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Everything posted by Holly

  1. Sorry to hear that. My online sales have been lousy too. Although, I am sure part of the lack of online sales is caused from me trying to balance my life better.....have not sent any newsletters to our customers since I think at the end of last Oct. The newsletters always have some sort of sale and I think most people are waiting for good deals. Store sales were pretty good last Holiday season though. Most of my online sales are local personal customers and most are on our mailing list. We do have some out-of-state customers but not a whole lot. If they are still able to browse, how is that saving money? I would still have to pay for my site to show. Your site may work different than mine. I hope things get better for you and all of us.
  2. Well, shoot! Does anyone use this scent from FOC? I emailed them but no response yet. Not surprised since it is Sunday.
  3. Does anyone know if they discontinued this. I am going to email them on it, but I need to know fast (like today), because I am making a fundraiser list that I wanted to get done today. If they discontinued it, I am going to be real bummed! This scent was really catching on. Is there a duplicate of this scent somewhere? Thanks!
  4. Plumeria has been selling real well for me. I am having trouble selling anything with pear in it except for Pomagranate Pear Spice. I just added the Juniper Breeze so not sure on that yet, but I have always liked it. I have never used Strawberry Kiwi, but thought about getting samples and testing it.
  5. Thanks. I don't order any fragrances from them yet...just a few other supplies in the past. If I ever do, I will give it a try.
  6. Thanks, Karen. Have you tried it in wicked candles? That is when the fuel can come out. I currently use JBN's Lemongrass in the wickless and melts. I tested it in the soy wicked candles, and I believe it did not give off a fuel smell but it was not strong enough for me in the wicked soy candles. I am pretty sure it was the strength and not fuel that kept me from using it in the wicked candles. I am trying to narrow down my suppliers and want to replace it and would like to find one that throws well in wicked soy candles. The next time I order from KY, I will have to order a sample. Thanks again!
  7. What is your favorite non bakery Lemon scent? I am looking for a lemon fragrance oil that does not give off a fuel smell and would be good in soy candles, oils and Room Sprays. I have tested several in the past and have a Lemongrass which has done well in the wickless, but I would like to find a great fresh and clean lemon scent that also throws in soy without fuel, so I can use it for all of the three above applications. Thanks for any suggestions!
  8. Hi, I am going to sit down and run the numbers again and see if a percent could work out to where we are both satisfied. I may take a little bit of a cut on some products but hopefully not much, and it would be easier for each party to do a straight percent.
  9. Hi Grama, I have an account that did a 10% sell in Dec. and they did the same thing. I thought that was nice as well. They make as much as I do, if not more, and I am the one making them.
  10. Hi Sockymonkey, Thanks for your input. Each product has a certain dollar amount due back to me...not a set percent for all sales. In regards to giving them approval to sell for whatever they want, I did say that they could bump them up a little to help out with their profit, but it is always discussed with me first. I mentioned the price that I would not feel comfortable going over. I just never thought they woud price these wickless this high! To me it is just a bad decision altogether. I have never had any trouble until now.....two accounts. The one account used to do wholesale with me. She got used to pricing them way higher than I can and will. She has an expensive boutique, which did not do well in her last location so she recently moved to downtown in an area that will have more tourists, etc....i.e. big Ice Skating even starting Friday. When she went to consignment, I was under the impression that it was temporary until things got better for her. I just let her keep her pricing that she had thinking that if she wanted to up them again, she would talk with me about it since they are now on consignment. Apparently, this is not the case. The other account is new and since she had gone in there, I guess she assumed it was ok to jack hers up as well. You would think though that she would have asked me about it. She may have not considered that the other store was normally wholesale, because I had told her that I do not really do wholesale because I cannot give a good enough discount. The one store was an exception because of who owned it...we know each other and she was willing to buy them right out even if it was not a great deal. She has been very nice to worki with. Regarding the "store" setting the rules, I understand this can be the case, but with something like this I would assume it has to be the other way around regarding the pricing. Also, I still own those candles, they do not. Both of the accounts in this one area (one which has moved out of that area) seem to want to price things high. I understand that some areas can but there is a limit. This area is a nice area, but I know that candles priced the way she wants to, will not do well. She would sell more if her prices are better and she does not have any money up front anyway. Stores are going out left and right around here. I will say that I had a good season last year altogether with store sales (especially the one in the mall and Coeur d' Alene), but these two were not on top. However, the spa just has wickless right now and does not get a lot of traffic. Thanks for encouraging me to sit down with them. I am going to have to do it even though it makes me uncomfortable. I woke up thinking about it. ~Holly
  11. I was surprised they did this as well. Maybe they just feel "too" comfortable with me. Regarding the not doing it percent wise, that is how my first account was doing it for some of their other vendors (how much back for each type of product). It works well for me because some items I would need more back than others. However, they end up making more than me on some items not doing a percent because their prices are bumped up a bit. Not sure if I am going to be able to change it to a percent unless it is based on my retail and then it actually is better for me in the long run to do it the way I have been doing it. For others that do consignment based on a percent, I wonder if the percent is based on what they sell their products for retail or what the store ends up selling them for. I am wondering if most candle makers who do consignment make sure that the stores are selling them for the same price as they do. I think I read different types of situations on this board. The next account I get, I am going to make it very clear how it needs to work.
