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Posts posted by Freezin

  1. Can't wait to hear what you think about it! Please post your results. I am really on the fence. I hate changing up my container wax, but Peak was my supplier for all my waxes. I am currently playing with one of the pillar waxes. Love making them, hate wicking them.....where is the "I hate wicking club" gone.:P

  2. WOW! Those are fabulous :highfive:. I think they are super professional. I would love to get into Fairbanks and hit one of your shows. Did I tell you that I looked for you at the Fairbanks Fair in August? I didn't find you tho, wasn't even sure if you were there. Wanted to PM you, but wasn't near a computer that I could get on very easily. That is the first time that a visit to town coincided with the fair. Man it was so hot, I thought I would die.

  3. HOLLY!!! LOL... okay got to re-smell my scented bean Sage and Citrus!

    Sorry that you have been going through the misfortunes..darnit! It seemed like you were gone from the board for a long time. I am glad you been back now (I know you have been back for awhile) and I hope things are looking up : ) Looking forward to your email when you have time :yay:

  4. OKay I have to put my two or ten scents in too...LOL:

    Cranberry Sauce

    Cinnamon Cider

    Country Kitchen

    Brown Sugar and Chestnuts

    HCO - Hyancith Chula Orchard


    I am testing the Ultimate Vanilla and so far I like it better than any vanilla I have tried. I am also trying the Berry Balsam.

    Becky is very generous with her samples and has awesome customer service.

    I think the Carribean Holiday smells just like Peak's grape cabernet. Anybody else think so.

  5. Well, I have been searching for almost two years and haven't found one that I like including the Scented Bean. I am playing with my own version which I am starting to like. I don't have it quite down, but Yankees Sage and Citrus has something in it that others don't. I am thinking it is Sandalwood. Anyway, every nose is different, but that is my all time most favorite scent. I have found a great dupe of Sunwashed Linen at the candlesource.

  6. Have you tried Peak's Asian Sandalwood. That is a very nice scent. Candle Cacoon's Sunwarmed Sandalwood smells extremely if not exactly the same. So depending on which supplier you do business with you could get a sample and smell it. Really very rich a different. Kicks behind in parrafin.

  7. I have experimented with stamping on the blanks. I actually Scented them first and then stamped. It actually works okay as long as they are really dry. I don't use the DPG and I don't think you need too. I think you can easily get 4 weeks out of one and longer if you really scent them. I am trying to figure our how early you can make them and package them before selling. I am testing a few now. I think you probably could paint them and then scent them without any trouble.

  8. I had trouble with that also throwing in both J223, 1945, OK 6228, . But I seem to have trouble with most of any of those type of scents. I have also noticed a that I can't get the throw I want with CC winter woodland whispers (I never get that name right) in 1945. I am not sure what to do, but I already played with the dosage and that didn't seem to help. Good luck :o

  9. I poured it in 4794 and I really thought the scent was nice. It wasn't blow your mind strong, but it was good. My tester thought it was great. I think this is nice for those that want a fall scent that is not quite so strong. I figured in my containers' I would add a bit more FO and see what I thought of it.

  10. YES!!! Now how absolutely cool is that. Just remember girls and boys we knew her when.....LOL. :bow: I am glad to see that is has been updated to the 4 out of 5. Very great advertising and as always I am impressed by the professionalism of your packaging. I had to laugh because they were actually reading your label and your directions. Now I just hope that lady that you wanted to carry your products realizes what kind of product you have. WTG!!!

  11. Would have to second, third or whatever...LOL Peaks Black Canyon. I love that scent. Is one of my all time favorites. I also really like Cool Water. I am not sure if any of the suppliers (I know Peak's and JS doesnt' have it) that you listed have it, but if they do, it is a wonderful scent. I get mine from Wixnwax....oops now you are might have to try a different supplier....I am the evil FO HO! :laugh2:

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