guys for those of you that have an established business. I was wondering about tax time. i am a sole proprietor, live in PA

    Here are my questions

    1. can you write off shipping ?

    2. when i look at recept and write down my total purchase cost, should i include the sales tax?

    3. what percent of your cable, cell, and electric can you write off every month? (i have cable internet and use my home as an office)

    4. Can you write off all your supplies that you purchase to make candles?

    Hope im not being a pain. I just want to make sure that Im keeping good records.

  8. You know what I have those "jump lines" as well. I just didnt know the correct way to explain them to ask about them. i wll make another batch on Sunday and Ill pour at 165 F and see what happens. Ill let ya know. Im just worried that when I go to sell customers will not like the look of them. It personally doesnt bother me that much.

  9. ok guys I need help. I came home from work today and my candles that i poured last night are getting wet spots or it looks like the wax is pulling from the jar. you can see the pics of these candles Im talking about in the other post i wrote last night called 70/30 candle pics.


    I heated to 195 F

    added fo and fragrance at 195 F

    and poured at 175 F just like Green Leaf suggests

    I had this problem with the EZ Soy and I thought that the 70/30 wasnt suppose to do this. Im thinking its gotta be something Im doing wrong.

    I try to pour as slow as possible. I live in an old farm house and I let my candles cure on my dining room table. I have the window open while im making then because the Fo makes me sick. But when you walk past the table the candles shake because of uneveness of my floors. Could this have any effect on the candles ?

  10. Ok so I figured out how to get some pictures to you guys of the candles o made last night. Copy and past!

    This is a picture of the RosemaryDSC01723.jpg

    mint color as is was drying...

    This is the pic of the rosemary mint after drying. I am happy with the way the colors came out!


    This is a pic of the top of the candle dont mind my very primative way of keeping my wick strait :cool2:


    This is a pic of all three candles that I made last night with the different scents and colors.


  11. So I just got done making some candles from the GL 70/30 wax.


    lemongrass Fo from Cierra Candles

    orange creamsicle from Cierra Candles

    Rosemary mint from Cierra candles

    70/30 wax from Green leaf

    Eco 8 coreless wicks from bitter Creek

    8 0z. square masin jars from Cierra candles

    dye chips from Cierra candles from Cierra Candles

    Heated to 195 F

    added Fo and Dye at 195 F

    poured at 175 F

    The tops are as smooth as can be. So far, no wet spots :yay:

    i poured two candles of each fragrance. I will let one candle cure for 24 hrs and the other candle cure for 2 weeks and compare the scent throw.

    I took pictures but i cannot figure out how to resize them so I can post them:sad2:

  12. How do you guys feel about getting a small business loan to start a candle business for supplies etc.

    I am very new at making candles and its taking me along time to test because I cant spend all my money on supplies. Right now I have a box of stuff comming but for the next two weeks I cant order anything till I get paid. I just think that If I had more money I could get the ball rolling allittle quicker.

    Im scared that the business will flop and ill be stuck with a huge loan that I cant pay off. I guess you could say thats my biggest worry.

    If you dont mind will everyone share wether or not you got a loan to buys supplies etc. and if you think now that it was a mistake or the best thing you ever did?

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