  12. Thanks so much for your response. It supported my thoughts and that helps. I am surprised being that they are business people that they would not question themselves. The hard part for me now since I did not have any definite rules on this other than my suggestions, is to approach them on it. The one account that the new account had visited to check them out, used to buy wholesale from me even though I could not give a great wholesale discount. She got used to pricing them the way she wanted. She however was struggling in the business and had to go to consignment. She just moved to downtown in hopes of more traffic. I should probably let this other owner know that situation and that is why it was so high even though the last couple of orders was consignment based. Do you know from experience what most store owners expect to get as profit/commissions for consignment....25%, 30%, etc. I have not done a flat percent but am thinking that I may start doing it that way. It is a lot easier. I have a certain amount that is due to me for each type of product. In the long run I may come out better doing it this way but it would be a lot easier to do a flat percent across board. Thanks again! ~Holly
  13. I have never really liked doing consignment. It can be a pain in the butt, but for now that is the only way that I can work it since I cannot give a good enough wholesale price. I have had a few consignment accounts for awhile and they have all been good to work with. I have given them a suggested retail price not to go over (recommendation) but have given them somewhat of an open door to bump them up a little more than my online retail so they can make a little more profit. I noticed lately that two of the accounts (one being a newer account) are bumping them up higher than I am comfortable with since it is my money sitting there. If they bought wholesale then they would have to worry about products not moving fast enough because it is their money sitting there. But, when it is consignment nothing is really at stake for them other than a little space. I found out today that my newest account had bumped my 7 oz. wickless tins to $15.00! I think it was just $15.00 and not $15.00 something. That is way too high for these. She was selling them like hot cakes at $12.00 which I still thought was a little higher than I felt comfortable with. She did say that since she raised the price they have not moved as fast. I wonder why. She mentioned that may be the case...too expensive. Although, it can be due to it being January. She has slowed down. It is a spa. She said that she went into the other store that was near there (but not anymore - moved downtown) and said that they had my tins for $15.00. I did not know this because this particular owner does the inventory and sends me the check, and I am only in there when dropping things off. Normally, she will tell me when she raises the prices. I guess my question is...do most of you tell your consignement accounts what to charge or what they cannot go over or do you leave it up to them and just give them a suggestion like I have done? Is there a general rule to how consignment works in the way of pricing...the norm...who sets the pricing? I am a little uncomfortable to approach them on it, but at the same time it will not be good for me in the long run. My accounts are all very informal which can be a good thing in a lot of ways but not good when it comes to this sort of thing. I know what my mind tells me what I should do.....set some rules down on paper for them. I am too chicken that it will dissapoint them and then they would rather find a decent candle with a good wholesale price so they can make a bigger profit range. I doubt they would do that, but I still feel uncomfortable doing it. To my advantage, a lot of small businesses do not what to have to put more money up front especially for accessorie items. They need to remember this when they are wanting to bump mine up so high for more profit....that they don't have to put money up front. Gee, sorry to ramble. Thanks for any advise. ~Holly
  14. I noticed the same thing for the first time a few weeks ago....did not know they had them. My husband has been doing the Wallmart runs and I was only in there doing some Christmas shopping. I did the same thing....bought a couple to compare the throw. I was really irritated to see how little they cost. I bought Orange Clove and Cinnanon Stick. I have not melted the Cinnamon Stick, but melted the Orange Clove. I have to say that the Orange Clove did give off a decent enough scent throw....not OUTSTANDING, but I could smell it. It bummed me out. I got it off my mnd and told myself not to worry. Most people will like hand poured quality melts better and the fact that they are locally made. People love that up here. However, there are a lot of people up here that like deals and are not big spenders. The east side of WA is more conservative than the west side. I think people watch their buck more on this side. I am not going to worry about it and will refrain next time to scope it out. :rolleyes2
  15. Thanks so much Jen. I was just about ready to search for the smaller ones....working on some orders at the same time. That helps a lot. Those may work fine and they are not real expensive. Thanks again. I will eventually get these darn clamshells in the stores. I have been too busy to look into these little details lately. I am almost done though with this season's work, thank goodness. I am tired and just want to enjoy Christmas!
