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Posts posted by debscent

  1. I always used TCS (they bought Wendy's VBN) and found that if you use too much FO you get a funky smell. I'd suggest cutting back a bit and see if you still have the same problem. I was on a quest for a great vanilla and I always picked VBN. My second favorite was the plain vanilla from Candles & Supplies (it reminded me of the vanilla tootsie rolls).

  2. You are competing with brand name stores who offer discounts during the holidays. I think it would be a disappointment to you. $10,000 is just rent, does not include electricity, remodeling if necessary, fees for accepting credit cards, etc. staffing and advertising. I personally would not buy gifts for people (especially b&B) without trying it out myself first.

    Good luck in whatever you do decide to do.

  3. Oh my, not again!! Can't we just let all that go?? Like Scented said yesterday??? I'm almost afraid to post on here anymore.

    Sassy, no reason to be afraid to post. It was a joke...lighten up a bit. Stick around a little longer you will see, it's a good place to hang out.

  4. Candlescience is OK....Mrmissyscandles has started up again and the FO's are very good, there cold throw is amazing and works very well in my personal blend. Yes you have to buy 1 pounders right now but they are working on getting samples. If you don't know there FO's and samples are a must for you, Tim said yesterday there sample bottles were on the way.

    Apparently Mr. Missy thinks Candle Science is ok, he had their picture on his website for his oils. LOL!

  5. I never knew the quality of the prior Missy's fragrances, but I did hear good reviews. I personally would have been more interested in this supplier had he not gotten on this board trying to appease everyone, and let his product stand on it's own merit. A general post would have been fine, but replying to everyone's post seems a bit unprofessional to me.

    Good customer service is consistent...not making exceptions to the rule for a select few.

    Good luck with your business, sounds like there are obstacles that need to be overcome.

  6. Unless you only want to know if they smell good out of bottle, sure, that is a deal. A sample needs to be put in your application (soap, candle, lotions, etc.) to know if it's worth buying in a larger quantity, and see if it's what you are looking for.

    I can't believe Daystar had a weak fragrance. I've ordered from them for years and typically used 3% as opposed to my usual 6%.

  7. Getting a victory in court is just the first step. If you want your money after a court's decision has been made you can petition to court for a wage attachement or a lien. Check the statutes in the state where the offense happened.

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