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Posts posted by kalamazoo

  1. Well after the e-mail I sent today I finally got this reply -

    quote " We apologize for the extended delay. We are doing our best to get this out to you as quickly as we can. We have been short handed over the past few weeks so things have been slowed since Easter. We will have this shipped out to you very soon along with a discount for the extended delay." unquote.

    The thing is I only have 45 days to start proceedings with PayPal (by the end of April) and they could take longer than that to eventually get this to me, or not at all and then my claim cannot be filed. I think I have been patient enough and what annoys me the most is that they don´t even state on their website if an item is out of stock or not. What to do, What to do!!

  2. I should have done a search on the CT Board regarding this supplier before placing my order. (A lot of negative comments came up) I Placed an order with them on the 15 March for $180!! Paid with Paypal. After not hearing anything from them for 3 weeks, e-mailed several times and got no response. Managed to get someone on the phone who advised me that some of the molds I ordered were not in stock and they WERE BEING MANUFACTRED!:shocked2: She said they would be sent to me very soon after Easter. I have still not heard anything and there is a #*!!@!! answering machine on all the time. This is a lot of money and I suppose because I have ordered from C&S, Peaks etc and got great service and my products, I just assumed that this supplier would be of the same integrity. Should I try and claim my money back or give them a bit more time? Any advice appreciated and thanks for letting me rant on about this.

  3. Yes they are showing that candle upside down and yes it does need to be topped off.

    ETA - That mold does not look like it has a round top. The way it is sitting in the photo it looks like it has a flat top.

    Ok I think I get it - they are showing the bottom of the candle -thanks. These candles below are being sold by a company here, guess this is the look they want. I have seen a few more in some of the flower shops here from European manufacturers that look like this too. I think I may purchase a small one to see how they burn.


  4. Hi everyone, I bought some of these small flower pot votives and poured some of them the other day. First time I have done containers. I used straight paraffin, stearic and FO (5.5%). Every one of them seemed to mottle and leak on top - as per one of left of pic. :( As I had about 120g left in the pot I decided to add a pinch of vybar (universal additive) and the result is the pot on the right - exactly how I wanted them to turn out. The cold throw is also much better on the one with the Vybar, the other ones I can hardly smell - whats up with that? Was it the Vybar that prevented the mottling on this other pot, any advice or thoughts appreciated. Thanks.



  5. I really like the heart embed one. Well done on getting all those hearts to stay in a row like that.:highfive: I usually heatgun my mould a bit to get it warm, then heatgun the top of the embed and press it against the mould, usually they stay there, but it does take some time. Also like the star, let us know how that burns.

  6. Hi Sabrina, I hope you don´t mind me jumping in here and asking a question about those red candles that were shown in the first link which was posted by Vicky. I have seen a lot of these types of candles in the shops here and I think to myself "have they not bothered to poke relief holes in these and top them up".:shocked2: I don´t think this is the shape of the mould on the bottom, they have definately just poured in the wax and let them set - some of the wicks are horribly off centre as well. Have you or anyone else seen ball candles like this - what do you think? Thanks.

  7. I also use the heatgun method. My DH says its a waste of time, while I am heat gunning the moulds and cleaning them out I could be doing something else, like packing candles or wicking up moulds that are clean etc. He has a point I suppose, but it really does not take me that long as I don´t have that many moulds and I usually do it while waiting for my wax to melt. I guess he means well though.

  8. I think this is a great idea and its really cute. I think its great when you can take a simple pyrex bowl and come up with a unique product like this (well I sure have not seen anything like it). Did you use chunks to keep some of the shells against the wall of the bowl, or did you really pack them in there?

  9. Those are really lovely, the colours just work soo well. Well done you.

    How come your balls don't have a seam mark around them??


    Hi Anjie, thanks, I love the Spring colours, but will have to scent them next. I use a fantastic two part aluminium mould from Peaks. They are out of stock at the moment, but I want to order a few more and try some smooth candles in them. It is such a pleasure not to have to take off the seam, because I usually dig my knife or the potters tool I use, in too deep and make a right royal mess. I have found though that if I carefully remove a ball candle from a saturn mould before it is completely cool, then the seam is a bit easier to remove.:smiley2:

  10. Thanks for the nice comment. The chunks are coloured and then I used straight paraffin without stearic for the overpour. I just realised that the two yellow ones are not chunks, but just layered white and yellow - bit of a pain and a lot of the frosting got stuck in the mould the first couple of times. After increasing the temp a bit they got better.

  11. Been having some fun making chunk candles. This ball mould is great - it is from Peaks - wish I had bought more than one though.:rolleyes2 These are not scented as I have had a bad cold and if I cannot smell what I am pouring then I may as well have a break from the FO´s for a few days.:(




  12. I know what you mean drives me nutty. I have 2 plastic ones. One I try to be really really careful with because pour too hot and the wax and scent attack the plastic (as my first mould shows). If I want to make a really dark pillar candle I need to use the new mould that hasn't been marked because you really see the marks from the inside of the mould on the dark ones.

    I love the church candles but for love nor money can't find a metal one like it anywhere!


    Maybe this is what you are looking for?


  13. I'm just enquiring with my courier about setting up reduced prices on shipping to Europe and the Far East, as I have a wholesale account in Sweden and one in Japan - maybe I'll get lucky and get some really good prices on the shipping to make it a lot easier for people such as yourselves.
    That would be soooooo great Natasha, I don´t know how you find the time to do all that you do, but we sure appreciate it. Give us an update when you find out about the shipping if it is possible. Thanks
  14. Hi Sabrina, I am not gonna be much help with how these are made, but they sure are beautiful. I do not see how they can be dipped, the swirling looks too good - but then maybe twirling and swirling can be achieved after much practice.:smiley2: As for the shining glaze, I recently purchased some Candle Gloss Finish from C&S and applied it with a brush to one of my candles. It made it very shiny, but I think these are probably dipped in large quantities of a clear acrylic coating.

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