  16. Ok, I just tried my last white 3/4 inch label. I think I can get it to work fine. Of course the white looks bad, but I think it will look fine with the clear. Thanks everyone for helping me think through this. I am also going to try the shrink bands from MMS also, for the heck of it, and see which I end up liking better. Thanks again.
  17. Thanks for the advise. I will see if I can find smaller circles. I just tried a piece of tape and it will be a pain in the butt to tuck anything kind of tape on the sides. The edge is just not wide enough so you have to wedge it in and then somehow smooth it along underneath. I hope that makes sense. I will try one of my 3/4 inch white circles to see what if it would be too big.
  18. P.S. I was just thinking, I may be able to use a narrow tape to tape the sides up -- not the circle adhesive tape but just a narrow tape that can be easily cut like you would if you were wrapping up a box. Not a real long but just enough to keep it from opening. I will give it a try and side how it looks.
  19. Thanks! These may work. I am having trouble getting shrink bands to shrink nice on the spray bottles so I hope I could get these to look smooth enough. I have no trouble at all with the bands for the oil bottles but it is not as easy to do on the bottles with the spray tops with lids. I may look into these. Thanks agian.
  20. Hi, Thanks for the response. I have thought of this but was unsure how to do this with the Clamshells since I have the label on the front. There would only be a very tiny edge to put the tape on without putting it in the label. I looked at them again and I am trying see how I can use a tape type product to seal it off. It is the way the clamshell plastic molds are shape that make this difficult. I looked at the site that was posted on my newer thread and the smallest circle tape sealer is 3/4 inch which would still be too big. If I can find something small enough I may be able to wedge in on the sides. Having to cut them would be way too time consuming. I am going to keep looking to see if there is something the right size if I use this kind of seal. Thanks again!
  21. I did some searching online, and I cannot find these. I am not sure if I am plugging in the right description. I tried a few diifferent things. I have seen big companies that have a plastic sleeve or card stock sleeve over the clamshell so customers do not open them. I would prefer the plastic so I do not have to worry about printing anything on the sleeve - can see the label through it. Does anyone know where I can fine these or if there is a way to make something? Thanks!
  22. I know, doesn't it just drive you nuts! I cringe. Are they the clamshell molds that you are talking about? Do they still open them up? The only thing is, I worry that it may not keep the melt as fresh - sealed. These little details in the business can be a pain in the butt. Thanks for the creative idea!
  23. I was just thinking about this the other day. Great idea! I know that some companies have there logo imprinted on card stock wrap as well. I would not want to do this since I have everything on the label. I would want the plastic sleave. Where do you get these? I did a search and could not find anything. I was unsure what to call them. This would be the best thing to do. I bet even if I have samples they will still open them if I did not have something to seal it....it is just human nature. Thanks for the idea.
  24. Thanks for your response. I would have some candles that are the same scents but there are some scents that do not come in the wicked candles. I know how people can be....they won't always think to look for the scent in the candle and pick it up to sniff the scent. They will open up the clamshell if it can be opened. If I was not a candle maker, I would not really know or think that it can mess up the clamshell, so I can understand them doing it. I will be creating some air freshener blanks for fundraiser samples, so that would be a good idea. I also have my darn tags and gold elastic bows on my candles that I have to deal with. People are ruff on them. They do fine for online orders and candle party orders but they are not good for store shelves. I think I am going to have to go to labels which I really did not want to do, but it drives me nuts to see the tags bent and ties messed up.
  25. Thanks everyone! I will respond in more detail and personally a little later....gotta keep working. I have been to busy to get on here for any length of time. I will check back.
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