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Posts posted by peppermint

  1. I have problems with wet spots as well. The other day I was pouring test candles and one jar I was re-using. I had just got done melting the old wax out of it and dumping it. I just wiped the jar out and it left a wax residue from the old wax. I didn't care at the time since the candle is for me and testing. Out of the three candles I poured this one was the pretties and No wet spots and has stayed that way. So I am going to test pour a few more and wipe some wax on the inside. Maybe something you would want to try.


  2. Extreme Newbie here! We don't have Health food stores here unless you mean vitamin or all natural?? We do have lots of coffee shacks though! LOL We also have an upscale market/grocery I think I will go ask them but what is the saflower oil originally for? What section would I look for it? I really appreciate the help.


  3. I have been testing the wood wicks from WSP and I have had pretty good results as well. Its the only wick I have gotten to work properly. I was just about ready to give up. Does anyone know if their is a difference in the wood wicks from WSP and Candles and Supplies?? Wondering if I need to test both companies or not.

    Great Tutorial!!!!!


  4. I probably want the same jars you use since they only have a few frosted to offer. It would cost me almost $2.00 a jar to ship that is what make is almost $4.00 a jar. I live in Washington so maybe that is the difference. I check out the other place and they only have one style in stock. Thanks for trying to help me I really appreciate it!

  5. Thanks Everyone! I have some more hope now that things will turn around in the next few month from what you are all saying. I live in the rainy state so we only have a few weeks of sun left. Never thought I would look forward to that!

    What I currently offer the hostess is a (A)free item just for hosting, (B)additional 2 free items for sales equaling $200 and one booking and ©with $300.00 in sales and 2 bookings they get an additional 2 item half off and 10% in total party sales in free regular priced merchandise. So I offer a lot of options and the more that is spent the more they get. I might have to add that they get an additional about per person that comes and orders, I like that idea.

  6. Another dilemma is that now I have to give the hostess something for hosing the party. The hostess was also let down and thought a lot more people would show. She spent a ton on food and wine. I think when all is done I lost money at this party.

    I currently sell tarts, oils, reed sticks, plug-ins, wick-less candles, Bath and Body products as well as electric and tea-light tart warmers. I have all up for display as well as the scent for people to choose. I have specials like buy 4 oils get one free and start up packages as well. For the Hostess I offer a free burner or 4 oils just for hostess. Then I have incentives for how much people spend or booking and they get more form there.

  7. I am getting so disappointed with home parties. I have done 4 and and average of 3-4 people show up and spend $20. I spend more just to put the party on. Not only that but I have to drive and lug all my stuff in someones house. I am not sure what other route to go to sell product! I am just sad I guess after last night. I even gave the hostess 20% of coupons to give to everyone if the came.:(

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