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Posts posted by Livelovebath

  1. Yikes... now you have me thinking lol... I bought some flavour oils from the bulk barn Pina Colada, strawberry, cotton candy and one other one... now I am going to have to go and get more lol....

    And I am useing these pretty little pots with flowers on them I found at the dollar store.

  2. Ok I have a new favorite lip gloss... my own lol. Chocolate cocobutter... I had this obsession with lip gloss as a kid and would buy like every flavor... I havent had a new one in years...beyond the boring kinds lol.....

    Homemade Rocks! sorry I just had to get that all out.

    I think tomorrow I am going to try chocolate coverd strawberry lip gloss lol

  3. yikes! I tryed the s.acid... um my first attempt turned into a stiky mess... it went all mushy and didnt harden... is it possible I used to much? my second attempt seems to be better, I put in a tiny bit, and it went white (well solid pink lol)... I dont understand the first try.... sooo weird!

  4. Ok so I just got a whole box full of new soap and B&B supplies and I was like... where do I start....That got me thinking...what is my favorite thing to make right now? For me I think it is verse soaps (m&p)... something about all the cool sayings really perks up my day....

    What about you

    What is your favorite thing to make right now?

  5. LOL !

    Soapdough table... wouldnt that be great lol.

    Its funny how little ones are so honest, your little one wants you to sell it, and one of my testers was like "where did you buy this... I gotta get more." lol get them addicted and then their parents will be your number one buyer lol.

  6. yeah I have heard TD works... I am just wondering because I want to get a 25lb block (cause its the best value) but I want some of each... and I dont want 50lbs right now lol

    Thanks for the tip though!

    edited to add- and how much are we talking, like a pinch or a lot?

  7. I love it!!! I actually used flip flops in some soap that I made yesterday morning lol, then I check these out and there they are!!! I did the bottom layer of mine a sandy colour opaque and the top was a very faint clear blue... I called it walk on the beach and scented it Pina colada... I will get a pic as soon as possible

  8. so far my testers have played in and out of the bath with it... and they have been useing the same ball for like a week or so.. just have to make sure that it drys out abit before putting it back into the container or it will go a bit slimmy (but that didnt bother the testers either.... kids are so easy to please...sometimes)

  9. Does anyone make their own? I need some tips, I would really like to take a crack at these too and I figure that if I make them (and I probally means my hubby) they would be more unique and cost me less then to buy premade ones...

  10. Its actually a piece of the plastic scrapbooking paper. So the words were already there... or you could use transparancy paper to print your own...but only with a laser jet printer (inkjets would smudge...if not dissapear compleatly).

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