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Posts posted by Carrie

  1. MissMary, the orders from the Co-op shipped almost a week after I emailed the spreadsheet. When there were missing items in the first co-op, they were mailed within a few days of notification. In the second co-op, the missing item wasn't shipped for at least 2 weeks.

    I never did receive a shipping notice, I had to email twice to get a routing number.

  2. Thanks for the offer MA, but DS would be the one to use them. I don't like baths, showers only for me.

    The dumb bombs didn't harden up. They are just as soft as when I made them.

    8-gran-ones, the recipe I used was:

    24oz baking soda

    16oz citric acid

    4oz SLSA

    3tsp FO


    It was dry, dry, dry so I added about a tablespoon of olive oil.

    It was very easy to make the mix, next time I'll add some milk powder.

    I need to get a sifter, I have chunks of soda in the mix.

  3. Lye really isn't as scary as people think. Be safe, be aware and be educated. You'll be fine.

    This statement "and even with that don't you need homemade soap with lye" isn't correct. Homemade soap, unless done incorrectly, doesn't have lye in it. It is made with lye but when the chemical process of saponification is complete, there is no more lye. It is soap, not lye and fat, just soap, basically.

    I believe Bramble Berry sells soap that's ready for rebatch. There are many crafters that rebatch gorgeous soap.

    Search the soap gallery for some of eugenia's posts. She can make a great soap by rebatching.

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