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Posts posted by Carrie

  1. Our True Value doesn't carry it. I haven't checked Ace, I won't shop at that store. I just ordered online yesterday from Sarah's Spa Creations and I got a shipping notice this morning, delivery in 3 days. It came out to $2.60 a pound with shipping. I pay almost $5 at Safeway for 18oz. I saved alot of money. Robin, thank you for the link.

  2. I did a search of the archives and found that this is conditioning and great for coloring. Do you add it at trace, do you include it in the lye calc? Who uses this and can give me more info on it. I have some I want to try.


  3. I'll get my order together tomorrow. Want me to order some of the belgian chocolate for you? Shipping from me to you would be way cheap. I was going to order 8oz, if you want 8oz I'll split a pound with you. It won't make any difference on my shipping for just an extra 8oz. Let me know, if I don't hear from you I'll pm you again.

  4. I did mix some into 1oz of shea/mango/kokum butter. (A new recipe) I put a little bit on my arms and my sister did too. We'll see. I'll update later. BTW, I emailed BCN about it. I'll let you know what they say.

    Scent CellarBelgium Chocolate from ScentWorks is wonderful

    Thank you very much Scent Cellar. I'll have to get some of that. Everyone I know wants Chocolate scented shea butter.

    I'll keep the BCN FO for my double chocolate shave soap.

  5. Is whipped shea butter considered a lotion? I had read the post titled Chocolate...The chocolate scent I have is BCN Hershey Chocolate. I want to use it in a whipped shea but now I'm thinking that because it isn't lotion safe that maybe it isn't safe for "leave on" products. I will send an email to BCN, but wondered about if anyone knew about this.

    Thanks for your help.

  6. CindyM~~What did you hate about it?

    ignitethesenses~~Does your mold have a lid? I found the easiest way to line my mold is to set the lid on a large piece of freezer paper, shiny side down. Then draw around the lid. I then slide the lid over and extend the lines for all for sides. Then cut out the corners. Turn the paper over to the shiny side up and fold the flaps in. Put the paper in your mold and it should fit perfectly. Tape the flaps to the outside. It takes about 2 minutes for me to line my mold this way.

  7. Here's some more reviews and a bump, I found this on page 4 I think.

    Shutterbug: I love the mango shea butter. I looked for the recipe and didn't find it (maybe I was just having a brain fart) The scent is just strong enough. I used it on my hands for a few days straight before bed. Very nice.

    The soap is so lightly scented that I can barely smell it. It was a little drying the first shower, but I used it a few more times and wasn't drying after that.

    Mountain Madness: This is a very nice shaving bar. I love the moose, what a great idea. I would never have thought of buying this scent, but I really like it.

    KSBell: I liked the sugar scrub. I've been using a larger size sugar in mine, but I think I like the small sugar better. The minty scent is also nice and refreshing first thing in the morning.

    Heaven-Cynt: Ginger Peach. This smells incredible. I told my sister about it, she is coming over this afternoon to steal it from me. I always use shower gloves in the shower, so everything lathers so I don't really have a lather review. All I know is it was such a nice smell in the morning and not drying a bit.

    Miss Mellis: You won't get any complaints from me about this lard soap. I use lard in alot of my soaps, I love it. I'm not usually a big fan of sweet soaps but I like the pineapple. No drying and for lather see above. Sorry I don't have a lather review.

    Still working on the rest. I am also testing some of my own soaps and there isn't enough time in the day for all the showers I'd have to take to get this done any sooner. Will update again soon

  8. it's County Fair time and I knew that if I waited until the fair I could find someone to sell me some goat milk. I took my son to swim lessons on Tuesday and his instructor told us that she wouldn't be there Wed. as she had to show her pig at the fair. I asked her if she had goats. Short version, she brought me 32oz of Goat milk on Thursday. I strained it and got a couple of hairs out of it then froze it. That was last night. Now I have to decide on a recipe. I've read that some people add the lye to frozen goat milk, others add it to the oils and then add lye water.

    I'm so excited to have the milk, now what exactly to soap with it. Any suggestions. I made a batch with coconut milk last night, but have never used animal milk yet.

    Thanks for any help.

  9. Hey Bunny, that was very informative. I wish I'd seen someone spell it out like that before. I'm printing it and will put it in the from of my soap notebook.

    One question. What happens when you add higher percentages of butters? Like say 25% of Cocoa butter. I want a soap that is unscented but still smells scented. I was thinking about the undeoderized cocoa butter 25% and coconut milk as 1/2 of the water. Are there any special things I need to do when using higher percentages of butters? Also, wouldn't this help to make a really hard bar or would it crumble?

  10. I have ordered from SoapNCandles a couple of times, as a matter of fact I have an order that is supposed to be delivered tomorrow.

    Here's the secret I've learned for ordering from them. If you need it fast get it from someone else. If you know what you want and have time to wait, Angie's oils are well worth it. My first order took almost 2 months to get here. The one that will be delivered tomorrow will have only taken 19 days.

    Whatever the problems were with her shipping or stock or computers or family or whatever seem to be working out.

    I order from them for the quality of the oils not the speed of delivery. If you want speedy delivery go somewhere else for now. If you do order, her Fresh Cut Tulips FO is incredible.

  11. Dang. I always make sure that I take out my contacts and wear my glasses when I soap. I can't stand the goggles. I don't usually wear gloves because I've gotten raw soap on my hands and arms and I've never gotten burned.

    Thanks for the picture. It brings it all into perspective just what the lye can do. I'll wear gloves from now on.

  12. Sorry folks, I had the realtor over today and looks like I have to pack up all of my candle stuff and get it in storage. I have a ton of stuff to do to get the house ready to sell. I have to back out of the swap. I am really sorry, I was looking forward to this one. I hope you can find someone to take my spot on the list.

    Sorry again,


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