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Posts posted by Livelovebath

  1. Just wondering if any of you out there are from Ontario, the GTA region and can give me some tips on where to get Citric Acid... I need some and I was wondering if I can get it with out going to canwax or another B&B/candle supplyer.... I spend too much there on other things and I really just need the CA>

    Thanks so much


  2. Hi everyone!!

    Ok so I totally had a brain fart and when making my bath bombs today I screwed up the amount of witch hazel and my bombs totaly poofed!!! yikes, what a mess...

    Is there any way to save them?, not as a bomb probably but can I use the by product for anything?

    Shoot I cant believe I messed them up!!!

    Thanks in advance


  3. cant find the stupid mold.... sorry... I am not sure what you even use it for... it is like a muffin tin but each 'muffin' comes out looking like a rose... or maybe a cabbage lol. it was neat though... I hate moving I always loose something!!

    I love the idea of a floating candle... its like bath bomb with a bonus!!!

  4. Ok... here's my thoughts.....

    The tolietries thing is not so bad it is a word for what we make....That being said.....

    It is YOUR bussiness and YOUR products... you should be able to market them how YOU want... I think that if something was to be added you should have had your say in it regardless of if it was free or not.

    If this happened to me I would be upset... I have vary particular ideas about how I like to display my stuff and how I would like to advertise (if it comes to that).... I think that if you really dont like the sign then you shouldnt stettle... Thank them for making you this sample... and maybe sugest that you would like to design your own and have them quote you on what it would cost to make.... this is definatly i hard one!

  5. I love it! Great Idea... you have to show us some pics! I did a lemon pie like this before with layers for crust, lemon and fluff. it looked good too! just a thought for you....

    I find peole love anything that looks like food or smells like food.... mostly deserts.... a way to get the smell with out the cal's I guess... keep satisfying peoples guilty pleasures and you will sell a ton!!!

  6. I love the muffin tin... I have been useing one too... and the smaller tin as well for testers and free samples.... works like a charm!

    The cupcake idea is great! I have also been playing with that...

    Only what I have found that works is doing the bath bomb bottom with a soap top icing! I have this mold thing for some sort of cakes that sort of looks like icing... no idea what they are called... I will try and get a pic of them if I can find the mold!

  7. Here are some sample baby shower gifts I made up... too bad I had to fight with the soap monsters... they didnt turn out to good this time...

    They are scented Angel Wings ( and they are not suposed to be straight!lol)

    Sigh maybe tomorrow things will work better...


  8. Ahhhhh,,, I think there are little monsters distroying all my efforts today... take one step forward three back!!! I keep messing up... I guess I should stop but I can fix my mistakes lol ahhh its not all that bad... You'll see pics tomorrow.

    Just had to vent

  9. Take the plunge lol.... these soaps are not really for the smelling... they are made with real tea... and only the lemon and 'ice cubes' are scented...they are scented lemon... the bars have a very light scent of tea, mixed with the lemon...but they are more for the eye candy

    Thanks for looking...

    More in a min...


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